Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Malbim’s Novel Interpretation of Shir Ha-Shirim


 Malbim begins with two starting assumptions. First, not only is Shlomo the author of the book, but the events described in Shir Ha-Shirim are intended as a metaphor for his own life experiences. Second, the phrase “Shir Ha-Shirim” should be understood not as “the greatest of songs” (as numerous midrashim and Rashi maintain), but as “the song comprised of numerous songs” (following Radak and others). It is for this reason that Malbim entitles his commentary “Shirei Ha-Nefesh,” the “Songs of the Soul,” not “Shir Ha-Nefesh,” the “Song of the Soul.” Accordingly, Malbim sees Shir Ha-Shirim as a self-revealing description of Shlomo’s religious struggle, conveyed through the drama of a compelling love story.

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