Thursday, July 8, 2021

MK Ahmad Tibi decries cuts to daycare subsidies for haredim

 Joining the mostly haredi voices condemning the recent decision of Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman to cancel daycare subsidies to families where the father is in full-time Torah learning, was, perhaps unexpectedly, Joint Arab List MK Ahmad Tibi.

Tibi was interviewed on Radio 103FM, where he criticized Liberman’s decision, calling it “inappropriate.”

“This decision weakens the weak even further,” he said. “I am familiar with the conditions in which these families live, and this decision should be reconsidered.”

MK Bezalel Smotrich of the Religious Zionism party also decried Liberman’s decision.

Fact-checking claims bail reform is driving increase in violent crime

 Violent crime in the United States shot up last year as the pandemic raged. Major cities across the country saw a more than 30% jump in homicides as well as increases in aggravated assaults, according to a January report from the National Commission on Covid-19 and Criminal Justice. 

 Bail reforms -- which generally focus on removing or limiting the use of cash bail against defendants who are accused of misdemeanors or nonviolent offenses -- aim at making sure most defendants are not held in jail while awaiting trial solely because they cannot afford cash bail.

During a congressional hearing in late June, Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, suggested reforms eliminating cash bail could partially be to blame for the recent spike in crime. Graham asked FBI Director Christopher Wray if he believed "one of the reasons crime is on the rise is that certain jurisdictions have basically eliminated bail?"
"You catch them on Monday morning and they're out on the streets Monday afternoon," Graham said. 
Facts First: There's no clear evidence linking bail reforms -- which have been in place for years in some cities -- to the recent rise in violent crimes. In fact, the majority of cities that have seen increases in crime have not eliminated cash bail. Many variables have contributed to the increases Graham is referencing but CNN has seen no evidence to suggest that bail reform is a major factor.

Trump reportedly saw Netanyahu’s congratulations to Biden as ‘ultimate betrayal’

New book by Michale Wolff says that even though Netanyahu waited 12 hours to acknowledge Biden’s election win, Trump felt that the Israeli leader ‘owed’ him and had now ‘sold out’


Liberman ends yeshiva students' childcare subsidies, haredim outraged

The subsidies comprise a significant portion of an ultra-Orthodox family’s household income, and canceling them will cause immediate financial problems for such families.

Liberman hopes that the cancellation of these subsidies will push ultra-Orthodox men to find employment.
The changes go into effect at the beginning of the coming school year.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Liberman cancels daycare subsidies for kids of full-time yeshiva students

 Families in which the father does not work at least 24 hours a week but is involved in academic or vocational studies will still be eligible for the subsidies, which will end for yeshiva students only.

4th Of July Shootings Across The Country Killed More Than 180 People

 More than 180 people were killed in shootings across the country over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive and reviewed by NPR.

By 11:30 p.m. on Monday, the Gun Violence Archive reported 189 people killed and 516 injured in shootings over the course of a 72-hour period starting Friday. In total, there were more than 540 shootings over the holiday weekend, the organization reported.

Those numbers may increase as the organization continues to collect statistics from the weekend.

News of major shootings in Chicago, Texas, Virginia and Ohio comes as many of the nation's largest cities are struggling to contain a continued rise in violent crimes. Officials from across the country had spoken of serious fears of a bloody summer earlier this year.

Albany, N.Y., Mayor Kathy M. Sheehan told The Washington Post in May that her city was experiencing a rise in gun violence. At the time, she said she was "really worried" about the approaching summer months.

Some major cities faced concerns about violent crime last summer similar to what they do this year. In 2020, nearly 90 people were shot in Chicago over Independence Day weekend and 17 of them died.

Eric Adams declared winner of NYC Democratic mayoral race

 Eric Adams declared victory in the city’s Democratic mayoral race Tuesday after holding on to a razor-thin lead in a pivotal new tally of votes, putting him on track to become just the second Black mayor in Big Apple history after running a centrist campaign heavily focused on crime-fighting.

Adams, Brooklyn’s current borough president and a retired NYPD captain, led former sanitation commissioner Kathryn Garcia by just 8,426 ballots — or 1% of the total — after more than 120,000 absentee votes were added to the Board of Elections’ unofficial tally of ranked-choice results.

US, Guatemalan forces raid extremist haredi Lev Tahor cult compound

US and local Guatemalan police have begun raiding the compound of the extremist ultra-Orthodox (haredi) cult, Lev Tahor, arresting at least three top officials in the cult, Globes reported on Tuesday evening.

Another reporter for Globes reported that cult-members Yoel and Shmuel Weingarten have been arrested.


Forget about who catches COVID-19, the serious cases matter - analysis

 What is understood is that as of now, the vaccine is at least 90%-95% effective against stopping hospitalization or serious disease – the metric that at least these health professionals believe should be used in determining policy.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Rebbe on the Jewish Woman's Hair Covering

The Rebbe went so far as to state that wigs might even be more attractive than one's own hair. At the time, it was meant to encourage and educate women who were of the opinion that all wigs were aesthetically lacking. In comparison to what women might have worn in earlier generations, the new wigs, the Rebbe said, were attractive.

Mitzvah to Live in Israel

The general approach today is that if both places (Israel and the Diaspora) are equally "livable," one should make the effort to live in Israel. Every year, approximately 3,000 Jews make aliyah from North America – 90 percent of them religious.

Is There a Mitzva to Settle the Land of Israel?

             The first question that arises in any discussion regarding the mitzva of settling the Land of Israel is whether or not such a mitzva exists? The Rambam, as is well known, did not include the mitzva of settling the Land of Israel in his count of the 613 biblical mitzvot. The Ramban, in his criticisms of the Rambam's Sefer ha-Mitzvot, adds the mitzva of settling the Land of Israel as one of the commandments unjustly omitted by the Rambam:

Are We Required to Live in Israel?

 But Maimonides’ position is less easily understood. As Nachmanides observes, Maimonides does not count possessing or living in the land of Israel as a mitzvah. Meggilat Esther offers a well-known explanation for Maimonides’ position. He explains that according to Maimonides, a commandment can only be included among the 613 mitzvot if it applies for all generation. Any commandment that is given to be performed at a specific time in history cannot be included among the 613 mitzvot. For example, at the time of the giving of the Torah Bnai Yisrael were instructed to not approach or ascend Sinai. This injunction was related to a specific time – the Revelation. After Revelation, the mitzvah no longer operates. There is no prohibition against climbing Sinai today. Therefore, this injunction cannot be counted among the 613 mitzvot.[2] Meggilat Esther contends that the command to posses the land of Israel was given to Moshe and Yehoshua to perform. The command continued to be binding and active until the exile from the land of Israel. But with exile, the command was suspended. It will reemerge with the Messianic era. But in the interim, there is no requirement to posses or conquer the land. Therefore, this is not a command that applies for all generations. Like the injunction to not ascend Sinai, the requirement to conquer the land of Israel emerges and reemerges at specific moments in history. As a result, it cannot be counted among the 613 mitzvot.[3]

Topic: Israel, Obligation to Live in

 Other factors to consider: How will you deal with living far from family? How will you adapt to a new culture? What suitable marriage prospects are available? What appropriate Torah study program will you connect with? Will you be able to live in a Torah neighborhood?

 G-d forbid anyone should say a life isn't 'worthwhile' just because it's lived outside of Israel. A life dedicated to Torah and Mitzvot is certainly worthwhile, wherever it is. Sometimes a person's contribution to the Jewish People can be even greater outside of Israel, especially a person involved in Jewish education or outreach.