Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump's Tulsa rally was a flop

President Donald Trump couldn't wait. His presidency is nosediving, with bad news erupting all around him. His answer was Tulsa, a campaign rally in blood-red Oklahoma, the state he won by a crushing 36 points in 2016.
But Tulsa did not deliver. The event that was supposed to trumpet his return to greatness -- and the country's return to normalcy -- instead brought embarrassing scenes of empty bleachers, a dismantled stage and a familiar speech unsuccessfully trying to reignite public fears.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump Is Not Credible on Virus Death Tolls

President Donald Trump is claiming a low death rate from the coronavirus pandemic in the United States.

Top NYC Prosecutor, Who Led Investigation of Trump Allies, Resigns After Feud With Justice Department

The Trump administration on Saturday fired the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, escalating tensions with the high-profile office that has overseen numerous investigations into President Donald Trump’s allies. Attorney General William Barr said Trump personally issued the order; the president denied he was involved.
The extraordinary clash between the White House and U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman fueled new accusations of political interference in the Justice Department, particularly given that Berman’s office is engaged in an ongoing investigation into Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.
Barr set off a whirlwind chain events on Friday night with a surprise announcement that Berman was resigning.

Bill Barr fires U.S. Attorney Berman. Bolton's book reveals why.

Fact check: Trump's Tulsa rally littered with familiar false claims

 In his first rally in more than three months, President Donald Trump repeated a bunch of false claims he has made before. Trump's return to the rally circuit, in a Tulsa, Oklahoma, arena that was not full, featured familiar inaccurate accusations about Democratic opponent Joe Biden, about his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, about health care and a variety of other subjects.
In a speech that lasted for more than an hour and forty minutes, Trump also called for the burning of the US flag to be illegal, claimed victory over a recent loss in the Supreme Court, and spent 10 minutes on a story about walking down a ramp.
Here's a look at what Trump got wrong.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman Fired By Trump, William Barr Says In Letter

 In his letter, Barr told Berman that he was "was surprised and quite disappointed by the press statement you released last night" and that he hoped for the attorney's "cooperation to facilitate a smooth transition" for the new appointee to the post, Jay Clayton, the current Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
"Unfortunately, with your statement of last night, you have chosen public spectacle over public service. Because you have declared that you have no intention of resigning, I have asked the President to remove you as of today, and he has done so," Barr stated in his letter, adding that Deputy U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss would become the acting U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York until a permanent successor is named.

Graham says he won't advance Trump nominee for SDNY prosecutor without Schumer, Gillibrand consent

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Saturday he will not take up President Trump's nomination for a new U.S. attorney for Manhattan unless New York's Democratic senators sign off.
Graham, a Republican from South Carolina who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he will honor the "blue slip" tradition and require the consent of home state senators to proceed -- in this case, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand.

AG Barr says Trump has fired SDNY federal prosecutor who refused to leave; president says he's 'not involved'

Trump, however, distanced himself from Berman's ouster Saturday as he left the White House for Tulsa, Okla., and said it was Barr's call.
"That's all up to the Attorney General," Trump said when asked about Berman's firing. "Attorney General Barr is working on that. That's his department, not my department."
"We have a very capable Attorney General so that's really up to him," Trump said before leaving for his first rally since March. "I'm not involved."

Drain the swamp! - Geoffrey Berman: Trump fires top US prosecutor who refused to quit

Geoffrey Berman, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said on Friday that he had learned he was "stepping down" in a press release.
Mr Berman insisted he would stay in post and continue his investigations.
On Saturday, Mr Barr told him that he had asked the president to remove him immediately, and that he had done so.

The situation was made more complicated by the fact that Berman was never formally nominated for his position by Trump and instead appointed by a federal court. Berman argued that as a result, federal law allows for him to stay on the job until a presidential nominee is confirmed by the Senate. Earlier Saturday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, a close Trump ally and chair of the Senate Judiciary committee, suggested he would not rubber-stamp a new nominee.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

“He’s the Chosen One to Run America”: Inside the Cult of Trump, His Rallies Are Church and He Is the Gospel

In Trump’s case, divine backing is more about smiting than healing. When Rep. Elijah Cummings died last October shortly after sparring with Trump about Baltimore, Peterson declared on his radio show, “He dead”—like Trump enemies John McCain and Charles Krauthammer, Peterson noted. “That’s what happens when you mess with the Great White Hope. Don’t mess with God’s children.”


‘Magically Protected’: Why Hardcore Trump Supporters Won’t Wear Masks At Rally | All In | MSNBC

As Justice Department Claims U.S. Attorney Investigating Trump Allies Is 'Stepping Down,' Attorney Refuses to Leave His Post

A Republican who contributed to the president’s election campaign, Berman worked for the same law firm as Giuliani and was put in his job by the Trump administration. But as U.S. attorney, he won over some skeptics after he went after Trump allies, and had a direct hand in other investigations that have angered the president.


Attempt to fire powerful NY prosecutor appears to be latest move to protect Trump

The Trump administration's attempt to oust one of America's most powerful prosecutors raises fresh and glaring suspicions about its assault on the independence of the justice system and its respect for the rule of law that underpins constitutional governance.
Attorney General William Barr's declaration he replaced Geoffrey Berman of the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York renewed the debate over the extent to which Barr is acting on President Donald Trump's interests rather than the nation's. The office of Berman, who is refusing to quit, is leading a probe into Trump's lawyer Rudolph Giuliani and associates and has also indicted a Turkish state-owned firm involved in an Iran sanctions-busting case which Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has raised with Trump. 
An already massive confrontation exploded further when Berman, in a stunning move, issued his own late-night statement rebuking Barr over his decision to oust him and refusing to go, arguing that since he was technically appointed by a panel of judges on an acting basis in 2018, Barr has no power to force him out and that he would continue to serve.

Federal judge denies Trump administration's attempt to block release of Bolton's book

 A federal judge has denied the Trump administration's attempt to block the upcoming publication of a book by former national security adviser John Bolton.
Judge Royce Lamberth of the DC District Court wrote in a 10-page decision Saturday morning that the Justice Department's arguments weren't enough to stop the book's release. He cited how the book, which is scheduled to be released Tuesday, had already been widely distributed, and could easily be distributed further on the internet, even if the court said it could not be.