Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Trump presidency is at its absolute lowest point right now

 Everywhere Donald Trump looks right now, he sees political fires that threaten to engulf his presidency.
The Supreme Court, with two hand-picked Trump approved justices, has handed the President two stunning rebukes in the last week -- one on gay, lesbian and transgender rights in the workplace and the other, on Thursday morning, blocking the President from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for children brought to America illegally.
In Congress, Senate Republicans have shown increasing willingness to buck Trump. On Wednesday alone, every GOP senator wore a mask at a press conference announcing a package of police reforms. Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander insisted that there will be a second surge of the coronavirus and Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley announced he would block future legislation until the White House explains its recent spate of firings of inspectors general.
Trump's repeated attempts to suggest that the United States has effectively beaten the coronavirus are belied daily by reports that almost half the states in the country are experiencing an increase in cases. His push to return to the campaign trail on Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is widely regarded as endangering public health.
Trump's absolutely tone-deaf response to the death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis -- most notably a photo-op of Trump holding a Bible outside of St. John's church in Washington -- has been roundly criticized, including by many top former White House officials. "Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people -- does not even pretend to try," said former Defense Secretary James Mattis earlier this month. "Instead he tries to divide us."


  1. To be fair, Obama was pretty divisive as well and at times didn't try to hide it. But certainly nothing like Trump.
    After 3 1/2 years this should not be a surprise to you. Trump has been a flailing manic since he campaigned for the Republican nomination. Every time you think he can't top his last outrageous act, he does. Every time. So get ready for multiple episodes of "Trump Today!" this summer as the election campaign gets underway.

  2. Fake News.

    Donald Trump is standing up against the anarchists and communists. He's going to win the electoral and popular vote. I can't tell the future. But I can feel it.

  3. That's my point. The Dems swung first, and when we elected Donald Trump in self-defense it's "Wah Wah Political Brutality!"

    That's how you defeat the enemy. As Admiral Halsey said, "His fast, hit hard, hit often."

  4. Democrats and Never Trumpers have emptied out all their ammunition, and the purposely timed the onslaught to capitalize on a moment of national crisis. But the election is still more than 4 months away. This is a marathon and the Dems just sprinted in the middle. They are like a UFC fighter who just gassed himself out in Round 1. Nothing left to throw at Trump, and things can't get worse from the low point, can only start to look better. Sorry DT, your dream of replacing the donald is nothing but a pipedream.
    Biden has obvious, impairing dementia and cannot be elected

  5. man of little faith in Trump's amazing talent to produce constant scandals

  6. but Trump is too winded to swing

    when Trump loses what are you going to di?

  7. Good timing for dems _ plague, riots, scandal. They don't need to say a word!

  8. The campaign hasn't even started. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
    It's all about the campaign.

  9. Wait for Biden's VP to effectively take over as he quietly retires to a nursing home.


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