Wednesday, December 4, 2024

American Allies React With Concern, Cautious Support Following U.S. Killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani

 But Netanyahu also reportedly instructed his ministers not to discuss Soleimani’s death publicly. That could be out of fear of retaliation; the Quds Force and Iran-backed militias in Syria are already engaged in a proxy war with Israel. In Lebanon, Iran’s proxy Hezbollah has more than 100,000 rockets capable of hitting the whole of Israel.

“This is great news for the Israelis,” says Patrikarakos. “Unless, of course, Hezbollah starts launching missiles into Israel.”

Still, barring full regime change, Netanyahu would prefer to see the U.S. coax Iran into giving up its nuclear weapons program and ending its proxy wars in the Middle East, as opposed to all-out war, according to Ofer Zalzberg, a senior analyst at the International Crisis Group, an NGO that monitors and works to prevent conflict globally. “Netanyahu fears this incident lacks a broader U.S. strategy and would either merely escalate dynamics without restraining Iran’s nuclear program and regional activities, or that it would even boomerang, notably with U.S. withdrawal from Iraq,” Zalzberg tells TIME.

1 comment :

  1. “This is great news for the Israelis”
    Yes, indeed. It shows the world the evil of the mullahs in Iran. We saw the film last night 1917. This is my review: 5 stars.
    I live in Israel, a PhD economist. I love this movie on the evil Germans in WWI done so professional and modern. Wow the trenches of the British and of the Germans facing each other France 1917. The evil German trenches look stronger with cement walls. So power full and moving the horrors of WWI. The evil Germans set up traps for the British. We’re taken through a Germans bombed French town. The brick and stone buildings still stand. Yet the evil Germans are still hunting and killing the very few survivors left. Why? There’s no military advantage. On a national and individual level the film shows the evil of Germans. The German plane is shot down. The British soldier is pulling out the evil pilot from the flaming wreck... The British soldier confronts an evil German soldier in the remains of the French town... There was no humanity and no morality in war among the evil Germans in the film. Was the film too hard on the evil Germans? WWII says no.
    Dumb of the progressive Left and Democrats to fail to support Trump. I say Trump will end all Iran threats to US and Israel. Why? Trump will out threat the Iran Mullahs’ threats and Trump may really do it. North Korea stopped their threats, fearing Trump will bomb them.


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