Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Rabbi Gestetner's Refutation of the Lies of Jacobson & Kahan Explained Part1

Health minister to remove blood donation restrictions from gay men


While gay men usually see higher rates of infection from HIV and AIDS due to HIV’s higher transmission rates through anal sex – a statistic which initially led the ban to go into effect in the early 1980s – their rates have been dropping consistently over recent years.
This drop in cases is coupled with a drop in the disease’s severity. Due to improving medications, HIV was redefined in 2015 from being considered a fatal illness to being considered a treatable, chronic disease.

Rabbi Weintraub on sexuality in marriage


Rabbi Dov Lipman ousted from World Confederation of United Zionists


The World Confederation of United Zionists, one of several groupings within the World Zionist Organization, let go of its secretary-general, American-born Rabbi Dov Lipman, citing his dispute with two women who say he sexually harassed them.


Israel drops indoor mask requirement Tuesday, as daily cases near zero


The Health Ministry announced that from Tuesday the requirement for masks to be worn indoors will be lifted, marking the end of one of the only major coronavirus restrictions remaining in Israel.

The Ministry said there were three exceptions. Workers or guests who have not been vaccinated or recovered at welfare institutions, long-term care facilities or homes for the elderly, individuals en route to quarantine, and travelers on a flight.


Mansour Abbas: We will demand to address the 'historical injustice'


"I have therefore stated several times in the past that the coalition agreement, although it includes key and burning issues for our society and unprecedented achievements and budgets, is the starting point and not the end point, and therefore we must continue to work to achieve all our society's demands and address the historical injustice that has been our lot for years due to discrimination, based on a clear vision and long-term strategy," Abbas explained.


Naftali Bennett’s Broken Promises and the Betrayal of the Right


 Those words are now hauntingly prophetic. Naftali Bennett of June 2021 seems to have not only betrayed many of his right-wing voters, but also his own words and right-wing principles…

Monday, June 14, 2021

Bennett tweets photo of prayer with tefillin, quotes from priestly blessing


Meanwhile, Prime Minister-designate Naftali Bennett tweets a photo of himself praying with tefillin ahead of his expected swearing-in as prime minister. We assume the photo is from today.


He ‘won the lottery’ of Israeli politics. But Naftali Bennett remains an enigma


 Bennett still wears a small yarmulke, or skullcap — in Israel, normally a signifier of devout Orthodox Judaism — which clings to his bald pate in a precarious manner that even admirers sometimes lightly mock. But his degree of religious observance is sometimes described by Israeli observers as “modern Orthodox lite.” His wife, Gilat, a high-end pastry chef, is reported to be secular but a keeper of the Sabbath.


The Big Eyes and the Small Kippah


We saw that this past week. We saw how he was even willing to sell out the very public who voted for him. His voters, virtually all right-wing, even more right than the Likud, relied on him as a heretofore unabashed representative of the right, of not selling out to those leftists who want to make “peace” with the Palestinians at any cost, not selling out to Lieberman who wants a completely secular country, and not including unreliable Arab parties who might be closet members of the Muslim Brotherhood. He repeatedly promised that he wouldn’t during the previous election…but he did! He sold out.

Why? Ambition trumps all. As Rav Ovadiah prophetically saw, “his eyes are bigger than his kippah.”



'For about two years I didn't wear a kippah'


Bennett corrected Dayan's assertion that he experienced a crisis of faith. "I never felt like I was having a crisis - I simply removed my kippa," Bennett asserted.

Bennett said that he returned to religion after witnessing the anti-religious sentiment that was rife in Israel after Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was killed in 1995 by an Orthodox Jew. "I was already a Company Commander when Rabin was assassinated, an admired commander I would say," he recalled. "There was a very difficult period after the murder. It was as if the entire religious world was blamed for it."


Antagonism during Bennet speech ugly preview of things to come - analysis


By the way, that is not something new. The last Netanyahu-Gantz government was also pilloried when presented to the Knesset last May, and Lapid – then head of the opposition – said that government was born in sin and vowed to bring it down as swiftly as possible.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

In speech before swearing-in, Ra’am leader vows to ‘reclaim expropriated lands’


Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas, whose support provided the key backing needed for the incoming change government’s majority, vowed to reclaim land in Israel that was “expropriated” from Arab Israelis.

“We will reclaim the lands that were expropriated from our people, this is a national cause of the first degree,” Abbas said in Arabic in his speech before the Knesset plenum Sunday evening.

Switching to Hebrew for the end his speech, Abbas noted that “we come from different nations, different religions, and different sectors. There is one thing that connects all citizens of Israel and that is citizenship.”

 The coalition deal signed between Ra’am and Yesh Atid includes the formal recognition of three Bedouin communities in the South, as well as extending the freeze of the Kaminitz Law — which cracks down on on illegal construction — until the end of 2024.

Israel's new prime minister is sworn in, ending Netanyahu's 12-year grip on power


 After touting his accomplishments throughout his years in office, Netanyahu assailed his rivals.

"You call yourself the guardians of democracy, but you are so afraid of democracy that you are ready to pass fascist laws against my candidacy -- the language of North Korea and Iran -- in order to maintain your regime," he said, referring to speculation that the new government would impose term limits or make it illegal for someone who has been indicted to be Prime Minister.
Warning that the new government would not stand up to Iran, Netanyahu warned his internal rivals and outside enemies, "We'll be back soon."