Monday, September 14, 2009

Rabbi Tropper: Assaults & threats of bodily harm

(hat tip to RaP)

From Rabbi Tropper's Blog

"Dealing with Assaults and Threats


Rabbi Tropper, how does one deal with a person who assaults and threatens bodily harm?

Menachem Z.

Brooklyn, NY


After he has done what needs to be done for self protection he should Daven that that person should do Teshuva.

Rabbi Tropper will not respond to any more questions regarding this matter.

Thank you.

Taking Sides Before Learning The Facts


Rabbi Tropper, why do a few sites who have written about this assault take a side before finding out the facts.

Feivel L.


That is something that only they can answer. The assault is something that I feel is not a topic of discussion on a blog. Particularly in Chodesh Elul.

Spend your extra time learning Divrei Chizuk and Mussar.

Was Rabbi Tropper Assualted?


Rabbi Tropper, there was a story that appeared in the news paper about you being assaulted. Is that True?

Heshy D.


The Story was only reported to the police not to any Newspaper . Whoever reported it to the Press did an injustice to all parties. It took place 5 months ago, on april 26th at 5:55am in Jerusalem."


  1. It's quite obvious that Tropper himself makes up all the questions on his blog. They are all written in the same style, and the last one in particular is a giveaway, with the word True being capitalized even though it is not at the beginning of the sentence.

  2. A couple of observations.

    1)Considering how public a figure Guma is in Israel it is an insane assumption to think that a police investigation against him would remain out of the media. To force the police to re-open the investigation essentially demands media attention.

    2)Either the police or R' Tropper had to be the one to share this story with the press.

    3)Rabbi Tropper is essentially denying responsibility for his actions through these posts. As such a chashuv Rav the maaris ayin factor of what he is doing must weigh in. Therefore it would seem to me that it is incumbant upon him to to give a full halachic accounting for his actions. Why was he in court against Guma over the control of the Lilian Jean Kaplan Foundation? Why is he in court with Tom Kaplan against Guma over the control of the Leor energy profits? After he took the initial necessary steps to protect himself why did he force the police to reopen the investigation? Why were none of these matters ever taken to a Beis Din?

    He must understand that as a Rabbi of his stature, other people will look at what he does, and think that they too should be able to skip the B"D altogether and go straight to court. His actions frankly are showing an incredible lack of repsonsibility and forethought. Not what one would expect from a Torah Sage.


  3. It's quite obvious that Tropper himself makes up all the questions on his blog

    Rap alluded to it as well, saying that Tropper spend his time on that blog talking to himself. Come to think about if Tropper makes up questions, he might makes up allegation as well, after all Tropper has hezka of not telling the complete truth ( Rabbi Eidenshon would not let me call him shakran). Guma at least is baal tzadaka.

    Also, how come Tropper does not ask himself about suing Guma ?

  4. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 15, 2009 at 1:30 AM

    "Rabbi Tropper, there was a story that appeared in the news paper about you being assaulted. Is that True?

    Heshy D.
    NY, NY


    The Story was only reported to the police not to any Newspaper . Whoever reported it to the Press did an injustice to all parties. It took place 5 months ago, on april 26th at 5:55am in Jerusalem."

    So wait, it's ok for a religious Jew to report to the police but not "to any Newspaper"?

    Since when is it "better" Halchically to go to the police than to go the newspapers?

    After all Tropper has been going to the newspapers to brag about himself and EJF from the day EJF was born, he even pays a lot of money to insert bloated and exagerrated misleading infomercials about himself and EJF's proselytization efforts all over the media and Internet, so his name is up there and is already a public subject in the papers and the media, and now he "complains" that a subject as famous as he is, that himself has created a frenzied media buzz and thereby focused attention on himself, should now "not" be focusing on him, because, um, he "REPORTED to the POLICE." So that "reporting" to POLICE is fine, but "reporting" to REPORTERS is NOT?! How nuts is that kind of irrational and twisted excuse for miserable "thinking"?

    Another question: What does he mean when he claims that: "Whoever reported it to the Press did an injustice to all parties."?

    Tropper and his EJF publicity hounds plant stories in the press all the time. If anyone would be the one to get such a thing rolling it would be Tropper, because the first reports were designed to smear his alleged opponent, forcing the other guy to go public and accuse Tropper of fraudulently taking ten million that are unaccounted for. And since when is Tropper interested in "justice for all parties" that he cares that an "an injustice to all parties" happened by the press getting wind of this story? ...

  5. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 15, 2009 at 2:04 AM

    Tropper was already in cahoots with uncle Tom Kaplan in a number of other cases, they had already called the other guy a fake "messiah" and still lost that case of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Foundation. Now they are fighting for their legal lives in another ongoing case over the Leor Energy company's billions of holdings, and Tropper is deep in the thick of it (why? is he an owner or stockholder of Leor Energy?) and he then uses a confrontation in Israel to:

    (a) run to the police;

    (b) press charges and launch a legal case in Israel;

    (c) based on (a) and (b) over the ocean Tropper gets a restraining order against the other guy in the USA, that

    (d) puts the nephew of uncle Tom on notice that he could get arrested, while

    (e) the nephew gets himself arrested under suspicious circumstanaces of DWI, that leads to

    (f) Tropper trying to use (a) and (e) to yet again destroy the credibility of his opponent that he ties in with
    (i) while Tropper's opponent simply answers that all he wants is an HONEST accounting of what has happened to at least TEN MILLION dollars that he gave Tropper to distribute, presumably through the good graces of the vaunted EJF, to other rabbis and institutions that never reached their intended recipients (some may have been the original "Recipients" of the original warning letters against EJF from the BADATS), and that he now wants it all back to give it to those he wanted it for in the first place and therefore he concludes and it seems to the world that
    So now wonder all this is now making poster Roni/Tropper so verbally violent (oh, looks like he's gone again for now, oh well.)

    All quite nuts and worthy of ...Tropper, or the Keystone Cops, but this time with potentially legally deadly consequences. Happy Yom HaDin.

  6. There is some fascinating stuff on UOJ regarding Tropper, EJF, Kaplan and Guma.
    Someone posted dock and court case numbers showing that Tropper has been suing people for years. Also there is a link to Lillian jean kaplan foundation tax return.

    The tax return confirmed what was mentioned here that Guma was the main force behind EJF not Kaplan. At it turns out now when Guma got his foundation back they try to find out where the money went to. And they know how much some of the people associated with EJF received which will be embarrassing to them if it become known.

  7. Guma's version

    On Rosh Chodesh Sivan , Guma Aguiar encountered Mr. Tropper unexpectedly at the hotel where he was staying. This took place after a long time period during which Mr. Tropper had avoided giving explanations of where the money had gone to.

    Tropper's version
    . It took place 5 months ago, on april 26th at 5:55am in Jerusalem. "

    April 26th and Rosh Chodesh Sivan are not same day.


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