"The plaintiffs allege that Ohio State concealed Strauss’s abuse and Ohio State’s knowledge of it, destroyed records, gave Strauss false performance reviews, and actively misled students by, for example, telling complainants that no one had ever previously complained about Strauss. The plaintiffs plausibly allege a decades-long cover up. Given these plausible allegations, the plaintiffs adequately allege that they could not have reasonably discovered Ohio State’s conduct. This alone provides sufficient grounds to delay the accrual of their Title IX claims."
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Ohio State University abuse scandal
Following an independent 2019 investigation which found that Richard Strauss had sexually abused at least 177 students from 1979 to 1997, Ohio State University agreed to pay $40.9 million to settle the lawsuits of 162 men who alleged sexual abuse during the former university team doctor's tenure. Other lawsuits remain outstanding.[54]
Here’s who says Jim Jordan knew - or didn’t know - about sex abuse on OSU’s wrestling team
Although Jordan has repeatedly insisted he didn’t know team doctor Richard Strauss was sexually mistreating athletes in his charge, former OSU wrestler Adam DiSabato called Jordan a “liar” at a Tuesday House Civil Justice Committee hearing on a bill that would let Strauss’ victims sue Ohio State for damages. DiSabato also said Jordan contacted him repeatedly in July 2018, after media outlets quoted his brother, Michael DiSabato, saying Jordan knew about Strauss’ abuse.
“Jim Jordan called me crying, groveling… begging me to go against my brother…That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on there,” said DiSabato, who is among a group of former OSU wrestlers who filed lawsuits that allege the school ignored Strauss’ abuse.
Jim Jordan’s role in Ohio State’s molestation scandal resurfaces after he called story of a 10-year-old who was raped a ‘lie’
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is being slammed for calling the story of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who obtained an abortion after she was raped “another lie” in a since-deleted tweet.
It marks at least the second time the congressman from Ohio has been accused of ignoring a sexual assault in the Buckeye state.
Six former wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about abusive OSU doctor
Multiple former OSU athletes told CNN they found Jordan’s denials puzzling, because they say they distinctly remember him responding to complaints about Strauss.
One former wrestler, Dan Ritchie, said he remembers a teammate complained about Strauss and that Jordan said, “If he ever tried that with me I’d snap his neck like a stick of dry balsa wood.”
Mother's fault
Rabbeinu Bachya (Vayikra 24:11) Whenever someone displays signs of effrontery and disdain towards the Jewish religion and G’d it is time to examine his maternal genealogy as it is certain that the droplet of sperm which such an individual grew out of reflected a negative deed or thought at the time when marital relations which produced that baby took place.
Are Democrats Becoming Anti-Israel?
While Democrats might increasingly view Palestinians more favorably than Israelis, there is still no real political force behind this shift. Going back to the Gallup survey, it is interesting to look at another question, one in which Americans were asked to grade foreign countries by their favorability. On this measure, Israel still maintains an extremely high showing, with 68 percent of participants in the poll expressing a favorable view of the Jewish state, while the Palestinian Authority gets a favorable rating from only 26 percent of Americans.
How can we reconcile this figure with the head-to-head sympathy question that puts Palestinians in advantage among Democrats? Let’s dive into the numbers.
Israel’s favorability crosses political boundaries, with 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of Democrats viewing it favorably. Favorability of the Palestinian Authority, on the other hand, is low across the board: Only 36 percent of Democrats and a mere 9 percent of Republicans view it favorably.
Furthermore, the overall favorability of Palestinians, though slightly up compared to most years in the past two decades, is still at just 31 percent.
The Partisan Gap in Support for Israel Seems Permanent
“Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to view the Israeli people favorably and the Palestinian people unfavorably (44% vs. 12%).” Pew also found that “Republicans and those who lean to the GOP are much more likely to express a favorable view of the Israeli people (78%) than of the Palestinian people (37%). Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, on the other hand, similar shares express favorable views toward both groups (60% and 64%, respectively).”
Dealing with sinful Jews
Sefer Chasidim (76) Do not punish an Israelite, nor curse him but pray for him that G-d make his heart whole and return him to right conduct. Do not invoke judgement on him saying, “The Lord should avenge me from his hand and visit evil upon him according to his wickedness.” For he who invokes divine judgement upon his neighbor, the attribute of justice comes before G-d, and says, “Lord of all the Universe, shall we then acquiesce to his request? he is deserving to be punished for such and such…
Helpless feelings
Friday night in shul I was approached by a young man whose water filled eyes indicated heavy medication. He said "I am manic depressive and I can't do anything. please help me. I asked how? He responded Give me a beracha because treatment isn't working
Tucker Carlson Duped By Fake Russian Propaganda Docs on Ukraine War
Tucker Carlson laid into President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday, accusing them of committing “crimes” in their support of Ukraine. He referenced a “leaked” Pentagon slideshow that, Carlson said, proves the American people are being lied to about the status of the war in Ukraine. “The second thing we learned from these slides is that despite direct U.S. involvement, Ukraine is in fact losing the war,” Carlson said last week. “Seven Ukrainians are being killed for every Russian. Ukrainian air defenses have been utterly degraded. Ukraine is losing. The Biden administration is perfectly aware of this.” As it turns out, Carlson is the one peddling lies about Ukraine to the American people—the slides he referenced were apparently doctored by a known Russian propagandist that lives in the United States. “Tucker Carlson pushed a fake version of a U.S. intelligence document about Ukrainian war casualties,” said Yahoo News senior correspondent Michael Weiss on Twitter. “It was doctored by a fraud podcaster who claimed to be a Russian woman from Luhansk. In reality, Sarah Bils is a former U.S. Navy clerk from New Jersey—and she pocketed all the money she claimed to raise for Russian causes.”
The Rebbe on the Holocaust
But the most important thing about the Holocaust to the Rebbe was not how we do or do not understand it, nor, even, how we memorialize its victims, but what we do about it. If we allow the pain and despair to dishearten us from raising a new generation of Jews with a strong commitment to their Jewishness, then Hilter's "final solution" will be realized, G‑d forbid. But if we rebuild, if we raise a generation proud of and committed to their Jewishness, we will have triumphed.
The truth about crime in Manhattan
Trump claimed in March that Bragg “has watched Violent Crime in Manhattan soar to Record Highs” and that “killings are taking place at a number like nobody’s ever seen, right in Manhattan.”
These claims are not even close to true. Manhattan’s recent levels of violent crime in general and murder in particular are way down from the record levels of the early 1990s.
New York City publishes crime statistics on its website, so the truth is easy to find. In 1990, when the city set its all-time record for total murders, there were 503 recorded murders in Manhattan, which is one of the city’s five boroughs. In 2022, Manhattan recorded 78 murders – a decline of about 84% from 1990.