Saturday, July 10, 2021

MK Hendel: 'We won't cease demolishing terrorists' homes to placate US'

Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel (Derech Eretz) has promised that the Israeli government will not cease demolishing terrorists' homes to placate the US government.

"We do what is good for the State of Israel," he told Kan 11. "The new government's policy is clear when it comes to violations of sovereignty and the management of terror. Sometimes we may disagree with he US government, but most of the time we will go hand in hand."

Hendel added that the first dispute between the Biden administration and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's government was with regards to the demolition of a terrorist's home, and that the dispute is not a rift in relations.

1 comment :

  1. It's a clever tactic. It pushes Ra'am in to a corner - they won't support a government that does this as a matter of policy. Then Bennett brings a vote on something important to the security of Israel, something that Likud must support. And now Bibi's in the corner with Ra'am. Does he hold by "Anything they support we will vote against" even at the risk of harming Israel's well-being?


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