Monday, January 13, 2025

Reform Marriage

Igros Moshe (EH I #76) Concerning a woman who was married by a Reform rabbi and all those who attended the ceremony were irreligious, Shabbos profaners and transgressors of other Torah mitzvos. The meal served unkosher meat and they all ate it. Later the husband deserted her and it is impossible to obtain a get from him. Can she get married now since she didn’t have a marriage according to the Torah? In my opinion the marriage performed by the Reform rabbi has no halachic significance. If it can be clearly established that no valid witnesses were present that witnessed the giving of the ring and the declaration of the man “you are betrothed to me” Even if there were two valid witnesses at a distance who didn’t see but the rabbi was valid and expert who conducted the ceremony, who mistakenly appointed relatives as witnesses according to Chasam Sofer it is a valid marriage. It is clear and obvious that the wicked Reform that perform the marriage do not have that validity even if the ring is given and the man says the words. Since all Reform rabbis make up additional acts which they claim is the marriage. It doesn’t even have status that is ascribed to that done by Kusim even if the ring was given properly and he said the right words. But in this case since there were no valid witnesses they clearly weren’t married and there is no concern.  

1 comment :

  1. Okay, but what about the assumption in the Gemara - if a man and woman come to town and live together like husband and wife, you assume they're married and if they split up, they need a get?


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