Monday, May 1, 2023

Idolatry - ridicule

 Rabbeinu Bachya (Devarim 07:12) “you shall surely abominate it.” The verse teaches that we must relate to idolatry with a very negative and disdainful attitude and when for some reason speaking about it always make plain how we detest it. We are not to refer to houses of pagan worship by the names they are usually referred to but by some name which belittles them, downgrades them.. We have a principle that unbecoming speech is forbidden unless such epithets are reserved for idolatry and places where such idolatry is 

Religious families cannot get priority in adoption of non-Jewish children, High Court rules

After 20 years of legal dispute, non-Jewish children in the Israeli child services system will no longer be prioritized for Orthodox Jewish families over non-Orthodox families, so that they can undergo Orthodox conversion, the High Court of Justice ruled on Sunday.

Non-Orthodox families will be more able to adopt non-Jewish children, as adoption standards will be on a case-by-case basis “in the best interest of the child,” said the court. The state agreed to the new standard.

“The child’s best interests include their concrete needs, past, characteristics and difficulties,” read the statement.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

How Joseph Dispenza Seduced America With Pseudoscience

“He’s interspersing science with new age spirituality and using a lot of terms very loosely,” Van Dam said. “He’s also extrapolating scientific research well beyond things to which it can speak.”

“And that’s part of the appeal to the public,’ he added. “It sounds like it’s science, it sounds like scientific evidence, but it’s not.”

Raw vegetables are unhealthy

 Pesachim (42a) Three things increase one’s waste, lower one’s stature, and take one five-hundredth of a person’s vision if he eats them regularly. And they are: Bread from coarse flour, new beer, and raw vegetables.

Large Strides and Loss of Vision

            R. Kook provides an answer to the question that coheres with his broader reading of our passage.  For R. Kook, large steps convey impatience with the process and the means to an end, while rushing toward conclusions and results.  From this perspective, pesiah gasa (taking large steps) is problematic even when chasing a worthy goal.  Someone with a deeper understanding appreciates the value of the process and avoids a frenzied attempt to finish early.  In fact, according to this more profound perspective, one does not rest content at any finish line, since each achievement is the springboard for the next journey. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a powerful message for those who have gone down a path of hate.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

March of the Million' shatters claim nation opposes judicial reform

The "March of the Million" near the Knesset in Jerusalem on Thursday evening may not have hit its target (organizers say 600,000 attended; police say 200,000), but it succeeded in putting to bed Opposition claims that Israelis are united against judicial reform. It also provided much-needed backing to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's beleaguered government.

Evolution - Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky

 אמת ליעקב פרשת קדושים

(ג) איש אמו ואביו תיראו ואת שבתותי תשמרו.

נראה לבאר הקשר בין שני ענינים אלה, דבאמת המאמין בקדמות העולם - וכמו שמאמינים אומות העולם ורשעי ישראל שבמשך הזמן נתפתח האדם מכל מיני קופים ושאר חיות וכדומה - בהכרח שסובר שכל מה שהדורות מתרחקים מהזמן הקדמון יותר הם מפותחים ויותר הם חשובים, ולכן אדרבה - הם סוברים שהדור הזקן חייב לכבד את הדור הצעיר, אבל אנו שמאמינים שהאדם הוא יציר כפיו של הקדוש ברוך הוא וככל שמתרחקים הדורות יותר אנו מתרחקים מההשפעה האלקית ומגדלותו יתברך, בודאי השומה עלינו לכבד את הדור הקודם, שהרי הם חשובים וגדולים יותר ממנו, ולכן כשבאה התורה להזהיר על "איש אמו ואביו תיראו", הוצרכה לחזור ולשנות גם את פרשת "ואת שבתותי תשמרו", דהרי השבת הוא הזכר והאות לחידוש העולם על ידי הקדוש ברוך הוא בששת מעשה בראשית, ודו"ק.

בענין זה אזכיר מה ששמעתי מהגר"א וואסרמן זצ"ל: שאילו ראה דארווין את החפץ חיים לא היה אומר שהאדם נתפתח מקופים וכדומה, אלא שהוא ראה רק אנשים כמוהו ולכן בא לידי טעות, ודו"ק.

Trump's Attorney Just Blew Carroll Rape Case: Top Sexual Assault Lawyer

Donald Trump's lawyer Joe Tacopina "threw" the former president's chances of emerging triumphant from the ongoing New York rape trial "out the window" during the cross-examination of plaintiff E. Jean Carroll on Thursday, Michigan attorney Jamie White has told Newsweek.

"The cross-examination of Ms Carroll was the most tone-deaf and shameless cross-examination I have ever seen," White, best known for his work with sexual assault victims, said. "His insinuations were credibly rebuffed by Ms. Carroll. If Mr. Trump had a prayer of coming out on top, his attorney threw it out the window yesterday."

White has successfully worked on several cases calling for justice for victims of sexual assault. Most famously, he represented the members of the U.S. Gymnastics team who were assaulted by former coach Larry Nasser,

Friday, April 28, 2023

Organizers estimate 600,000 at pro-government demonstration in Jerusalem

An enormous rally with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators called the 'Million March,' was held in front of the Knesset this evening (Thursday) in support of the government's planned judicial reforms.

Over 1,000 buses are bringing citizens from all over the country to participate in the demonstration.

Police said that crowds at the demonstration at first reached 200,000 people.Later, as more and more people arrived, and it was almost impossible to get through the crowds that poured in, filling all the streets around the Knesset, the organizers estimated close to 600,000 people.

New Audio Shows Ted Cruz Scheming to Steal 2020 Election

According to the files, Cruz reportedly tried to sell his plan to Fox host and Trump ally Maria Bartiromo on Jan. 2—four days before the Capitol riot—pitching a scheme to overthrow the 2020 election by blocking the certification of Joe Biden’s win on Jan. 6, then establishing a commission to investigate the nonexistent claims of fraud which would ultimately “decide” who to inaugurate.

Audio bombshell: Hear Ted Cruz on tape plotting before Jan. 6

New ‘Cruz Tapes’ show plot to steal election for Trump: Melber breakdown

Republicans plotted to steal election for Trump