Friday, March 14, 2025

Musk Boosts Claim That Hitler Wasn’t to Blame for Holocaust

Elon Musk has reposted a tweet suggesting that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong were not responsible for murdering millions of people.

The post amplified by Musk to his 219.6 million followers blamed “public sector workers” for the atrocities carried out in the name of some of the most barbarous tyrants in modern history.

The MAGA millionaire shared a post on his X platform by an account with the username @TheAlice Smith that read: “Stalin, Mao and Hitler didn’t murder millions of people. Their public sector workers did.”


  1. And he's correct even if he said it in this crass fashion.
    Did Hitler directly kill a single Jew? Did Stalin fire a single bullet into a Jew? They set up the apparatus and the army and government workers did the rest.
    The point is that it takes more than a single dictator to cause atrocities. It takes millions of willing accomplices to make his nightmare come to life.

    1. No it's not
      Musk is insane.
      Why are you defending every rubbish he comes out with ? Is it because you have inverse derangement syndrome?

    2. Because this is how I understand Musk. He's issuing a warning.
      If no one had listened to Hitler, if the NSDAP had kicked him out of the party the minute he started raving about The Jews(tm), if he'd wound up living as a nobody in a suburb of Bonn, then we wouldn't have had a Holocaust. We had one because Hitler was obeyed by millions of people enthusiastically and who carried out his dictates. So when we talk about "Hitler" and only "Hitler' or "Stalin" and only him, we subliminally excuse the millions of Germans, Russians and their allies for their role in our destruction.
      And perhaps his alluding to Mahmoud Khalil who, by himself, is just a Jew hating terrorist but his ability to mobilize thousands of students and those thousands being willing to cooperate is what makes life hell for Jewish students on campus. They are just as guilty.

    3. These mass murderers always blame someone else. They say they were following orders. Orders came from the top
      According to you, Eichmann also didn't kill anyone, he just issued orders.
      So perhaps you oppose mossad and the Israeli courts for executing him
      After all, your Musk says he was innocent

    4. Again, according to me Eichmann was guilty for following orders.
      Me, when I found out that there was a plot to poison Germany's water supply after the war I was disappointed that it was thwarted.

    5. He's guilty for what? he also gave orders, oh, but because Musk is using cheap casuistry, there must be some truth to it

    6. You keep missing the point.
      This is the opposite of halakha. In halakha, if two people commit a sin that neither could've accomplished alone, they're patur. My point is that here, everyone who participated is guilty. Hitler, y"sh, is guilty and so is Eichmann, y"sh, and all the millions that helped them. Eichmann, like Hitler, was a part of the machine. Had no one followed his orders, he'd never have managed to have anyone killed.
      On a country scale, after the war we saw all the countries in Europe shout "It was the Germans! We're not guilty! It was all the Germans!" And the Germans themselves could say "It was the Nazis! Just the Nazis!" And the Nazis, y"sh, could say "It was Hitler. He was responsible for it!" No, they all were. They were all guilty of the atrocities.

    7. I'm skeptical of that halacha, it's probably based on if 100 avreichim throw their etrogim to kill the Kohen gadol, they obviously don't want to be punished. So they got the temple destroyed anyhow.
      But notwithstanding the above,
      You are lomed b'kaf zchut for a crackpot inventor who says all kinds of racist trash.
      Then whenever I point out that he's wrong, you say he means the opposite of what he said, ie what you mean.


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