Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Jewish deicide


is trump preserving this belief?
Jewish deicide is a historic belief among some in Christianity that Jewish people as a whole were responsible for the death of Jesus.[1] The antisemitic slur "Christ-killer" was used by mobs to incite violence against Jews and contributed to many centuries of pogroms, the murder of Jews during the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and during the Holocaust.[2]
In the catechism produced by the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church affirmed that the collectivity of sinful humanity was responsible for the death of Jesus, not only the Jews.[3] In the deliberations of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Paul VI repudiated belief in collective Jewish guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus.[4] It declared that the accusation could not be made "against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today".


n., A person of Jewish faith.
Sorry, honey, but the stingy Christkillers at the bank wouldn't approve me for the loan. Looks like we'll have to wait until next year to buy the house.


Growing up, I could not confidently deny being “a Christ killer”. In third grade, I was told by a classmate I would burn in hell. In my reform synagogue, we had never discussed hell. I didn’t correct him, nor was I capable of standing up for myself.
the author
Now a college student, I experience this behavior on a new level. Friends roll their eyes at my Friday night plans that differ from theirs. When I was in Poland learning about the Holocaust, my best friend texted me, “Don’t freeze to death!” with a laughing emoji. How was I supposed to respond to his insensitive joke? After all, maybe he didn’t mean to offend. In these situations, defending myself seemed unnecessary; it’s not like they were damning me to hell.


  1. do you have any evidence that he is?

  2. When someone tells you that "Jews killed Jesus" or says "Jesus-Killer", tell him as follows:
    "What's your problem?
    Didn't he allegedly rise on the third day?

    You: "Did he die for your sins?"
    Them: "Yes."
    You: "Well, if he hadn't been killed, then he couldn't die for your sins. Are you thanking us? You're welcome."

  3. i am sure it your suggestion has been tried before with zero success

  4. The crusaders, those inciting pogroms, and the crude ignorant masses, were not people that you could have a rational argument with.


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