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שום תשים עליך מלך אשר יבחר ה' אלהיך בו מקרב אחיך תשים עליך מלך וגו', .... הגם שאדם ילמוד כל התורה וילמוד כל ספרי קודש ודברי חז"ל אינו מועיל לו לתשובה שלימה ולהסיר ממנו כל המסכים המבדילים אם אינו מתדבק לצדיקי הדור וקדושי ה'. וכן שמעתי מאדמו"ר איש אלהים מורינו אלימלך זצוק"ל כי בחר לו צדיק אחד בדור שהיה לו רבו. ואת מי יבחור לרבו אלופו ומיודעו כשיראה צדיק שהנהגותיו ביציאתו ובביאתו הוא מתנהג על פי התורה הקדושה ואינו מיקל כלום חלילה הן בדאורייתא והן בדרבנן, ובתוך לבו הוא יקד יקוד אש ביחודים ומחשבתו ניכר מתוך מעשיו זה יבחור לו לרבי:
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Tshuva possible only with help of tzadik hador
Thursday, September 9, 2021
After 9/11, the U.S. Got Almost Everything Wrong
A mission to rid the world of “terror” and “evil” led America in tragic directions.
At the time, some commentators politely noted the danger of tilting at such nebulous concepts, but a stunned American public appeared to crave a bold response imbued with a higher purpose. As the journalist Robert Draper writes in To Start a War, his new history of the Bush administration’s lies, obfuscations, and self-delusions that led from Afghanistan into Iraq, “In the after-shocks of 9/11, a reeling America found itself steadied by blunt-talking alpha males whose unflappable, crinkly-eyed certitude seemed the only antidote to nationwide panic.”
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
When was Adam created?
The Zohar (1 37a) is the source that says on Rosh HaShanna.
R. Judah said: ‘Cain rose up against Abel and killed him because he inherited his nature from the side of Samael, who brought death into the world. He was jealous of Abel on account of his female, as indicated by the words, “and it came to pass when they were in the field”, the word “field” signifying woman.’ On R. Hiya objecting that, according to the text, Cain was wroth because his offering was not accepted, R. Judah answered that this was a further reason. R. Judah further expounded the words, “If thou doest well, shall there not be an uplifting?” ‘The word “uplifting”,’ he said, ‘means the dignity which is due to a first-born, provided his actions warrant it. In the next clause, “If thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door”, this dooris the door on high from which issue the chastisements for evil deeds in this world. The “sin” which couches at that door is the angel of death, who is ready to punish thee. The word “door” (petah, lit. opening) further contains an allusion to the New Year, the day of judgement, on which Adam was born.
But that makes the first day of creation on the 25 of Elul.The Gemora Rosh HaShanna brings two views of creation Tishrei and Nisan. According to Rabbi Eliezer the first of Tishrei is the first day of creation and that means the 6th of Tishrei is when man was created.
Rosh HaShanna (10b) Rabbi Eliezer says: In Tishrei the world was created; in Tishrei the Patriarchs were born; in Tishrei the Patriarchs died; on Passover Isaac was born; on Rosh HaShana Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were remembered by God and conceived; on Rosh HaShana Joseph came out from prison;
So who says Rosh HaShanna is when man was created? It is argued that the reason Rosh HaShanna is the day of judgement is either because man was created or man was first judged
Monday, September 6, 2021
Leading Rabbi Deals Big Blow To Agunah Court
“From start to finish, this is a mistake,” Rabbi Schachter wrote in a
three-paragraph letter, posted on an anonymously sponsored Torah
website. The letter, written in Hebrew, says that only “great scholars
of the generation” should be dealing with these sensitive matters. Rabbi
Gedalia Dov Schwartz, head of the Beit Din of America, (the largest
rabbinical court), and three other prominent rabbis also signed the
Rav Herschel Schacter: A ridiculous heter/ Freeing agunah by mekach taus
It is important to keep in mind that Rav Moshe Feinstein clearly states that the negative condition must be preexisting and so severe that no reasonable person would tolerate it - and the spouse must leave immediately upon discovering it. In addition a psak of mekach taus based entirely upon negative reports from the wife - without the husband being directly evaulated by a neutral expert therapist - is clearly invalid and indicative of biased poskim.
Making a Farce of the Halacha
Enoch was judged on Rosh HaShanna
Bereishis Rabbah (25:1). AND ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD, AND HE WAS NOT; FOR GOD TOOK HIM (V, 24). R. Hama b. R. Hoshaya said: AND HE WAS NOT means that he was not inscribed in the roll of the righteous but in the roll of the wicked. R. Aibu said: Enoch was a hypocrite, acting sometimes as a righteous, sometimes as a wicked man. Therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, said: While he is righteous I will remove him.’ R. Aibu also said: He judged [i.e. condemned] him on New Year, when he judges the whole world. Some sectarians3 asked R. Abbahu: ‘We do not find that Enoch died?’ ‘How so?’ inquired he. ‘"Taking" is employed here, and also in connection with Elijah,’ said they. ‘If you stress the word "taking",’ he answered, ‘then "taking" is employed here, while in Ezekiel it is said, Behold, I take away from thee the desire of thine eyes,’ etc. (Ezek. XXlV, 16). R. Tanhuma observed: He answered them well. A matron asked R. Jose: ' We do not find death stated of Enoch?’ Said he to her: ‘If it said, AND ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD, and no more, I would agree with you. Since, however, it says, AND HE WAS NOT, FOR GOD TOOK HIM, it means that he was no more in the world, [having died,] FOR GOD TOOK HIM.’
e Judaica
Enoch was among the nine righteous men who entered paradise without suffering the pangs of death (DEZ 1, end). "He ascended to heaven on God's command, and was given the name *Metatron the Great Scribe" (Targ. Yer. to Gen. 5:4). During his lifetime Enoch was the guardian of the "secret of intercalation" and of the "miraculous rod" with which Moses later performed the miracles in Egypt (PdRE 7:40). He is the central figure in some late Midrashim, such as Sefer Ḥanokh and Ḥayyei Ḥanokh (which are related to the legends found in the various pseudepigraphic Books of Enoch and other apocryphic works). Enoch lived in a secret place as a hidden righteous man and was called by an angel to leave his retreat to go to teach men to walk in the ways of God. He taught for 243 years, during which peace and prosperity reigned in the world. He made a powerful impression on all he taught, including kings and princes, and they acclaimed him as their king. As a reward for instructing mankind, God resolved to install him as king over the angels in heaven too. He ascended to heaven in a fiery chariot drawn by fiery chargers. When Enoch arrived in heaven the angels exclaimed: "How comes a man born of a woman amid the fire-consuming angels?" To which God replied: "Be not offended, for all mankind denied Me and My dominion and paid homage to the idols; I therefore transferred the Shekhinah ['Divine Presence'] from earth to heaven, and this man Enoch is the elect of men." God arrayed him in a magnificent garment and a luminous crown, opened to him all the gates of wisdom, gave him the name "Metatron," prince and chief of all heavenly hosts, transformed his body into a flame, and engirdled him by storm, whirlwind, and thundering (Sefer ha-Yashar to Genesis, p. 11a–13a). Notwithstanding these legends, third-century Palestinian rabbis deny the miraculous translation of Enoch, and state that he vacillated all his life between righteousness and sinfulness, whereupon God removed him from the world before he relapsed again into sin (Gen. R. 25:1). This derogatory evaluation of Enoch was, at least in part, a reaction against the use made by Christians of the legend of Enoch's ascension to heaven.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Florida Grapples With COVID-19's Deadliest Phase Yet
Gov. Ron DeSantis has strongly opposed certain mandatory measures to keep the virus in check, saying people should be trusted to make decisions for themselves. He has asserted, too, that the spike in cases is seasonal as Floridians spend more time indoors to escape the heat.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Texas abortion law: The implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling
Just because the court declined to pass judgement on the merits of the Texas law doesn't mean the court's ruling won't have an immediate knock-on effect. Texas appears to have found a way around quick judicial review of constitutionally questionable laws.
The state law outsources enforcement of the abortion ban to private citizens, who can file lawsuits against abortion providers and individuals who "aid and abet" the procedure - collecting $10,000 (£7,230) in damages for each case they win. With no government official or entity enforcing the ban, the Supreme Court majority held, there's no one for opponents of the law to sue until those private cases start showing up in court.
The tactic doesn't have to be limited to abortion, either. One can imagine liberal states passing legislation allowing citizen enforcement of handgun bans, global warming regulations or vaccine mandates.
‘It’s Time to Get Out’: Why Jews Are Fleeing South Africa for Israel
In the first eight months of 2021, 350 South African Jews moved to Israel – more than the total number for 2020. At the current pace, Jewish Agency officials estimate that more than 500 will arrive by the year’s end. That would be the largest number in any given year since the fall of the apartheid regime. It would be surpassed only by the aliyah waves that followed the 1967 Six-Day War and the Soweto riots of the mid-1970s.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Number of ultra-Orthodox With COVID on the Rise, and Most Are Under 18
The number of confirmed COVID cases in Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community has surged over the past few weeks following the reopening of schools and other educational institutions, and are now far exceeding national rates.
According to Health Ministry figures obtained by Haaretz, some 20 percent of all those diagnosed with COVID in Israel on Tuesday are ultra-Orthodox; that figure was just 10 percent three weeks ago, and five percent just one month ago.
More than 1,000 ‘Rabbis for Repro’ work for abortion rights. Their fight just got tougher.
Some Jews, mostly Orthodox, oppose abortion, and have been active in the movement to overturn Roe. But Ruttenberg said that Orthodox Jews are represented in Rabbis for Repro. That subgroup includes Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, a popular writer and motivational speaker, and several Orthodox women who have been ordained and use the titles maharat or rabba.
Orthodox theology does not assign a fetus the status of a person, as do many Christians opposed to abortion, Rabbi Avi Shafran, a spokesman for Agudath Israel of America, a leading Orthodox group, told the Forward in 2019. And abortion is permitted in Orthodoxy to save the life of the mother and sometimes for other medical complications with permission from one’s rabbi.