Monday, May 24, 2021

Only 60% of Israelis think Yigal Amir murdered Rabin — poll

 The case against Amir was clear-cut. He was caught on video raising a gun to Rabin. He calmly confessed to the police, re-enacted the crime for them, and never recanted his testimony. 

 Fringe conspiracy theories have emerged over the years positing a number of possibilities other than Amir being the assassin. The theories rely on some purportedly ambiguous facts surrounding the night of the murder: claims that the bullets were blanks, witnesses who say they didn’t see blood at the scene, an abnormally long drive to a very near-by hospital. 

Both the court that convicted Amir and the subsequent Shamgar Commission, established to investigate the chain of events leading up to the assassination, rejected the conspiracy claims, and concluded that Amir was guilty of murder.

Yitzhak Rabin assassination conspiracy theories

Criticisms of the conspiracy theories

There are three types of criticisms of the conspiracy theories. The most common type refutes and relativizes claims made in the conspiracy theories or by the conspiracy theorists [1][24] and points out that the theories are detached from Israeli political culture, social relations and historic events. This criticism is not necessarily politically "coloured" and may refer to both the right wing and left wing conspiracy theories. The other criticism focuses entirely on the more common, right wing theories.

A second, mostly Israeli left-wing criticism, attacks the very existence of such theories as a denial of what they consider to be right wing "responsibility" for the murder.[citation needed] This "responsibility" for the murder would have been by creating an extreme hostile environment to the late Prime Minister, in which Yigal Amir and his immediate accomplices Hagai Amir and Dror Adani were just a small group of the actors.

A third type of criticism, by right-wing activists, claims that the mostly Israeli right-wing conspiracy supporters embarrass the Israeli right by supporting fringe theories for which no proof exists. The conspiracy theorists, according to this criticism, move the debate away from the responsibility of what they call the "perpetrators of the Oslo crimes". These right-wing critics conclude that the right-wing conspiracy theorists serve the goals of the Israeli left.[25]



Rep. Greene Roundly Criticized for Comparing House Mask Policy to Holocaust


The clip of Greene’s comparison to the Holocaust went viral on social media, and many were quick to criticize the lawmaker, including some fellow Republicans. “Evil lunacy,” tweeted Rep. Liz Cheney alongside a clip of Greene’s remarks. “It’s a grotesque idiocy mixed with a neurotic lack of self awareness,” tweeted former Rep. Denver Riggleman, a Republican from Virginia. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois, summarized his feelings in two words: “Absolute sickness.” Democrats also joined in on the criticism, and several were quick to point out that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has not said anything about Greene’s words. Rep. Jim McGovern, a Democrat from Massachusetts, called Greene a “deeply troubled person” and said she should “apologize & resign.”

Rep. Meijer blasts Greene's Holocaust comment

 Rep. Peter Meijer on Sunday called Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s remarks comparing the House’s coronavirus mask restrictions to what the Jewish people suffered during the Holocaust “beyond comprehensible.”

Appearing on CNN’s "State of the Union," the Michigan Republican lambasted Greene’s comments on Real America’s Voice network’s “The Water Cooler with David Brody,” where she likened the requirement of masks to the yellow Star of David that Jewish people were ordered to wear in Nazi Germany.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Trump Cornered? Feds Trying To Flip Trump Org. Exec In Criminal Probe


End of Sotah - Ency Judaica

 Ordeal Annulled.

This rabbinical interpretation of the law relating to the ordeal practically annulled it, and it soon fell into disuse. During the Roman invasion of Palestine, and the last days of the commonwealth, the Sanhedrin, under the presidency of Johanan ben Zakkai, abolished the ordeal entirely; as the Mishnah states, "when adulterers became numerous, the 'ordeal of the bitter waters' ceased, and it was R. Johanan ben Zakkai who abolished it; as it is written (Hosea, iv. 14), 'I will not punish your daughters, when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses, when they commit adultery; for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots'" (Soṭah, ix. 9). For it appears that under the Roman régime, immorality spread among the people, the judges became corrupt, the springs of justice were defiled, and general demoralization resulted (Graetz, "History of the Jews," ii. 237, 238). Probably for this very reason Queen Helena of Adiabene, the illustrious and munificent proselyte to Judaism, favored the ordeal; for she presented a golden tablet to the Temple with the chapter from the Law engraved on it, to be used for the rite of the ordeal (Tosef., Yoma, ii. 3; Mishnah Yoma, iii. 10; Gem. ib. 37b). But even if it had not been abolished, the rite would have sunk into abeyance with the fall of the Temple, because, according to the Law, the ceremony could not be performed elsewhere.

The Secret War Agains the Jews

 A hugely controversial work that exposes a series of scandals from Oliver North to the British royal family,The Secret War Against the Jews reveals as much about political corruption inside Western intelligence as it does about Israel. Using thousands of previously top-secret documents and interviews with hundreds of current and former spies, Loftus and Aarons, both veteran investigators, Nazi-hunters, and authors, present a compelling narrative. The authors demonstrate that numerous Western countries, especially the United States and Great Britain, have conducted repeated and willful spying missions on Palestine and later Israel over many decades. While on the surface these two countries and others profess to be ardent allies of Israel, they work, in fact, through their intelligence services to betray Israel's secrets to the Arabs. Their motive: oil and multinational profits, which must be attained at any price through international covert policies. The pageant of characters appearing in this narrative is vast and shocking. This is not only a compelling work of history, but also a volume whose grave allegations will be debated for years to com

John Loftus (author)

 The Office of Special Investigations historian David Marwell described Loftus' book The Belarus Secret as "the worst kind of amateur history."[6] Vital Zayka, a fellow of the Center for Jewish History in New York City, accused Loftus of falsification.[7] The Israeli historian and Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff described the book as controversial and referred to Charles R. Allen Jr.'s review in Jewish Currents, in which Allen joined the active criticism of Loftus and named him a fraud and a liar.[8]



Conspiracy theories in the Arab world

 In early 2020, according to Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports, there have been numerous reports in the Arab press that accused the US and Israel of being behind the creation and spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic as part of an economic and psychological war against China. One report in the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan claimed that it was no coincidence that the coronavirus was absent from the US and Israel, despite the US having had at least 12 confirmed cases. The US and Israel have also been accused of creating and spreading other diseases, including Ebola, Zika, SARS, avian flu and swine flu, through anthrax and mad cow disease.[19]

Yitzhak Rabin assassination conspiracy theories

The matter has been reported as clear cut in the media, and the Shamgar national inquiry commission and the court all drew the same conclusion that Amir was guilty of murder. Nevertheless, some inconsistencies in the evidence have been alleged, both in the medical records and in the inquiry testimony. These allegations and other suspicions have been included in occasional left-wing, and more prevalent right-wing conspiracy theories.

Very Dangerous Anti-Covid-Vaccine Propaganda


Dear Friends:

I got this 70-page anti-vaccine manifesto in the mail yesterday, in a mailer from that Cedarhurst address.

I am not posting pages with the specific information so as not to give it any oxygen, but above is the table of contents, so you can see where this is all headed.

It is easy to dismiss this as the deranged nonsense that it is; but if past is prologue, many people in our community will refrain from taking the vaccine as a result of this disinformation campaign. (Remember the measles outbreak a while back?)

We need the disinfectant of sunlight to expose and warn the public about these very dangerous people.

Gut Shabbos/Shabbat Shalom

Yakov Horowitz

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Biden: Dems still support Israel, intercommunal fighting in Jerusalem must stop

 President Joe Biden on Friday said there has been no shift in his commitment to Israel’s security, but insisted a two-state solution that includes a state for Palestinians remains “the only answer” to that conflict.

Biden spoke at a White House news conference on the first full day of a ceasefire after 11 days of Israeli-Hamas fighting.

Biden, speaking at the end of a visit by the president of South Korea, also played down the idea that the newly ended fighting had opened a rift among Democrats, as scores of Democrats split with Biden’s “quiet diplomacy” with ally Israel to publicly demand a ceasefire.

FBI reopens case of 1973 assassination of Israeli diplomat

 The Jackal claimed that it was not Palestinian terrorists but rather US Vietnam vets who assassinated Alon at the behest of a Syrian member of Black September — the group responsible for the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics. 

 In “Chasing Shadows,” a book about the assassination, Fred Burton wrote that Alon was murdered by a terrorist from the Black September group who was ultimately killed by the Mossad in 2011, though Casey, the FBI agent, said that was never verified.


The 44-year-old unsolved murder of an Israeli official on American soil

 A secret FBI document from 1977 said the murderers were two Arab students who entered the US from Canada with either Lebanese or Cypriot passports, and were supported by friends and sympathizers who sheltered and supplied them with a car and guns.

In another top-secret document, the CIA wrote that “most probably” a Fatah-Black September cell (an organ of Yasser Arafat’s PLO) was responsible for the attack. Nevertheless, the investigation reached a dead end, and the file was closed in 1978.
 Against this background, the Alon sisters began to develop a strong belief in conspiracy theories, which were further fed by Israeli Liora Amir-Barmatz, a television director at Channel 1. She produced a documentary called “Who Killed Daddy?” which aired a few years ago.
 The film provided not one iota of evidence to verify the crackpot theory, but those skeptical of it were excluded from expressing their arguments. I was interviewed by the director for nearly three hours; Amir-Barmatz used a 15-second clip.
 Unfortunately, the Alon sisters stick to their obsessive belief – like those who continue to toss around wild theories about JFK’s assassination. They won’t abandon their conspiracy theory that their father was murdered on orders from the US and Israeli security services.