Thursday, September 6, 2018

The ex-aides of a messianic, sex-convict rabbi fight from within to cast him out

timesofThis is the story of a venerated rabbi who is also a convicted sex offender, of the courageous ex-aides and former students who exposed his crimes at tremendous personal cost, and of the small sector of his ultra-Orthodox community that eventually recognized his guilt and shunned him. It is also the story of the wider community that still won’t openly condemn him, and of victims who’ve escaped his clutches and those who’ve stayed loyal. It is the story of Rabbi Eliezer Berland, a self-styled messiah who, after a year behind bars, is today again a free man.israel.\\\


  1. All of society is spiralling out of control. That's why I'm starting my own community. With strict rules to absolutely minimize if not eliminate the immorality.

    Why do I say spiralling out of control? Because the Times of Israel website generated this ad (cf. graphic included in comment) for me. The ad seems to have generated based on my locale. It may not be the ad that is generated for other visitors to that webpage. The fact of the matter is, however, that an ad featuring models in what is meant, from the context, to be a homosexual embrace, is designed to generate income for the Times of Israel.

    An article exposing immorality is supported by immorality!

  2. Prof Scholem, who was an expert on Shabbetai Zvi, wrote one of on Jewish Mysticsm - "Major trends.." The chapter he writes after Shabbetai Zvi, is titled "Hassidism - the next phase". it is strange that there are false messiahs and shabbetai zvi characters being bred by Hassidism.

  3. the ads are generated by your surfing habits, which gathers cookies and anonymous information about you. if you were into football or other permitted activities, it wouldn't show this.

  4. That's true to some extent. If a person doesn't erase their cookies or have a VPN etc to hide their IP address etc.

    But even if you say it was my browsing history, cookies, etc collected by Google or whomever, it doesn't detract from my core statement.

    That if I were to click on the unfitered

  5. Sorry, I was joking, moichel me please. I get a lot of ads for shoes and hi-fi 馃榿

  6. I took your comment seriously because it made a valid point.

    Your remark didn't imply anything untoward. I go to sites like that could very well have triggered a bot to generate an ad like that.

    The joke was good. No need to ask Mechila. But you certainly have it if you like.

  7. Joe,
    You're a great guy, and you mean well.
    However can please delete this disgusting picture? We can get the idea about your beef, without actually seeing the graphic details.
    I come to this site in order to read about Torah related issues.
    Not to see this GARBAGE.

  8. IsraelReader says “Joe, You're a great guy, and you mean well. However can please delete this disgusting picture? We can get the idea about your beef, without actually seeing the graphic details. I come to this site in order to read about Torah related issues. Not to see this GARBAGE.”
    Torah thought parshat Nizavim Rosh Hashana
    “Well you know that we dwelt in the land of Egypt and that we passed through the midst of various other nations through which you passed; and you have seen the detestable things and the fetishes of wood and stone, silver and gold, that they keep. Perchance there is among you some man or woman, or some clan or tribe, whose heart is even now turning away from the Lord our God to go and worship the gods of those nations—perchance there is among you a stock sprouting poison weed and wormwood 砖专砖 驻专讛 专讗砖 讜诇注谞讛. When such a one hears the words of these sanctions, he may fancy himself immune, thinking, “I shall be safe, though I follow my own willful heart”—to the utter ruin of moist and dry alike [i.e., everything]” (Deuteronomy 29:15-18).
    砖专砖 驻专讛 专讗砖 讜诇注谞讛 Rabbi Goren has his famous/brilliant insight 砖讜驻专 using the first letters. The shofar will bring even the very worst of us to repentance etc.
    诪诇讘讬"诐 讚讘专讬诐 驻专拽 讻讟 驻住讜拽 讟讝
    讜转专讗讜 讗转 砖拽讜爪讬讛诐 讜讙讜'. 诪诇砖讜谉 讜诇讘讬 专讗讛 讛专讘讛 讞讻诪讛 (拽讛诇转 讗 讟讝) 讛讜讗 注谞讬谉 讛砖讙讛, 讜诇讻谉 讬砖 诇讞讜砖
    Hertz Chumash “detestable things 砖拽讜爪讬讛诐. A contemptuous designation for idols, with implied reference to the immoral rites that went hand in hand with idol worship.”
    See, IsraelReader, Moses says “you have seen the detestable things.” We saw in Egypt and Edom, Ammon, Moab, and Midian. Joseph Orlow presents for us to see with our eyes, clearly, the immoral practices etc. On this blog we fight immoral practices. Surely the K-G heter permitting Tamar etc, Rabbi Reisman defending convicted sex offender etc, are a Torah related issue. Follow, IsraelReader?

  9. All of society is spiralling out of control. That's why I'm starting my own community. With strict rules to absolutely minimize if not eliminate the immorality.

    Why do I say spiralling out of control? Because the Times of Israel website generated this ad (cf. graphic included in comment [edit: picture deleted at request of a friend -- the picture was not as bad that may seem -- in a different context the picture might not seem bad at all])) for me. The ad seems to have been generated based on my locale. It may not be the ad that is generated for other visitors to that webpage. The fact of the matter is, however, that an ad featuring models in what is meant, from the context, to be a homosexual embrace, is designed to generate income for the Times of Israel.

    An article exposing immorality is supported by immorality!

  10. Scholem was an expert on nothing Jewish.

  11. If the Yavetz were around today, he would be fighting all these sabbatean groups.

  12. There are no Sabbatean groups today and there haven't been in the last hundreds of years.

    Some universally recognized Gedolim fought the Rambam.

  13. maybe not movements, but leaders who act like jacob Frank - Berland is one, Tropper, etc.
    gedolim fought the Rambam? Do you mean in his time? Can you provide examples?
    Those who disagreed with Rambam did not suggest he was acting wrongly, ch'v, rather they disagreed with some of his philosophies vs more mystical teachings, even the Gra opposed some of these views, does not mean anything in this current discussion.

  14. No. I don't follow your illogical way of thinking.
    Fighting immorality, doesn't mean that you need to graphically see it in all its disgusting shapes and forms.
    Do you think that there is a "mitzvah" to see pictures of immoral practices?
    If yes, then you don't need to wait until such pictures are posted on this website.
    You can imbibe from the sewer of the internet, all day and night.
    Joe O. understands what I'm saying, and he respectfully deleted his post.
    Kudos to Joe!

  15. They want as far as burning his ktavim works.

  16. IsraelReader says “No. I don't follow your illogical way of thinking. Fighting immorality, doesn't mean that you need to graphically see it in all its disgusting shapes and forms.”
    IsraelReader you’re a regular basher of Israel. See
    “I suggest that the lesson for us today is to remain steadfast in living, building, and defending Israel---the repeated warnings/admonitions of Jeremiah and Gedaliah .”
    “Israel made me hate it” has long been a common theme among Jewish critics of Israel…Recently, a major article in the New York Jewish Week featured Plitman, describing him as being at the center of an “emerging new Jewish left” that is more willing than its elders to criticize Israel. And how did Plitman get to be a critic of Israel? You guessed it—Israel made him hate it.”
    IsraelReader, Plitman is an example of true illogical thinking. Read the article. Joseph Orlow is brilliant. Your reproaches and criticisms are feeble attempts to change the subject etc.

  17. "Scholem was an expert on nothing Jewish." - he was an expert on Kabbalah , and yes, that is not Jewish, but was later on invented..

  18. GA: "IsraelReader, you’re a regular basher of Israel."

    Sir, you are DELUDED. Is your name "Israel"? Are you upset that I don't always see eye to eye with you?

    My Diqus comments record speaks for itself.
    You will NOT find a single comment critical of Israel there.
    That's not me. If I have a critique of Israel, I keep it to myself.
    No need to hang out Israel's dirty laundry in public.

    However I reserve the right to speak out against immorality, especially if in immoral picture was posted on this particular Torah oriented website. Your attack on myself, indicates your lack of sensitivity to the gravity of the issue.

    Disclaimer: I also reserve the right to criticize certain elements in Israel that make a mockery of Traditional Torah methodology.

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