Office%20Area/Dinner%202016- 17/DN16-17%20Master%20Journal% 20Combined.pdf
The Kollel would like to thank those who opened up their homes for Kollel shiurim and events during the past year. In the zechus of their hospitality and support, may their homes be blessed with health, happiness, and peace. We apologize for any omissions. Ilana Baltuch Karen Berkowitz Sara Bleier Diane Braid Galitte Den Amy Erlbaum Tamar Fleischer Stacey Goldman Gilya Hodos Susan Hullman Amanda Israel Cindy Kosloff Amy Kratchman Dana Kupfer Shelly Melman Paige Nochenson Dahlia Ocken Chava Paris Michie Pasternak Kristy Schulman Kineret Shakow Julia Strassman Lisa Stein Adina Spiller Mindy Zaslow Shayna Malka Zeffre
presumably, the Kollel would not sponsor a shiur in the home of a couple, in which the wife was also still married to another man. The fact that the Kollel sponsored a shiur in Adam and Tamar's home, and publicly, on the Internet, is thanking them for doing so is surely an endorsement of the annulment and remarriage.
Philadephia's Orthodox community is small and Rabbi Kamanetsky is closely associated with the Kollel. The Kollel would not be endorsing the annulment and remarriage without Rabbi Kamenetsky's active approval.