Thursday, April 8, 2021

Is what I read about abortion and Judaism correct?

 The dreadful article you cite quotes  one view by an authoritative Orthodox rabbi of the past few decades trying  to “prove” the acceptability of abortion in Jewish law. This is misleading for a few reasons. Firstly, because there is no Pope in Judaism, which is to say that we have no hierarchy of ecclesiastical authority. Within the ranks of those trying to be true to God’s Torah, there will be different opinions and discussions in trying to reach the truth. Each Jew is meant to choose which Rabbinical authority he follows. You can’t go “shopping” for someone whose views you like on a specific issue. We can guarantee you that the people in the article who approve the views of this rabbi do not follow his ritual rulings in other areas.



  1. You know, I recall an article from over 25 years ago by Dr. Fred Rosner in a medical ethics journal in which he outlined the Jewish approach to various medical issues, including abortion.
    A couple of issues later there was a rebuttal article by a woman who identified herself as a scholar at the Hebrew Union College. She said she was compelled to write her article outlining the Reform approach to Jewish medical ethics (which, no surprise, was entirely the secular approach) so that, Heaven forbid, people shouldn't conclude that Dr. Rosner's opinions were actually Jewish and not just his Orthodox opinion.

  2. Tefillin


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