Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Don’t Listen to Fox. Here’s What’s Really Going On in Seattle’s Protest Zone.


  It seems I live in a city undergoing a “totalitarian takeover” that will lead to “fascist outcomes” and could “metastasize across the country.” Its government “has handed over an entire portion of the city to domestic terrorists.” This “group of rogue protesters” is attempting “to get a stranglehold on the city.” This radical “army” of “conquistadors” has “rolled over the police like Cortez rolling over the Aztecs.”
Welcome to our world, out here in Seattle—at least according to the hosts and commentators of Fox News. Lesser voices on the digital right have announced even more dire supposed developments: “Rapper-turned-warlord rules commune streets with the iron fist of a privatized police force.” But it’s Fox that has been all over the story of the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ (which its Black Lives Matter organizers on Saturday renamed the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, CHOP): four-plus blocks of street and sidewalk in Seattle’s traditional gay and bohemian nightlife district, surrounding a boarded-up police precinct headquarters that the mayor ordered vacated last Monday to dampen a week-and-a-half of escalating confrontations between police and protesters. From there, the fluid protests, spearheaded by BLM but involving a wide spectrum of activists and ordinary citizens, coalesced with surprising rapidity into something like a provisional government.


  1. By running these sympathetic articles you're trying to divert from the real issue: a group has taken over part of an American city, tossed out its government and formed its own. How is this okay? How is this acceptable? Where is the rule of law? That's the issue here.

  2. why doesnt Seattle agree with your Trumpian spin?

  3. What's my Trumpian plan? Seriously, do you even read what I post or has your hatred clouded your vision?
    I never mentioned Trump. I'm not suggesting any solution to this problem. Where do you get your insults from?
    And you never even answered the question I asked: how is a group of protestors taking over a neighbourhood and declaring it autonomous (while sending out tweets begging people to send in vegan food and expecting the government it doesn't recognize to continue to supply water and electricity) acceptable?

  4. Ok. Listen up Folk! This here is the New Order:

    1. Nobody is above the law. That's right. Nobody. In particular, Donald Trump, who is a real nobody, is guilty of collusion with Russian, and extorting the Ukraine to cough up false evidence against political opponents. Everybody else can take over cities and pull down statues. Because violence by the Left is Free Speech, and anything said or done by Donald Trump is criminal behavior. Got that?

    2. The reason some people aren't as successful as they want is because of White men. Anything going wrong in society can now be tied to White men.

    Two simple rules.

    Hey...you there! Take a knee!!

  5. Are you unaware of foreign aid? The State of Israel receives billions of dollars of military aid from the U.S. Is a little food and electricity and veggie burgers from the U.S. such a BIG DEAL to ask for to help out a six square block country?!

    Hat tip to Tucker Carlson for that concept of foreign aid to CHAZ (now CHOP).

  6. agree 100! Therefore Trump should change his skin color from orange to black. he suffered from his German born father who destroyed him by giving him millions. and if he took a knee regularly he might become fit enough to drink a glass of water with only one hand!

  7. Sorry not reading your stuff. Can we go back to divorce issues like Tamar is free and Aaron Freidman?
    “If George Floyd’s tragic death teaches us anything, let it be to shed light in the dark corners of legal and law enforcement bureaucracies that have sacrificed the lives of men (and women) in a misdirected show of force, whether due to racism, lack of investigation, or other discriminating factors If my daughter’s permanent loss of a loving mother and a stable home life teaches us anything, let it serve as an impetuous to end the cruel and senseless treatment in our nation’s family courts.” This is my letter today to the NYS Ct of Appeals:

    “2.Exhibit A: Popkin letter 3/24/1993 and Pesce letter 9/13/1996 states: Initially, my review of the file indicates that the matrimonial action brought by Susan Aranoff, and the related motions, are still pending.
    Whether or not the separation action is determined becomes immaterial.

    3.No. The matrimonial action brought by Susan Aranoff has ended because the separation action brought by Susan Aranoff became moot with Susan accepting the get in a NYS bet din before witnesses.

    4.Exhibit B Judge Rigler Order July 22, 1994 states: The court has previously determined that in this matter it has jurisdiction to address the issues of custody, visitation, exclusive possession of the marital residence and counsel fees.

    5.No. With Susan accepting the get, she must bring a new matrimonial action to address issues of custody, visitation, exclusive possession of the marital residence and counsel fees.

    6.Exhibit C Judge Ambrosio Order July 24, 2007: Plaintiff concedes that she collected $9,860 from the Defendant's inheritance on 3/22/96, which she deducted from the $51,327 money judgment on that date.

    7.No. Susan stole a $10,000 check payable to me, the late William Richardson willed to me.

    8.When Judge Gerald P. Garson was arrested, my case was transferred to Judge Ambrosio. Internet: Two years ago, Brooklyn State Supreme Court Justice Gerald Garson was hailed by several Jewish women's groups for forcing an obstinate Orthodox husband to give a get, or religious divorce, to his young Sephardic wife. In a landmark decision, Garson invoked the 1983 New York State Get Law and ordered the husband to pay his 22-year-old wife of four months the sum of $500 a week in permanent maintenance because he refused to remove a barrier to her remarriage by denying her the get. For the get issue, that was a great decision, said Susan Aranoff, director of Agunah International Inc., a women's advocacy group. The International Council of Jewish Women also hailed Garson, who became a judge in 1998. No doubt, the prospect of being required to pay permanent and substantial maintenance to their wives may prove to be one of the most effective methods of convincing greedy, vindictive Jewish husbands to give a get, the ICJW opined at the time. But last week, Garson found himself on the wrong side of the bench. The 72-year-old judge was arrested as part of a scheme to take bribes and fix divorce and child custody cases. Garson is a key figure in an unfolding corruption scandal that centers on Brooklyn's judicial and political systems as well as its Jewish community. Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said the scandal indicates that the system of electing state Supreme Court justices in Brooklyn and New York City is corrupt. Hynes convened a special grand jury to investigate corruption potentially leading to much-needed reform, he said.”

  8. maybe if you stop posting about Susan. Why do you think your personal squabbles are more important than current events?

  9. It's important that we know Garson is a crook!

  10. Kalonymus HaQatan “It's important that we know Garson is a crook!”
    The courts sentenced Garson to 4 years and Rabbi Mendel Epstein to 10 years.
    Pacer: Case 3:14-cr-00287-FLW Document 484 Filed 05/19/20 Page 1 of 17 PageID: 9161:I. BACKGROUND On April 21, 2015, Defendant was convicted of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. (See Jury Verdict as to Mendel Epstein, ECF No. 352.) Defendant’s conviction followed a jury trial wherein he was charged with various kidnapping-related offenses, stemming from his involvement in a scheme through which he, along with others, sought to assist Jewish women in obtaining religious divorces from their recalcitrant husbands. (See Amended Redacted Indictment, ECF No. 344.) On December 15, 2015, this Court sentenced Defendant to a term of imprisonment of 120 months. (See Judgment as to Mendel Epstein, ECF No. 394.) Defendant was also sentenced to 5 years of supervised release following his imprisonment, and he was ordered to pay a special assessment of $100. (Id.) Thus far, Defendant has served approximately 4 years of his 10-year sentence.
    Why is it important that we know that Garson is a crook? “Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may thrive and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” (Deuteronomy 16:20).
    דברים ט"ז כ'
    צֶדֶק צֶדֶק תִּרְדֹּף לְמַעַן תִּחְיֶה וְיָרַשְׁתָּ אֶת הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר יְקֹוָק אֱלֹקֶיךָ נֹתֵן לָךְ:
    צדק צדק תרדוף - הלך אחר בית דין יפה:
    למען תחיה וירשת - כדאי הוא מנוי הדיינין הכשרים להחיות את ישראל ולהושיבן על אדמתן:


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