Sunday, May 31, 2020

'Enough already': Romney blasts Trump for pushing conspiracy theory about Joe Scarborough

 Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah on Wednesday blasted President Donald Trump for repeatedly pushing a decades-old conspiracy theory about MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, calling the attacks "vile" and "baseless."

Romney has been a frequent critic of Trump, and his tweet on Wednesday appears to make him the second member of his party in Congress to publicly call out the President over his support of the conspiracy theory. Earlier this week, Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois urged the President in a tweet to stop touting the theory, writing, "It will destroy us."


  1. Donald Trump gets a lot wrong.

    So why do I continue to support him? Because on the issues that count for me, that affect me, he gets it right.

    Illegal immigration.

    I already can guess the response: would I support "X" where "X" is some sort of analog to Trump that nobody in their right mind would ever support.

    So have at it. Make the metaphor. I'm not changing my vote. When the mobs come to my neighborhood, the President has my back.

  2. right!
    definitely solved immigration problems especially throw billions of dollars on a wall
    he stopped rioting and looting!

    He is a grossly incompetent and corrupt president but hey you think he has done some good therefore the disasters can be ignored but as long as he speaks against the Chinese and Mexicans - merely threatens rioters with dire consequences - you give him a pass on everything else even if it means destruction of American democracy

  3. Democracy is overrated.

    What would a Democrat President who was elected on the strength of the Black vote be doing right now?

    I'm a racist. And this rioting makes me want to manifest my racism by making new laws to punish rioters. Right now businesses are coming off closures because of the pandemic. But the rioting has closed COVID-19 testing locations. On Tucker Carlson, he played a clip of marchers chanting something like, "Kill the Whites." I follow someone on social media who has a pizza shop on Melrose Ave. in LA. Even if it wasn't looted, it will suffer. Who will come to eat there if the stores around it are shuttered or looted? It was tough for him to make a living before the pandemic, now he's got a one-two punch from COVID and Floyd.

    In Eretz Yisrael you tolerate Arabs and the chronic endemic terrorism they bring. Well, we don't tolerate that stuff in America. Time to smash these lawless so-called citizens. Nothing in the Constitution against the death penalty for rioters. It's not cruel and unusual punishment. Stealing used to mean the death penalty sentence. Time to go back to that. It's in the Noachide Laws. Certainly attacking cops should not be tolerated, just like cops harming people they arrest is not to be tolerated.

    Is that a corrupt way of thinking? Maybe that's why I want a corrupt President.


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