Monday, November 2, 2020

Video altered to make it look like Biden greeted wrong state - Trump is desparate

 CLAIM: Video shows Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden mistakenly saying “Hello, Minnesota” at a campaign event in Tampa, Florida.

 AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The sign behind Biden in this video has been edited to add the words “Tampa, Florida” and remove the words “TEXT MN to 30330.” The podium has also been edited to add “FL” instead of “MN.” Original video from this event confirms that Biden was in Minnesota and addressed the correct state in his greeting.

The video had more than a million views on Twitter on Sunday and was spreading quickly the weekend before the U.S. presidential election. However, the words on the sign and the podium in this video have been manipulated. Several sources prove that Biden did not address the wrong state in his greeting and he was indeed in Minnesota.


1 comment :

  1. First of all, it's an old meme. The rock star stands on stage, shouts "Hello St Louis!" only to have the guitarist whisper "We're in Kansas City" in his ear. These guys go so many places it's not a shock if they forget where they are.
    But him thinking that if he loses it's four more years of George? That's more concerning.


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