Monday, June 15, 2020

Comparing how Germany and US confront evil racial past, author finds US wanting

“We would be outraged in the US if, within Germany, you would see statues of Nazi soldiers, with people claiming, ‘They were just my ancestors fighting for my homeland,’” Neiman said. “It’s actually what both descendants of Nazis and of Confederates believed, but it’s highly problematic to fight for your homeland and forget the ideology that started the war.”



  1. But where do you stop? Pretty much all the American founding fathers had something about them that is evil by today's standards. Slaves, treating women as property, overt racism, you name it, by today's standards they were bad men. Do you erase all of American history in the name of what's current fashionably righteous? And if so, what do you replace it with?
    While the Chinese teach their children about how great their country is, notwithstanding that modern China was built on lies, violence and mass-mass-murder, American children are expected to be taught to be ashamed of their history and regret everything that makes America the world-protecting power it is. That is not sustainable.

  2. the famous slippery slope If I say Nazis were evil where do you stop so it is better to say no one was bad?! Has nothing to do with statues set up 50 years ago glorifying the kkk or traitors. see videos regarding lost cause

  3. Why get yourself caught up in a silly psyop?
    It was a show (a bad one) Floyd was not murdered he is still alive

    Some questions to consider

    1.why did the ambulance people not first take his vitals?where are the emts police ?came out of the ambulance see the guns

    2 when they put him on stretcher where are his feet? he seems short?
    3.the Floyd being marched alive had a low hair line on his forehead so why is he completely Bald when on the floor with the officers knee on him? what happened did he get a baldy haircut with the officers knee?!

    4. The picture of Derek that sat on him doesn't match up with the picture of the "DEREK"that was arrested .
    it was a deep state Democratic/Socialist /Yevesswekes plot to continue to destroy the free world ..

  4. Berel, you are a fantasist

  5. See this and you will change your mind:

  6. and this is what they used! r

  7. and this is what they used!


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