Saturday, April 13, 2024

Pro-Israel Conservatives Are Done With Tucker Carlson

Carlson then concluded: “If you wake up in the morning and decide that your Christian faith requires you to support a foreign government, blowing up churches and killing Christians. I think you’ve lost the thread.”

Needless to say, especially since right-wing media and GOP officials have relentlessly bashed progressives over their increasingly pro-Palestinian stance, Carlson’s screed went over like a lead balloon with a certain contingency of conservatives.

“Tucker is cultivating hatred of Israel and Jews based on lies and innuendos,” Israeli-American conservative journalist Caroline Glick tweeted in response to the interview.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Israeli academics face backlash signing letter accusing Israel of ‘plausible genocide’ in Gaza

Regev Nathansohn, who teaches communications at Sapir College, is one of two dozen Israeli academics who have signed a petition calling for the United States to stop arming Israel in its war with Hamas. The petition, which more than 1,000 academics from around the world have signed, characterizes Israel’s conduct as a “plausible genocide.”

“President Biden, do not let the United States go down in history as the enabler of genocide,” said the petition, which has more than 1,000 signatories, from a group called Academics4Peace. “Respect the US’s obligation under international law and basic morality. The only way to stop the starvation of two million people, including 100+ Israeli hostages, is to end this war.”

GOP rages over FISA as deadline inches closer

“The Rules Committee’s so broken right now, I think the only option [is to] put it on suspension,” said Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee. “And I think it would get two-thirds.”

Fitzpatrick, a former FBI agent, also took a shot at those Republicans who blocked the FISA bill, saying they’re simply “confused” about what the bill actually allows the government to do. 

“The ideologically pure crowd doesn’t take well to facts,” he said. 

Trump Blows Up Anti-Terror Surveillance

Donald Trump has a special talent for creating chaos that benefits no one except Donald Trump, and doesn’t even do that in the end. That’s the only way to understand his destructive intervention Wednesday on the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in Congress. “Kill FISA,” he wrote on Truth Social, and the House Republican dunce caucus obliged.

Tucker Carlson says 'You've lost the thread' to US Christian leaders who support Israel

Turning to Isaac for insight, Carlson sought a message directed at Christian leaders in the US, prompting Isaac to talk about the historical context of the conflict, stating, "It would be to remind them that when the state of Israel was created, it was not created on an empty land. It was created on a land that had millions of indigenous Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians."

Mila is dangerous?

 Chazal state that wounding with iron is life threatening - so why is mila done with a metal knife?

Sanhedrin (76b) Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: It is revealed and known before He Who spoke and the world came into being that an iron instrument of any size kills. Therefore, the Torah did not provide a measure for it. The Gemara comments: And this statement applies only when the murderer stabbed him with the iron instrument. But in a case where the murderer struck another with an iron instrument, he is liable only if the instrument was at least a certain measure capable of causing death.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Concern that Goyim think we stole the land of Israel?

 Kli Yakar (Bereishis 1:1) Rabbi Yitschak said, "It was not necessary to begin the Torah, etc. but rather so that the nations should not say, 'you are thieves, etc.'" And it is difficult; and what about it, if they will say, "you are thieves," and because of this, the order of the Torah should be changed? The answer to this is that this matter brings heresy to the world, since they will say, "there is no law and no Judge" in the world and 'whoever is strongest prevails;' since if the world had a Ruler, who sets up its matters - it comings and goings - why did He not protest against you when you took by force - by way of theft - the lands of the seven Canaanite nations? Since it is for this reason that the judgment of the generation of the flood was not sealed except on account of theft, as it is stated (Proverbs 28:24), "One who steals from his father and mother and says 'it is not a transgression' is the companion of a destructive person;" since the reason this sin is greater than others is not because of the sin itself, but rather because of the evil that comes out of it; as the sinner who steals does not place guilt upon himself and says, "there is no transgression, since there is no God that judges in the world;" and therefore he is the companion of a destructive person, which means to say, he is a companion of the generation of the flood, as it is stated about them (Genesis 6:12), "since all flesh destroyed its way," since they also denied a principle of faith and said (Job 21:15), "What is the Omnipotent, that we should serve Him, etc." And this is what [brought] them to practice extortion and theft in the world. And because the prevention of theft is fundamental to all of faith, therefore the Holy One, blessed be He, made it come early and warned about it in the first commandment of (Exodus 12:2), "This month will be for you;" as over there, it is stated (Exodus 12:21), "And bring close and acquire for yourselves sheep," meaning from yours, and not from stolen ones; so explained the Ba'al HaTurim. And so too, Yitschak, when he commanded two kid goats to be brought to him, to make from them a Pesach sacrifice, he said (Genesis 27:3), "And hunt for me venison;" Rashi explained, from what is unowned and not from what is stolen, but since Esav's heart was not like that, it appeared to him that he could rather "hunt venison to bring," even from what is stolen; hence G-d caused that he should not bring it, but rather that Ya'akov should do so, as he was careful about theft. So too, the ox that Adam sacrificed, the Sages say that it had one horn on its forehead; to show that Adam too was one 'horn' in the world - meaning to say that he was by himself in the world - and did not steal from any creature; therefore, his sacrifice was accepted. And all this is in order to push away theft and robbery which brings heresy and apostasy. 

Parents of Michigan School Shooter Ethan Crumbley Sentenced to 10-15 Years in Prison

“These convictions were not about poor parenting,” said Judge Cheryl Matthews. “These convictions convey repeated acts or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train.”

Biden's Criticism of Israel Ignites Backlash From Republicans

A handful of Republican lawmakers have denounced President Joe Biden for criticizing Israel's handling of the war in Gaza, as some Democrats continue pressing him to shift his own approach to the six-month conflict.

Unmasking Lead Lurking in Herbal Medicine

An article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) highlights a case of lead toxicity from Ayurvedic medicines in a young woman, and the complexity in diagnosing the rare condition.

Biden urges Israel ‘to just call for’ 6-8 week ceasefire, slams PM’s handling of Gaza war

The Univision interview was taped last Wednesday — two days after the IDF’s deadly strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy and a day before Biden held a call with Netanyahu during which he reportedly threatened to cease support of Israel during the war unless Jerusalem made major changes to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Biden: I think what Netanyahu is doing is a mistake

Asked on Friday if he had threatened to stop the aid to Israel, the President would only reply, “I asked them to do what they’re doing.

Australia: Shocking details emerge of assault by pro-Palestinian activists

Two pro-Palestinian activists in Australia were charged on Tuesday with kidnapping and assaulting a victim for the perceived crime of being employed by a Jew. 

Arizona bombshell tests Trump's abortion gamble

 Why it matters: The swing-state ruling delivered a massive political gift to Democrats, who could not have asked for better timing to highlight the consequences of Trump's abortion position.

"This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials who are committed to ripping away women's freedom," President Biden said in a statement.

"This is what leaving it to the states looks like," tweeted Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa.