Monday, September 7, 2009

Haaretz' reporting is incitement?


US President Barack Obama told Jewish leaders in a July meeting that Israel needs to "engage in serious self-reflection." Israel's new US ambassador was "summoned" to the State Department to be lectured about Israel's building settlements in Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called two top aides to Obama "self-hating Jews."

All of these reports appeared in Haaretz.

And they've all been disputed or denied by the principals involved.

Nevertheless, the tales have become an important part of the day-to-day narrative on the US-Israel relationship. Partisans and pundits on both sides of the political divide have seized on the anonymously sourced stories to herald their own preconceived notions of the Obama administration and the Netanyahu government. [...]


  1. Secret diplomacy is thought to be secret and when something is leaking out everybody will deny what was in fact said.
    And the deniers will get help from those newspapers who missed the scoup. That is how the game is played when a government wants to say something without offically embarass or provoke an other government to much.

  2. Recipients and PublicitySeptember 7, 2009 at 12:21 PM

    Anyone who has been regularly reading Haaretz online for years, as I have, (you can count on them to give the opposite view of the Israeli establishment so you know you are never getting Israeli governmental policy) knows for a fact that they are a far-left pro-PLO outfit.

    On the their site almost every day they always post photos that are aimed at gaining sympathy for "suffering" Palestinians, but never post anything about suffering Jews or Israelis unless it's something to embarrass Israel as a state. Neturei Karta should pay Haaretz a commision for all the harm they do to the state of Israel, Zionism, and the Jewish people.

    They delight in mocking the Orthodox and only support far left-wing views. Every now and again (meaning perhaps once in six months) they will publish and op-ed piece from a Likud politico like Moshe Arens. They never have a good thing to say about old-fashioned Zionism and they regard themsleves as the epitome of the elitist "post-Zionists."

    They are a disgrace to the Jewish people, and the accusations of the JPost article are 100% valid.

  3. Richard said...

    Secret diplomacy is thought to be secret and when something is leaking out everybody will deny what was in fact said.
    And the deniers will get help from those newspapers who missed the scoup. That is how the game is played when a government wants to say something without offically embarass or provoke an other government to much.
    And therefore anything that a government denies must in fact be true?! Maybe or perhaps someone has an agenda and accomplishes it by planting stories. Interesting that it is only one newspaper and one reporter on that newspaper who is getting these stories.

  4. Of course not everything that is denyed is true (I wrote just a comment not a Megillah about Journalism), but the opposite is also true: Not everything a government denies is a lie. You have to look criticly about the sources and who is the messenger (which paper, radio- och TV-station). After 36 years as a reporter I know that not all journalists are respected by officals, those reporters and newspapers/radio-/TVchanels) who have a good reputation will get the confidential information and get the scoop. That is why e.g The New York Times and not The New York Post (which is read by more people) has the important news.


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