Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bolton says Putin 'thinks' he can play Trump 'like a fiddle' in new claims ahead of book release

Former national security adviser John Bolton took President Trump to task Wednesday, saying he thinks Russian President Vladimir Putin can play Trump “like a fiddle.”
Bolton made the claim during an appearance on ABC News’ “World News Tonight with David Muir,” ahead of his 592-page memoir. The book is expected to paint a scathing portrait of Trump and his administration, lending the most vivid first-person account yet of how Trump conducts himself in office.
“I think Putin thinks he can play him like a fiddle. I think Putin is smart, tough -- I think he sees that he’s not faced with a serious adversary here,” Bolton said of the president’s relationship with Putin. “I don’t think he’s worried about Donald Trump.”
Host Martha Raddatz asked Bolton why certain deals with other leaders like Putin have gone awry despite Trump seeing “himself as a dealmaker.”
“Well the president may well be a superb dealmaker when it comes to Manhattan real estate. Dealing with arms limitation treaties on strategic weapons, dealing in many many other international security issues are things far removed from his life experience,” Bolton said. “When you’re dealing with somebody like Putin who has made his life understanding Russia’s strategic position in the world, against Donald Trump, who doesn’t enjoy reading about these issues or learning about them -- it’s a very difficult position for America to be in.”


  1. :
    I just read closely Bolton’s 9-page WSJ piece.
    Trump promised to make America great. Trump surprises Bolton over and over. “In Buenos Aires on Dec. 1, at dinner, Xi began by telling Trump how wonderful he was, laying it on thick. Xi read steadily through note cards, doubtless all of it hashed out arduously in advance. Trump ad-libbed, with no one on the U.S. side knowing what he would say from one minute to the next.”
    My support and respect for Trump increases as I read Bolton’s screed against Trump.
    Screed = a long tiresome speech or writing.

  2. true devotion even in the face of clear evidence Amazing but not surprizing

  3. I knew yesterday evening, when this story broke, that today would be a Yom Tov for this blog, a true Simcha - so many posts about Bolton. I am just waiting for the Mishloach manot!

  4. it isn't the quantity it is the significance

  5. The quality

  6. “Bolton says Putin 'thinks' he can play Trump 'like a fiddle' in new claims ahead of book release”
    Oh, good news for me, allow me to announce June 18, 2020 book release of

    Current Strategies in Economics and Management Vol. 2
    Chapter 2
    A Model of Room Rentals in a Seasonal Hotel Illustrating Monopolistic Competition: Descriptive Approach
    Gerald Aranoff
    Chapter 3
    A Model of Manufacturers and Buyers of Cars Over the Business Cycle Illustrating Competitive Manufacturing: Advanced Study
    Gerald Aranoff
    Chapter 5
    A Numerical Example Illustrating Cost of Idle Capacity in Manufacturing: Advanced Study
    Gerald Aranoff
    Chapter 6
    A Mathematical Perspective: Focus during Weekdays should be on Supply for the Sabbath a Support for Workable Competition
    Gerald Aranoff

    Bolton brings evidence how supremely wise is Trump, beyond that of Bolton and others. “Xi read steadily through note cards, doubtless all of it hashed out arduously in advance. Trump ad-libbed, with no one on the U.S. side knowing what he would say from one minute to the next.” Bravo Trump who says what he means and means what he says. Bravo Netanyahu.

  7. you are praising an ignoramus for being ignorant? no evidence of wisdom was manifest


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