Sunday, August 9, 2020

Mnuchin warns Democrats against challenging Trump's executive orders

 "No, in fact, what the president did is -- I agreed what the Republican senator said -- is unconstitutional slop," Pelosi, D-Calif, said, alluding to a statement Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., put out criticizing Trump's executive actions.

Pelosi said Republicans' proposal in its current form doesn't come close to doing enough to help Americans.

"How do you justify tens of billions of dollars to feed the hungry to $250,000," she said, contrasting the bills. "You understand how far apart we are. just by that example." She also noted the GOP proposal didn't include help for the Post Office or states as they run elections this fall.

When asked what Democrats might be willing to give up to reduce the price tag of the bill, Pelosi said they might shorten the timeline that some benefits would be available, allowing Congress to address whether to renew them earlier next year rather than later.

CNN anchor to Trump supporter: What you're saying is unscientific

Trump Criticizes Media In Front Of His Club's Members | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Russian Election Interference Finds Ready Conduit In GOP Senators | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Professor who's been right about every election since 1984 reveals his 2020 prediction

Report: Trump upset at Adelson

Republican officials worried US President may have alienated important GOP donor in tense phone call.




Chronic fatigue syndrome a possible long-term effect of Covid-19, experts say

"Even after you clear the virus, there are post-viral symptoms. I know, because I follow on the phone a lot of people who call me up and talk about their course," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in a July 17 interview with Medscape.



Trump signs executive actions after stimulus talks break down on Capitol Hill

 President Donald Trump tried to assert executive power by signing four actions on coronavirus relief Saturday, one of which will provide as much as $400 in enhanced unemployment benefits after Democrats and the White House were unable to reach an agreement on a stimulus bill this week.

But that memorandum on enhanced unemployment benefits -- 25% of which states are being asked to cover -- has more strings attached than the White House acknowledged and is seen as a cumbersome effort that may not help a lot of the unemployed.
The other three actions he signed include a memorandum on a payroll tax holiday for Americans earning less than $100,000 a year, an executive order on "assistance to renters and homeowners" and a memorandum on deferring student loan payments.

Jewish groups take aim at Trump’s pick for ambassador to Germany 

 Jewish groups have put the man under fire for his past statements about Muslim immigrants and for downplaying the importance of Nazi history.

 The nomination of Douglas Macgregor, a decorated combat veteran who now frequently appears on Fox News, made headlines this week after CNN’s K File unearthed a long history of the retired colonel’s comments. In 2018 he said “There’s sort of a sick mentality that says that generations after generations must atone sins of what happened in 13 years of German history and ignore the other 1,500 years of Germany.”

Doctor vs doctor

 In the absence of conclusive research for Covid-19 treatments, many doctors are having to rely on their experience to make judgment calls about medications.

Appeals court rejects key argument against McGahn subpoena

A federal appeals court dealt a major setback Friday to President Donald Trump’s bid to prevent his former White House counsel Don McGahn from being forced to testify to a House committee.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled Friday, 7-2, that the House has legal standing to use the courts to compel McGahn to appear in response to a House Judiciary Committee subpoena.