Tuesday, June 16, 2020

DeSantis defies critics as coronavirus spreads in Florida


DeSantis’ moves to return his state to normal have been as aggressive as any governor, but there’s one inconvenient fact: Florida’s coronavirus cases are rising to record levels and the percentage of positive tests has been steadily climbing ever since the state fully implemented the first phase of its reopening May 18.
On Friday, when DeSantis first spoke to reporters about the GOP convention moving to Florida in August, the state was setting new records for the number of coronavirus cases reported each day. But he downplayed the severity of coronavirus’s spread, partly because hospitalization and death rates remained relatively low and stable. And he framed the convention as an economic shot in the arm, rather than a petri dish of infection as some detractors contended.

1 comment :

  1. "But he downplayed the severity of coronavirus’s spread, partly because hospitalization and death rates remained relatively low and stable"
    Um yeah, that's the point. No matter what leniencies he took, the spread remained far below expectations. Of course the virus will continue to spread. Only idiots expected the lockdown to prevent spread. The lockdown was about managing the spread so hospitals could keep up. So if Florida's hospitals are keeping up and its economy is recovering, he's done his job. But for this left wing rag, that's a bad thing!


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