Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Jewish Ohio health official resigns after anti-Semitic backlash to virus orders


Amy Acton, state’s Department of Health Director, faced armed protesters, Nazi comparisons, anti-Jewish slurs after supporting stay-at-home orders to stem coronavirus outbreak



  1. The same folks who demand we understand diversity and tolerate moral neutralism suddenly become stupid when it comes to discussing America. America has a culture of freedom. Government isn't a friend but, at best, an annoyance because someone has to pave the roads and keep the army up and running. People are jealous of their rights and freedoms. They demand a high standard before they'll surrender them, even in dangerous situations because they know that once the danger passes, those rights and freedoms won't be given back to them.
    Look up here in Canada where the federal government, a minority that needs a working parliament to push through its agenda, has instead declared an indefinite state of emergency even as the country reopens and provincial governments start relaxing restrictions. No parliament. No oversight. No accountability.
    That's why the lockdowns in the States faced such resistance. People didn't see the danger as the primary concern but rather what society would look like when it ended.

  2. interesting screed but total misread of facts!


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