Monday, January 13, 2025

Russia Draws Parallels Between Trump's Greenland Bid and Ukraine Annexation

On Thursday, Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin's press secretary, responded to Trump's desire for the U.S. to acquire the island, which is strategically located in the Arctic Circle and has a population of about 56,000. It is also rich in natural resources.

The Kremlin spokesperson told reporters that Russia was "watching this rather dramatic development of the situation very closely" and suggested that the U.S. president-elect should take into account the opinions of those in Greenland, as Russia did for the residents of the "four new regions of the Russian Federation."

Peskov was referring to the illegal annexations of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.

Moscow held referendums on the annexations in the occupied territories, which Ukraine and Western nations deemed illegal—with the U.S. calling them a sham.


  1. It's a defensive proposal against the Russian expansionism

    1. Actually it sends a clear message that expansionism is ok you want Ukraine take it Canada Taiwan Nepal take it,
      How is this good but what Russia does is bad?

    2. it is to defend Canada, and protect Greenland before Putin decides to take it

    3. The US is concerned about its northern flank. Canada is a worthless ally. If China or Russia decide to expand into Canada's arctic territory, the US will have to stop them so they want better positioning to be ready.
      And Greenland is not analogous to Ukraine. It's not a highly populated, resource-rich country. It's a giant ice sheet with a few dozen people living at the edges of it.

    4. Wow Trump should follow Musk and take England also Venezuela Argentina and Chile - actually why not all of North and South America and Europe for their own protection of course. Sounds like Japan and Germany during WWII. Or Russia

    5. We already have US bases in UK as we can't fight Russia on our own

    6. I am concerned for DT's mental health. His answers are increasingly irrational.
      In Argentina, a strong ally of Trump and Israel has crushed inflation, reduced the annual budget deficit and created economic growth but I now suspect that DT will post all sorts of "evidence" that none of that is true.
      The UK is already an ally hosting American soldiers along with its own considerable army and navy so why would Trump want to occupy it?
      As for Venezuela, why not? The current corrupt government was just voted out by the people but instead clings to power through oppression. An American-led coup putting the opposition into power would be a favour to them.

    7. Garnel you are obviously living in a fantasy world together with your master Trump. The whole world is yours for the taking!
      Since when are all countries considered legitimate targets for conquest?

    8. Please stop proving my point.
      Since when are all countries considered legitimate targets for conquest?
      Since history began?


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