Friday, May 19, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Who Are the Three FBI Agents Having Security Clearance Revoked Over Jan 6?

Three FBI agents have had their security clearances revoked over their positions on the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, according to a letter to House Judiciary Committee chair Jim Jordan.

Jim Jordan's FBI Whistleblower Hearing Descends Into Chaos

"Each committee shall keep a complete record of all committee actions, which shall include, in the case of a meeting or hearing transcript, a substantially verbatim account of the remarks actually made during the proceedings subject only to some technical things," Democratic Representative Dan Goldman read out loud. "Such records should be the property of the House and each member delegate and the resident commissioner shall have access thereto."

Democrats had already cast doubt over the legitimacy of the witnesses before the hearing. In a March report, House Democrats said that two of the three witnesses had previously been paid by Trump adviser Kash Patel and "put forward a wide range of conspiracy theories" in the past.

הפוסק על החולדות בבני ברק: "חילול השם שכך נראים הרחובות"

עמוד ההוראה הגאון רבי יצחק זילברשטיין התייחס למגפת החולדות והעכברים בבני ברק, ותולה את הדבר בלכלוך וההזנחה בחצרות הבניינים | הרב מזהיר כי זה "חילול השם שכך נראים הרחובות" | ומה הפתרון שהרב מציע?

Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein referred to the plague of rats and mice in Bnei Brak, and blames it on the dirt and neglect in the courtyards of the buildings | The rabbi warns that it is "blasphemy that the streets look like this". And what is the solution that the rabbi offers?

Thousands march through Bnei Brak against Haredi ‘pillaging of the public coffers’

 Thousands march through Bnei Brak against Haredi ‘pillaging of the public coffers’

Thousands of anti-government demonstrators marched through the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak on Wednesday night to protest against the government’s plans to allocate large sums of money to the ultra-Orthodox community — a move that has drawn criticism from within the Finance Ministry for being unsustainable in the long term.

When older parents resist help or advice, use these tips to cope

“It’s hard when you see an older person making poor choices and decisions. But if that person is cognitively intact, you can’t force them to do what you think they should do,” said Anne Sansevero, president of the board of directors of the Aging Life Care Association, a national organization of care managers who work with older adults and their families. “They have a right to make choices for themselves.”

Republicans Pull Off Face-Saving Gambit to Keep George Santos in Congress

Republicans say they’re simply following “due process.” Democrats say they’re trying to do right by voters and Congress. And all the while, as the two sides bicker, indicted Rep. George Santos (R-NY) will remain in Congress.

After Republicans turned a long-shot motion to kick Santos out of Congress into a vote to refer the matter to the Ethics Committee, Democrats were quick to cry foul, complaining that Republicans were just using “due process” as an excuse to keep Santos in Congress indefinitely.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Health through Torah

 Rambam (Avoda Zara  11:12) A person who whispers an incantation over a wound and then recites a verse from the Torah, who recites a verse over a child so that he will not become scared, or who places a Torah scroll or tefillin over a baby so that it will sleep, is considered to be a soothsayer or one who cast spells. Furthermore, such people are included among those who deny the Torah, because they relate to the words of Torah as if they are cures for the body, when, in fact, they are cures for the soul, "It is, however, permitted for a healthy person to read verses from the Bible or chapters from Psalms so that the merit of reading them will protect him and save him from difficulties and injury.

Healing and faith in G-d

 Chovas HaLevavos (04:04) Regarding health and sickness. A man is placed under a duty to trust in the Creator in this, while working on maintaining his health according to the means whose nature promotes this, and to fight sickness according to the customary ways, as the Creator commanded "and he shall surely heal him". All of this, without trusting in the means of health or illness that they could help or hurt without the permission of the Creator. And when one puts his trust in the Creator, He will heal him with or without a means, as written "He sends His word and heals them It is even possible that He will heal him through something that is normally very harmful, as you know from the story of Elisha and the bad water, that he healed their damaging properties with salt 

Josh Hawley and the ‘left-wing attack on manhood’

Hawley goes on to say that because men have been so badly treated – he calls it “the deconstruction of American men” – they’ve started to misbehave and suffer. “Can we be surprised,” he asked in that same speech, “that after years of being told … that their manhood is the problem, more and more men are withdrawing into the enclave of idleness and pornography and video games?”

So what’s the connection to porn, as Mike Allen asked him on “Axios on HBO” on Sunday?

Answer: “You’ve got 16 million men … who are idle, who don’t have anything to do. Now, partly that’s their own responsibility, but also partly it’s because jobs have dried up.”

Another leftist plot, like Covid.

Manhood review: Josh Hawley, moraliser, neo-Confederate and Tucker Carlson of the US Senate

Josh Hawley is a neo-Confederate at war with modernity. A Republican senator from Missouri, he opposed renaming military bases honoring rebel generals and was the sole vote against a bill to crack down on anti-Asian hate crime. After the supreme court ruled that federal law protects employees against discrimination based on sexual orientation, Hawley bemoaned “the end of the conservative legal movement”. That the decision was written by Neil Gorsuch, an arch-conservative, was irrelevant.

Josh Hawley Needs to Learn a Thing or Two About ‘Manhood’

Real family values are about providing a healthy alternative to the toxic masculinity Hawley is offering. The disconnect between men and the economy or society isn’t happening because men are failing to achieve some weird idea of what it means to be a man. The core of this crisis is the fact that men without a college degree have seen their relative earnings fall by 30 percent since 1980.

Yad Yisroel English index to Mishna Berura soon available

 My English index to Mishna Berura has been unavailable for a long time

I will be publishing it again through Amazon in a few days

Russia redux: Trump hails Durham report, media call it a nothing-burger

Trump is by far the leading candidate for the Republican nomination. Any time he’s asked about Russia in a debate or other forum – or even if he’s not asked – he’ll say the investigation was utterly discredited by John Durham. For him and his supporters, that’s case closed.