Saturday, May 2, 2020

For Some Reluctant Trump Voters, Coronavirus Was The Last Straw

Yet there is also little question that the pandemic has transformed the election. Two months ago, Trump was an incumbent president riding a strong economy and a massive cash advantage; today, he looks like an underdog in November. The RealClearPolitics polling average has former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, leading Trump 48.3% to 42% nationally. Trump’s prospects aren’t any brighter right now when broken down by states that were key to his 2016 victory. According to Real Clear Politics polling averages, Biden leads Trump by 6.7 points in Pennsylvania, 5.5 in Michigan, and 2.7 points in Wisconsin. Biden is also leading Trump narrowly in Florida and Arizona.


  1. Really? Making even tentative presumptions about a November election in early May?!

    Mr. Biden hasn't even won the Democrat primary yet! The convention won't take place for weeks!!

    Hasn't TIME learned from the last election how dangerous articles like this can be??

    Another subject the article neglects: one thing the crisis has taught is that control of borders is crucial for bio-security. And Donald Trump ran on a related issue: tightening up immigration.

  2. trumps wall is about Mexico which has not been an issue
    his "bans" on China and Europe had so many exemptions as to be useless

  3. Perhaps, but in comparison to to Joe Biden, he's at least on the same page as many voters when it comes to borders.

    Mr. Biden will almost certainly have to run as opposing Donald Trump on immigration. And right now, that's going to make many voters mighty uneasy.

  4. yes no question trump makes people feel secure against Mexicans Hispanics and anyone who isn't a white supremacist

  5. “For Some” Torah thought:
    Avoth Chapter one:
    “Mishnah 11. Abtalion used to say: ye sages be careful with your words [II ARN, ch. XXIII, amplifies lest you teach anything not in accordance with the teachings of the Torah. M.: Inexact language would give heretics an opportunity for misrepresenting your teaching. Halevy: Abtalion supplemented Shemaiah's advice: be careful even in your words, so as not to embroil yourselves with the rival sides.], lest ye be condemned to exile [By the Sadducees and Hellenists (who had regained power at the Court), as had already happened in the cases of Joshua b. Perahiah and Judah b. Tabbai.], and ye be exiled to a place of evil waters [A place of heretical teachings (e.g. Alexandria)], and the disciples who follow you [into exile] drink and die [spiritual death], with the result that the name of heaven becomes profaned [By reason of the spiritual disaster that will have overtaken students of the Torah, faith in, and reverence for, God would wane.].”
    רש"י מסכת אבות פרק ד משנה יא
    פרקליט אחד. מליץ יושר שמטהו לזכות וכן היה אומר אם יש עליו מלאך מליץ אחד מני אלף להגיד לאדם ישרו: קטיגור. לשון קורא תגר: כתריס. מגן להן עליו מפני הפורענות: כל כנסיה. כל קיבוץ: סופה להתקיים. עתידה שתהיה העצה קיימת ומצלחת: ושאינה לשם שמים. עצה שלה בטלה היא:
    Allow me to show here my letter today:
    2.Susan and I disagreed where to live. The Talmud says that if one of a married couple wants to live in Jerusalem and the other refuses: divorce. Kethuboth 110b: “May compel all to go up to the Land of Israel, but none may be compelled to leave it.” I had intercessors interceding on my behalf, as in the Book of Job 33:23: “If there be for him an angel, An intercessor, one among a thousand, To vouch for a man's uprightness.”
    3.Rabbi Solomon Kornfeld, my mother Mrs.\ Aranoff, and my brother Rabbi Yitzchok Aranoff all passed away. My daughter Deena lives in California and is expecting her third. My sister-in-law Chavie, now a widow as Rabbi Yitzchok Aranoff died from Coronavirus, see I'm a father of 9, poor and old, who will speak up for me today? My method is always writing letters, polite arguing---always peaceful. I do have supporters. I ask Susan, TIAA and the Court to support calendaring my motion dated April 20, 2020.
    Encl: Exhibit A: Rabbi Solomon Kornfeld 7/1/1991, Exhibit B: Deena 8/11/1991, and Exhibit C: Mrs. Rose Aranoff 12/4/1991.


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