Monday, August 31, 2015
Committe for the Preservation of Jewish Cemetaries in Europe
>קריאת קודש מאת גדולי ורבני עיה"ב לונדון בשבח הפעולות הנעשות להצלת בית החיים בווילנא
רבני העיר לונדון חברי הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה יוצאים בקריאת קודש בשבח הפעולות הנעשות להצלת בית החיים בווילנא על ידי עסקני הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה ~ למול גל השמצות פרוע המתנהל על ידי אתרא קדישא
בימים אלו מתפרסם מכתבם המיוחד של כל רבני עיר הבירה לונדון בקריאה גדולה לטובת הצלת בית החיים בווילנא, על הקול קורא חתמו רבני העיר בראשות הגה"צ רבי משה חיים אפרים פדווא שליט"א גאב"ד לונדון וזקן ראשי הישיבות הגאון האדיר רבי אליקים שלעזינגער שליט"א ראש הישיבה הרמה ונשיא הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה, ואתם עמם חתמו גם הגה"צ רבי יוסף בנימין הלוי וואזנר שליט"א אב"ד ור"מ קהל יטב לב דסאטמאר לונדון, הגאון הגדול רבי אהרן דוד הלוי דונר שליט"א, הגה"צ רבי בן ציון בלום שליט"א דומ"ץ באבוב לונדון, חברי בד"ץ התאחקה"ח דלונדון, ועוד מחשובי רבני העיר שליט"א.
את מכתבם פותחים רבני העיר לונדון חברי הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה בשבח עסקני הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה והפעולות הגדולות ונצורות הנעשות בימים אלו להצלת בית החיים שניפשוק בעיר ווילנא שבליטא, רבני לונדון כותבים: "באנו בזה לחזק את ידי נציגינו העסקנים החשובים הי"ו, הנמצאים בעובי הקורה בהשתדלותם במשא ומתן למען הצלת הבית החיים העתיק שניפשטו"ק בעיר ווילנא יצ"ו".
לאחר מכן כותבים רבני העיר לונדון חברי הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה שכבר לפני כשש שנים - בשנת תשס"ט הצליחו עסקני הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה לחתום על הסכם עם נציגי ממשלת ליטא על שמירת בית הקברות בווילנא, והם מביעים את תקוותם כי גם בעתיד יימשך המצב ובית הקברות ישאר שמור ובטוח.
בהמשך מכתבם של רבני העיר לונדון חברי הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה הם מצהירים ומגלים את דעתם בפירוש שכל הפעולות הנעשות על ידי עסקני הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה, הכל נעשה על פי דעתם והדרכתם, והכל מתנהל לפי כל פרטי ההלכה והמסורה, גדולי ורבני לונדון מפרסמים בזה את דעתם ואומרים מפורשות: "אנו מודיעים ומאשרים בזה שכל מעשיהם, פעולותיהם, והשתדלותם של העסקנים החשובים הי"ו, העוסקים לשם שמים, הכל נעשה על פי דעתנו, הדרכותינו, והוראתנו, והכל מתנהל ע"פ דקדוק ופרטי ההלכה והמסורה".
רבני העיר לונדון חברי הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה אף מוסיפים במכתבם בשבח העסקנים המסורים, וכותבים: "תיתי להם הזכות הגדול להציל רבבות קברי ישראל, וקברי אחים, מהירוס וחילול רח"ל"
בשולי המכתב חתם הגה"צ רבי יוסף בנימין הלוי וואזנר שליט"א אשר הוסיף כמה מילים, ובדבריו ציטט את דברי זקנו מרן בעל שבט הלוי זצוק"ל שכבר הביע בכתב ובע"פ את דעתו כי "דרכי הוועד הנ"ל נכון, וישר, ובאופן המועיל, וכבודן של אותן גאונים וצדיקים הטמונים שם".
יצוין כי מכתבם של רבני עיר לונדון מגיע כעת בעקבות גל השמצות קשה המתנהל בתקופה האחרונה מצד כת נוכלי אתרא קדישא הידועים לשמצה בתעלוליהם הרעים, כאשר אנשי אתרא קדישא מפיצים עלילות ושמועות שוא כביכול על חילול בית החיים בווילנא, בשעה שכל מטרתם בענין כבר ידועה ומפורסמת, לזאת רבני העיר לונדון חברי הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה יצאו עכשיו בקריאת קודש מיוחדת לטובת הצלת בית החיים בוולינא ובה הם מחזקים את ידי עסקני הועד להצלת בתי עלמין באירופה בפעולות הקודש הנעשות על ידם, ומבהירים בגלוי את דעתם כי כל פעולות הועד נעשות בהדרכתם בהוראתם ועל פי דעתם, והכל מתנהל על פי דקדוק ופרטי ההלכה והמסורה.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Why does beating an IDF soldier prove that he was the aggressor?
Arutz 7 Unbelievable footage has emerged showing an IDF soldier being beaten
by Arab women and children in the village of Nabi Salah, Samaria
The video is already being seen by some as proof that the army is
having its hands effectively tied, both by increasingly restrictive
instructions on how to handle violent Palestinian rioters, as well as by
insufficient backup from the political echelons against legal campaigns
by leftist NGOs targeting IDF soldiers.
Nabi Salah is a particularly extreme Palestinian Arab village, which
also hosts large number of far-left foreign activists. Arab and foreign
"activists" regularly stage provocations and violent riots targeting
both nearby Jewish villagers and IDF forces.
The video shows IDF soldiers responding to a riot on Friday, with one
soldier detaining a juvenile rock-thrower. However, the situation
quickly escalates as he is gradually surrounded by a crowd, largely
consisting of screeching women and children.
As the soldier calls for backup in dispersing the crowd, some of the
women and youths begin punching and hitting him. Despite being armed and
trained in hand-to-hand combat, he clearly feels unable to respond.
Time Magazine takes on the Shidduch Crisis
Time Values.
That’s the one thing that always came up when I’d discuss theories on
declining marriage rates or the rise of the hookup culture with my
friends or family.
“Couldn’t it just be that times have changed?” people would ask.
Times have changed, and that is a good thing—especially the
fading-away of cruel taboos that once stigmatized women who engaged in
premarital sex or bore children out of wedlock.
Thing is, times change for a reason. The values question assumes that
sexual mores loosen naturally from conservative to liberal. In reality,
these values have ebbed and flowed throughout history, often in
conjunction with prevailing sex ratios.
Today, mainstream dating guides tell the everything-going-for-her
career woman it’s her fault she’s still single—she just needs to play
hard to get or follow a few simple rules to snag Mr. Right. But the
problem is a demographic one. [...]
It’s not that He’s Just Not That Into You—it’s that There Just Aren’t Enough of Him.
Lopsided gender ratios don’t just make it statistically harder for
college-educated women to find a match. They change behavior too.
According to sociologists, economists and psychologists who have studied
sex ratios throughout history, the culture is less likely to emphasize
courtship and monogamy when women are in oversupply. Heterosexual men
are more likely to play the field, and heterosexual women must compete
for men’s attention. [...]
Secular-style dating is rare in the Orthodox community in which Elefant
lives. Most marriages are loosely arranged—“guided” is probably a better
word—by matchmakers such as Elefant. The shadchan’s job has been made
exceedingly difficult, she said, by a mysterious increase in the number
of unmarried women within the Orthodox community. When Elefant attended
Jewish high school 30 years ago, “there were maybe three girls that
didn’t get married by the time they were twenty or twenty-one,” she
said. “Today, if you look at the girls who graduated five years ago,
there are probably thirty girls who are not yet married. Overall, there
are thousands of unmarried girls in their late twenties. It’s total
The imbalance in the Orthodox marriage market boils down to a
demographic quirk: The Orthodox community has an extremely high birth
rate, and a high birth rate means there will be more 18-year-olds than
19-year-olds, more 19-year-olds than 20-year-olds, and so on and so on.
Couple the increasing number of children born every year with the
traditional age gap at marriage—the typical marriage age for Orthodox
Jews is 19 for women and 22 for men, according to Michael Salamon, a
psychologist who works with the Orthodox community and wrote a book on
the Shidduch Crisis—and you wind up with a marriage market with more
19-year-old women than 22-year-old men. [...]
That is the Shidduch Crisis in a nutshell. Unfortunately, relatively
few Orthodox Jews realize that the Shidduch Crisis boils down to a math
problem. Most explanations for the Shidduch Crisis blame cultural
influences for causing men to delay marriage. “Those of us who’ve tossed
and turned with this, we don’t necessarily
believe that there are more girls than boys,” said Elefant. “We believe
God created everybody, and God created a match for everybody.”
As Elefant saw things, a 22-year-old man inherently has more dating
options than a 19-year-old woman, because he can date down age-wise.
“The guys act like kids in a candy store,” Elefant said. Of course, if
there were gender-ratio balance among all the age cohorts, single
22-year-old men would not have more choices than single 19-year-old
women because most of the age-19-to-22 women would already be married to
older men—thus shrinking 22-year-old men’s dating pool.[...]
In the Orthodox Jewish community, however, there is a natural control
group—one that does make it possible to settle the
culture-versus-demographics debate with near certainty. That control
group is a sect of Orthodox Judaism known as Hasidic Jews. [...]
There is, however, one major cultural difference between the two
groups: Hasidic men marry women their own age, whereas Yeshivish men
typically marry women a three or four years their junior.
“In the Hasidic world, it would be very weird for a man to marry a
woman two years younger than him,” said Alexander Rapaport, a Hasidic
father of six and the executive director of Masbia, a kosher soup
kitchen in Brooklyn. Both Rapaport and his wife were 36 when I
interviewed him.
When I asked Rapaport about the Shidduch Crisis, he seemed perplexed.
“I’ve heard of it,” he said, “but I’m not sure I understand what it’s
all about.”
In fact, there is no Shidduch Crisis in the Hasidic community. “When I
mention the term to Hasidim, they don’t know what I’m talking about,”
said Samuel Heilman, a professor of sociology and Jewish studies at City
University of New York and an expert on Hasidic Jews.[...]
The seeming immunity of Hasidic Jews to the Shidduch Crisis has not
been lost on some Yeshivish rabbis. In 2012, a dozen American and
Israeli Orthodox rabbis signed letters urging young men and their
parents to begin their matchmaking process earlier than age 22 or 23.
The rabbis noted that their community “finds itself in an increasingly
difficult situation,” with “thousands” of single Jewish women struggling
to find husbands. “[I]t has become clear that the primary cause of this
is that [men] generally marry girls who are a number of years younger,”
read one of the letters. “Since the population increases every year and
there are more girls entering shidduchim than boys, many girls are left
unmarried. Clearly, the way to remedy this terrible situation is to
reduce the age disparity in shidduchim. Many [Hasidic] communities who
do not have age disparities in shidduchim are not facing this tragic
situation of numerous unmarried girls.”
The suggestion that the true origin of the Shidduch Crisis lies in
demographics has not sat well with those who staked their reputations on
alternative explanations. “This fancy cocktail of demography,
sociology, mathematics, and mythology is really nothing more than a
Ponzi scheme,” American Rabbi Chananya Weissman wrote in The Jerusalem
Perhaps the most controversial—and definitely the most misogynistic—
explanation for the Shidduch Crisis was offered up by Yitta Halberstam,
coauthor of the best-selling Small Miracles
series of books. Halberstam’s 2012 column in The Jewish Press started
out innocently enough. “This is the harsh truth,” she wrote. “The
mothers of ‘good boys’ are bombarded with shidduch suggestions on a
daily basis—a veritable barrage of résumés either flooding their fax
machines or pouring out of their email inboxes—while those with
similarly ‘top’ daughters sit with pinched faces anxiously waiting for
the phone to ring. The disparity is bare, bold-faced, and veritably
Here Halberstam went off the rails. She went on to describe attending
a community event where single women were introduced to mothers of
single men—and being “jolted” by the subpar looks of the girls. [...]
In other words, the real reason these young women were still
unmarried was because they were homely. Halberstam then doubled down on
heartlessness, suggesting that a visit to the plastic surgeon might be
in order for some of these Plain Janes: “Mothers, this is my plea to
you: There is no reason in today’s day and age with the panoply of
cosmetic and surgical procedures available, why any girl can’t be
transformed into a swan. Borrow the money if you have to; it’s an
investment in your daughter’s future, her life.” [...]
Anorexia has become a quiet scourge of the Orthodox Jewish community.
A report on the National Eating Disorders Association website described
the intense pressure that single Orthodox women feel to stay thin
during the matchmaking process. NEDA cited a study by eating disorder
specialist Dr. Ira Sacker, who found that one in nineteen girls in one
Orthodox community had been diagnosed with an eating disorder—a rate 50
percent above the national average.
One cultural by-product of the Shidduch Crisis that has not been
hushed up is the ever-larger dowries that Orthodox brides and their
families are now expected to pay for the privilege of getting married.
These dowries are financial promises made by the bride’s parents to help
support the young family for the three or four or however-long-it-takes
years that their future son-in-law may spend studying at a Jewish
seminary. The fact that these dowries keep increasing demonstrates both
the market power men possess as well as the desperation felt by young
women and their parents. “It was never like this before,” said Salamon.
“There was always a dowry, but it was pillowcases and things of that
nature—not $50,000.”
Salamon noted that the practice of brides’ families paying five- and
six-figure dowries has leached from the traditional Orthodox community
into the more assimilated Modern Orthodox one. Indeed, the Summer 2013
issue of Jewish Action, the official magazine of the Modern Orthodox
umbrella organization Orthodox Union, included an essay by Rabbi
Lawrence Kelemen, a well-known Jewish scholar and lecturer. Kelemen told
the story of his attempt to arrange a marriage for his daughter: “When I
contacted the head of a prestigious American yeshiva [an Orthodox
Jewish seminary] to ask if he might have a shidduch for my daughter, he
asked me ‘what level boy’ I was interested in. Unsure what he meant, I
asked for clarification. ‘Top boys go for $100,000 a year, but we also
have boys for $70,000 a year and even $50,000 a year.’ He said that if I
was ready to make the commitment, he could begin making recommendations
The Orthodox Union’s executive vice president, Rabbi Steven Weil,
told me he believed a backlash to the increasingly outlandish dowries
was brewing. “You don’t marry for money,” Weil said. “This is not our
Weil is right, of course. It is not his religion. It is his religion’s demographics.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Forced takeover of a Bnei Brak seminary by gedolim?
Kikar HaShabbat
Kikar HaShabbat
הבוקר (ג) פורסם כי הרבנית רחל בורנשטיין-גפן, אשת הגאון רבי שמואל יעקב בורנשטיין ראש ישיבת 'קרית מלך' מונתה למנהלת סמינר הרב מאיר בבני ברק, לצדו של המנהל הוותיק הרב שמואל מאיר, בברכתם של הגראי"ל שטיינמן והגר"ח קנייבסקי
את סמינר הרב מאיר יסד בזמנו הגאב"ד הגר"נ קרליץ.
אך ממכתב ששלח המנהל הרב שמואל מאיר לסגנית המנהלת הגברת חנה שטיגל עולה כי הוא מתנגד למינוי.
לשון מכתבו של הרב מאיר: "אני מתנגד לכל מינוי שהוא של גב' רחל בורנשטיין בתיכון ובסמינר".
העתק מהמכתב נשלח לראש עיריית בני ברק חנוך זייברט מתוקף תפקידו כראש העיר אמור לאשר מנהלות רישמיות למוסדות חינוך בעיר.
גורמים בסמינר אומרים כי "בנו של הרב מאיר, המקורב לפלג הנודע של בעלי המחלוקת, מעוניין לקבל את תפקידו של אביו והוא עומד מאחורי המכתב", לדבריהם, "היות והסמינר נוסד על ידי גדולי ישראל בראשות הגר"נ קרליץ, והם שהכריעו כי הרבנית בורנשטיין תצטרף לניהול המקום באופן הראוי ביותר, ולאחר שקיבלה את ברכת גדולי ישראל אין מקום לערער אחר ההחלטה".
את סמינר הרב מאיר יסד בזמנו הגאב"ד הגר"נ קרליץ.
אך ממכתב ששלח המנהל הרב שמואל מאיר לסגנית המנהלת הגברת חנה שטיגל עולה כי הוא מתנגד למינוי.
לשון מכתבו של הרב מאיר: "אני מתנגד לכל מינוי שהוא של גב' רחל בורנשטיין בתיכון ובסמינר".
העתק מהמכתב נשלח לראש עיריית בני ברק חנוך זייברט מתוקף תפקידו כראש העיר אמור לאשר מנהלות רישמיות למוסדות חינוך בעיר.
גורמים בסמינר אומרים כי "בנו של הרב מאיר, המקורב לפלג הנודע של בעלי המחלוקת, מעוניין לקבל את תפקידו של אביו והוא עומד מאחורי המכתב", לדבריהם, "היות והסמינר נוסד על ידי גדולי ישראל בראשות הגר"נ קרליץ, והם שהכריעו כי הרבנית בורנשטיין תצטרף לניהול המקום באופן הראוי ביותר, ולאחר שקיבלה את ברכת גדולי ישראל אין מקום לערער אחר ההחלטה".
לעומת זאת, גורם במשפחתו של הרב מאיר, המקורב לפלג הירושלמי, אומר ל'בחדרי חרדים': "מדובר פה במחטף לכל דבר ובאופן חד משמעי. הסמינר מעולם לא התערב במחלוקת, רוח הסמינר היא נגד המזוהים עם צד במחלוקת, אין שום שינוי בסמינר מבחינתו של הרב מאיר, לכולם ידוע שהרבנית בורנשטיין היא צד במחלוקת הליטאית ואנחנו לא חפצים בכך". [...]
Owen Labrie of St. Paul’s School Is Found Not Guilty of Main Rape Charge
NY Times The prep school graduate accused of raping a younger student at the
elite St. Paul’s School dropped his head and sobbed for the first time
since the start of his trial: He had been found not guilty on Friday of
felony sexual assault charges, but was convicted of having sex with a
girl who was below the age of consent. [...]
So ended the trial of Owen Labrie, 19, and with it a rare exploration of
the backslapping sexual culture among some students at one of the
nation’s most exclusive boarding schools. Over nearly two weeks, jurors
listened to prosecutors and defense lawyers ask witnesses about a custom
called the “senior salute,” in which older students at St. Paul’s
propositioned younger classmates for a last-chance encounter before
at its core, the case was about an intimate encounter last year between
a 15-year-old girl and an 18-year-old acquaintance, and whether she
consented as it escalated.[...]
after about seven hours of deliberations over two days, the jury
appeared to dismiss Mr. Labrie’s insistence that he had not penetrated
the girl in any way, but found that the state had not proved that what
happened was against the girl’s expressed wishes. [...]
It was a case with conflicting stories and, as is common in such cases, a focus on the credibility of the female accuser.
Carney made much of the girl’s expectations, recalling that a friend of
hers said she had considered the possibility of oral sex with Mr.
Mr. Cherniske said that, whatever her expectations, the girl had a right to change her mind.
the jury ultimately decided either that they did not believe her, or
that there was a reasonable doubt about whether she had communicated her
denial of consent to Mr. Labrie. [...]
Friday, August 28, 2015
Call me 'ze,' not 'he': University wants everyone to use 'gender inclusive' pronouns
Educators in the Volunteer State are very concerned that students
might be offended by the usage of traditional pronouns like she, he, him
and hers, according to a document from the University of Tennessee –
Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
“With the new semester beginning and an influx of new
students on campus, it is important to participate in making our campus
welcoming and inclusive for all,” wrote Donna Braquet in a posting on
the university’s website. “One way to do that is to use a student’s
chosen name and their correct pronouns.”
Braquet, who is director of the university’s Pride Center, suggested
using a variety of gender neutral pronouns instead of traditional
For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of the new gender neutral pronouns are ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr.
Let’s just say that not everyone is on board with the new gender
neutral pronouns. Lots of folks in Big Orange Country are turning blood
“It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,”
Republican State Sen. Mae Beavers told me. “If you must interview a
student before you greet the student, that’s not acceptance – that’s
just absurd.”
Beavers represents a “very conservative” district and she
said her constituents are enraged over how their tax money is being
spent by the university.
“The idea a child would want to be called by a gender
neutral term is absolutely ridiculous,” she said. “It’s getting so crazy
in this country.”
Julie West has two children at the university – not to
mention a family dog named after the Volunteer’s revered coach – General
“This isn’t inclusion,” she said. “This is the radical transformation of our lives and language.”[...]
Dealing with threats from spouse in divorce cases
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A very common concern from divorce clients and people looking for information about their divorce comes in the form of, “my husband is threatening to…” or “my wife is threatening to…” with something about taking away the kids or all the property.
99.9% of the time those threats have zero basis in the law and are never going to happen. They have less to do with the law or what the person really believes they can do to you, and more to do with psychological warfare by tormenting you or scaring you into doing or not doing something. Under the Texas Family Code, divorces are just not that sinister. Usually these threats are made before the divorce petition is filed or shortly afterwards. It is common to see the spouse who does not want the divorce threatening to “take the kids and you’ll never see them” or “take everything and leave you with nothing” to scare you away from filing for divorce and staying in a bad situation. After the divorce petition is filed and the other spouse (respondent) has been served, these threats are tossed around out of anger just to torment you. The best way to avoid being scared away from filing for divorce in Texas or hire a divorce lawyer to protect your rights is to understand why these threats are untrue (or at least highly unlikely). Knowledge is power. So today’s post will address some of those common threats and how the law really works.
One of the biggest issues people struggle with in dealing with a high-conflict (HCP) ex is when children are part of the equation. It’s hard enough to shed a HCP spouse or partner; when children are involved, it becomes the never-ending trickle of salt into the open wound you’re trying to heal.
As noted in a previous Shrink4Men article, the trick to neutralizing the Crazy is boundaries. For some of us, creating boundaries for ourselves is difficult enough. It becomes hellishly difficult to implement healthy boundaries when there are children to consider.
Why is it so difficult? In many cases, the answer is fear.
HCPs are predators, as Dr T and Micksbabe so aptly identified them. They know the smell of fear. If you have any, they will know it. They might not be the sharpest pencil in the box otherwise, but boy, do they know how to sniff out fear. Then they capitalize on it to the nth degree.
Once you or the HCP decide the marriage or relationship is over, you need to immediately be on your guard. At that point, regardless of what your HCP ex says, you are now the enemy in their mind. Many men are often lulled into a false sense of security by the fact that she seems to be behaving and seems to be thinking and acting rationally at the beginning of the break-up or divorce.
She is not. It’s a trap! (Think Admiral Ackbar here.) [...]
Even when you know how crazy your Crazy is, it’s hard to believe someone could act the way they do. You don’t want to believe it. You want to think the high-conflict parent loves the children as much as you do. (Honestly, they all seem to have the same large-print handbook on how to be as horrific as possible.)
HCPs know this. On some level, they know you won’t sink to the same depths they do in your desire to get what you want and they count on it. They count on you not wanting to go against your upbringing that includes manners and not behaving badly. They know your desire to behave as a decent member of society holds you back from responding to their behavior no matter what. No one wants to be the bad guy and they count on your desire to be Mr Nice Guy.
Know that. Recognize that the Crazy will not fight fair, will not behave in a way that is socially acceptable, will use your children, will threaten you and play on your fear at every opportunity, and will sacrifice herself to “win” against you. To the Crazy, any means justify their ends.
You don’t have to stoop to their level. Instead, prepare yourself from a legal standpoint. Again, do your research and understand the laws you’ll be subject to once in the court system. Document the Crazy behavior and show how the Crazy does not support a positive relationship between your kids and yourself. Also, understand the financial implications. Get very familiar with your state’s child support guidelines. Even if you have an attorney, having this knowledge will serve you well. [...]
In Dr. Baker’s book, she profiles horrible stories of alienation. All of the children who were victims of PAS eventually stepped away from their alienating parent, and went about attempting to resurrect the relationship with the target parent. This was true even in some of the most awful cases.
While it may not seem to be doing much at the time, your children will remember who loved them and demonstrated it using more than words, who was there for them, and who didn’t hop on the Crazy train and drive it into the abyss.
Do your due diligence, get professional support if you need it, focus on long-term gains instead of the short-term, permanent present guerrilla warfare tactics many HCPs engage in and you and your children will survive this. [...]
Holocaust trauma passed on to children via genes, says scientist
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The Jewish Chronicle A study of Holocaust survivors and their children has shown that trauma can be passed on through genes.
The study, led by Rachel Yehuda from New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital,
looked at the genes of 32 men and women who directly experienced the
Holocaust - either in a concentration camp or who had to hide during
the Second World War.
According to the research, the survivors’ children had an increased
likelihood of stress-related disorders, as well as low levels of
cortisol, the hormone that regulates the body’s response to stress. Ms
Yehuda said: “The gene changes in the children could only be attributed
to Holocaust exposure in the parents”.
The idea that environmental factors such as smoking or diet can
affect one’s offspring via genetic mutations is known as “epigenetic
inheritance”. [...]
The idea is a controversial one and it is still not fully understood
how these tags are passed on. It was believed that any epigenetic tags
on DNA are ‘wiped clean’ following fertilisation. However, recent
research form Cambridge University has shown that some epigenetic tags
escape this cleaning process.
“To our knowledge, this provides the first demonstration of
transmission of pre-conception stress effects resulting in epigenetic
changes in both the exposed parents and their offspring in humans,” said
Ms Yehuda, whose work was published in Biological Psychiatry.
Marcus Pembrey, emeritus professor of paediatric genetics at
University College London, said: “What we’re getting here is the very
beginnings of a understanding of how one generation responds to the
experiences of the previous generation. It’s fine-tuning the way your
genes respond to the world.”
Graphic video has prompted McDonald's to cut ties with one of its chicken suppliers
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On Wednesday, the advocacy group released disturbing hidden-camera footage capturing what it says is evidence of abusive practices at a McDonald’s chicken supplier.
The investigation into T&S Farm, located in Dukedom, Tennessee, “exposed horrific cruelty to animals, including birds beaten, crammed in filthy sheds, stabbed to death with nails attached to makeshift clubs and left to suffer and slowly die without proper veterinary care,” the group wrote.
The farm had likely supplied chicken for McDonald's Chicken McNuggets, McChicken sandwiches and grilled and deep-fried chicken filets, according to The Associated Press.
Watch the video below. Be warned that it contains graphic footage:
Thursday, August 27, 2015
The Widening World of Hand-Picked Truths
half a century ago, in what passed as outrage in pre-Internet times,
people across the country became incensed by the latest edition of Time
magazine. In place of the familiar portrait of a world leader — Indira
Gandhi, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ho Chi Minh — the cover of the April 8, 1966, issue was emblazoned with three red words against a stark black background: “Is God Dead?”
of people sent letters of protest to Time and to their local
newspapers. Ministers denounced the magazine in their sermons.
subject of the fury — a sprawling, 6,000-word essay of the kind Time
was known for — was not, as many assumed, a denunciation of religion.
Drawing on a panoply of philosophers and theologians, Time’s religion
editor calmly considered how society was adapting to the diminishing
role of religion in an age of secularization, urbanism and, especially,
stunning advances in science.
With astronauts walking in space, and polio and other infectious diseases
seemingly on the way to oblivion, it was natural to assume that people
would increasingly stop believing things just because they had always
believed them. Faith would steadily give way to the scientific method as
humanity converged on an ever better understanding of what was real.
50 years later, that dream seems to be coming apart. Some of the
opposition is on familiar grounds: The creationist battle against
evolution remains fierce, and more sophisticated than ever. But it’s not
just organized religions that are insisting on their own alternate
truths. On one front after another, the hard-won consensus of science is
also expected to accommodate personal beliefs, religious or otherwise,
about the safety of vaccines, G.M.O. crops, fluoridation or cellphone
radio waves, along with the validity of global climate change.
Like creationists with their “intelligent design,”
the followers of these causes come armed with their own personal
science, assembled through Internet searches that inevitably turn up the
contortions of special interest groups. In an attempt to dilute the
wisdom of the crowd, Google recently tweaked its algorithm so that
searching for “vaccination” or “fluoridation,” for example, brings
vetted medical information to the top of the results.
But presenting people with the best available science doesn’t seem to change many minds. In a kind of psychological immune response,
they reject ideas they consider harmful. A study published this month
in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that it
is more effective to appeal to anti-vaxxers through their emotions, with stories and pictures of children sick with measles, the mumps or rubella — a reminder that subjective feelings are still trusted over scientific expertise.[...]
Many Psychology Findings Not as Strong as Claimed - 50% of published studies are possibly junk
The past several years have been bruising ones for the credibility of the social sciences. A star social psychologist was caught fabricating data, leading to more than 50 retracted papers. A top journal published a study supporting the existence of ESP. The journal Science pulled a political science paper on the effect of gay canvassers on voters’ behavior – also because of concerns about fake data.
A University of Virginia psychologist decided in 2011 to find out
whether such suspect science was a widespread problem. He and his team
recruited more than 250 researchers, identified 100 studies that had
each been published in one of three leading journals in 2008, and
rigorously redid the experiments in close collaboration with the
original authors.
results are now in: More than 60 of the studies did not hold up. They
include findings that were circulated at the time — that a strong
skepticism of free will increases the likelihood of cheating; that physical distances could subconsciously influence people’s sense of personal closeness; that attached women are more attracted to single men when highly fertile than when less so.
The new analysis, called the Reproducibility Project
and posted Thursday by Science, found no evidence of fraud or that any
original study was definitively false. Rather, it concluded that the
evidence for most published findings was not nearly as strong as
originally claimed.
than half — even lower than I thought,” said Dr. John Ioannidis, a
director of Stanford University’s Meta-Research Innovation Center, who
once estimated that about half of published results across medicine were
inflated or wrong. Dr. Ioannidis said the problem was hardly confined
to psychology and could be worse in other fields, including cell
biology, economics, neuroscience, clinical medicine, and animal research
Canadian Man Dubbed 'Jewish Schindler' for Saving Yazidi Sex Slaves From ISIS
A Canadian businessman is being dubbed the “Jewish Schindler” after paying for the release of Yazidi and Christian slaves held by Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.
Steve Maman has rescued 128 girls and women through the organisation he founded, Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq (CYCI).
CYCI uses intermediaries to negotiate with Islamic State captors and pays between $1000 - $3000 for the release of each slave. According to the organization’s website, girls and women are then returned to their families or sent to a Kurdish refugee camp in northern Syria.
Islamic State is estimated to have taken 2,700 women and girls captive, torturing them and using them as sex slaves. Amnesty International claims Yazidi and Christian girls as young as 12 are being held.
Montreal-based Maman says his Jewish tradition motivated him to take action and establish CYCI in January this year.
read more:
Steve Maman has rescued 128 girls and women through the organisation he founded, Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq (CYCI).
CYCI uses intermediaries to negotiate with Islamic State captors and pays between $1000 - $3000 for the release of each slave. According to the organization’s website, girls and women are then returned to their families or sent to a Kurdish refugee camp in northern Syria.
Islamic State is estimated to have taken 2,700 women and girls captive, torturing them and using them as sex slaves. Amnesty International claims Yazidi and Christian girls as young as 12 are being held.
Montreal-based Maman says his Jewish tradition motivated him to take action and establish CYCI in January this year.
read more:
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Rav Dovid Eidensohn Tel Conf #17 - Your Kesubo – Is it Kosher? August 26 Wed 9:30 PM
Call 605-562-3130 enter code 411161#
Your Kesubo – is it kosher? Why not? Probably, some reliable person supervised the Kesubo writing at your wedding. Torah scholars were present. So, what is the problem? We list below three problems. One is Reb Moshe Feinstein’s ruling that in large cities some kesubose may be invalid. And today most people are probably in such cities, certainly those in New York City. Another problem is that our Kesubose don’t really assure a woman that she will be paid. And the Talmud considers this an invalid Kesubo, and the marriage is considered Zenuse. This is even if the Kesubo is a proper legal document but the wife is not sure of that. Surely if there are real problems in making her sure of herself with the Kesubo. The third problem is that the Kesubo is read publicly, and some information in it may be hugely humiliating. Rabbeinu Yona considers such a humiliation to be worse than murder.
Ultra-Orthodox In Israel: Keeping Cool While Keeping Customs
In the hot sun of a Jerusalem afternoon, kids wait for a fountain to turn on.
When water spouts into the air, 9-year-old Tzipora Baranas jumps right in. She's wearing black tights, a black, below-the-knee skirt and a long-sleeved black shirt.
"It's fun when the water spritzes up in my face," she says.
She is Orthodox Jewish and her outfit is in deference to religious modesty. She says she's not hot at all, despite the temperature hitting the 90s and the dark clothes covering all but her face and hands.
Of course, she is dripping wet at the moment.
Nearby, in the shade, an Orthodox mother, Rinat Kuperman, says it's good that the city has a place where kids can get wet without having to wear a swimsuit in public.
"They understand that people like us want to be happy in the summer and still keep ourselves like we want," she says. "Covered and refreshed."
Her family swims only in pools with times separated by gender, in keeping with their religious custom of covering their bodies when away from home and in the presence of members of the opposite sex. Kuperman isn't dressed all in black, but her skirt brushes her ankles. She wears a long-sleeved blouse over a T-shirt and has wrapped a colorful scarf over her hair.
Most Israelis are secular, and this record-breaking summer heat means plenty of shorts and skimpy tops on the beaches and streets. Choices for modest dress — including those that keep people covered up even in the summer heat — draw on religious rules, community norms and personal beliefs.[...]
Monday, August 24, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Jared Fogle has no easy road to recovery, sex addiction experts say
Indystar Identifying those with pedophilic or sex addiction, as well as victims of sexual abuse, can be challenging
Bill Cosby. Josh Duggar. Dennis Hastert. And now Jared Fogle.
In the past few months, allegations surrounding these men and sexual activity with minors, male and female, have surfaced in headline after headline. In the latest, Indiana’s own Fogle just agreed to plead guilty to charges that include having sex with teenagers and distributing pornography involving children as young as 6 years old.[...]
Researchers delving into the personality characteristics of those who
engage in online deviate behavior, of which child pornography is one
type, know that you can rarely predict offenders.
There is no one type of person that engages in child pornography, no
one profile,” said Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar, an assistant professor in
the department of computer and information technology at Purdue
University who studies this area. “It’s because the behavior itself is
very dynamic and complex.”
Some people will download child
pornography but never try to contact a minor for a sexual encounter, she
said. Others might network, share information and reach out to
children. Now researchers have noted another category — those who
contact minors online but have no intention of ever meeting them in
Although people who do jail time for viewing child pornography have low
recidivism rates, the same is not true for those who contact their
victims, Seigfried-Spellar said. [...]
“You cannot be cured of this,” she said. “It is like any other
addiction. You can learn how to manage it ... but you have to work on
this every day of your life when you have this compulsion.”
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Protest against incompetence of International Beit Din for Agunos
Update: Psakim of the Beis Din has been added as well as the link to their webpage where these psakim came from - International Beit Din - psakim

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Rav Dovid Eidensohn Tel Conf #16 – Prenups Force a Husband to Divorce His Wife Wed 9:30 PM Aug 19
Call 605-562-3130 code 411161#
Prenups are documents a husband signs at his wedding, empowering the wife to leave the house at any time and force the husband to give her a GET. The husband, from the time that the wife leaves the house, must pay his wife a large sum of money regularly, a sum designed to overwhelm his ability to pay and to force him to give her a GET. The Modern Orthodox world is working hard to force every husband to sign a prenup. When that happens, may truly Orthodox people marry children born from Modern Orthodox women who got divorces because of prenups, or not? And what happens if Orthodox husbands sign a prenup and there is a GET? That is our discussion here.
Shoftim 75 - What happened to the Policeman? by Allan Katz
Guest post by Allan Katz
שופטים ושוטרים תתן לך בכל שעך' ' The parasha of Shoftim opens with the commandment to appoint for yourselves judges and police officers in all your cities. In our daily prayers we ask God to 'restore our judges as in the earliest times and counselors at first ' - השיבה שופטינו כבראשונה ויועצינו כבתחלה. The obvious question is what happened to the policemen, why don't we pray for the restoration of a police force. There is a need for police especially in the light that religious courts are said to have ' no teeth ' and lack authority, something that has been a feature of the religious legal system for centuries. (Something to wonder about).In education, likewise there are many religious educators who long for the days where punishments were ' effective ' tools in educating kids in Torah. Nevertheless, we pray for judges and counselors who can guide and inspire us to follow and keep God's Torah and not for policemen who will enforce God's law.
A legal system in a country and the state of law, order and morality are not only dependent on judges and policemen but on the moral standing of the population. In our verse above, God also calls on all individuals, on an individual level to be their own personal judges and policemen who reflect, make personal judgments on how to act and monitor their own behavior. In fact, the breakdown of law and order in many countries has more to do with the lack of moral standing of its population than government instruments for maintaining law and order. The Mishnah Pirkei Avos 3:2 ' Rabbi Chanina the deputy [High] Priest said: Pray for the welfare of the government (lit., monarchy), for if not for its fear, a person would swallow his fellow live." seems to be not quite relevant for a time when there is no longer any fear for governments. We pray that we should be intrinsically motivated to be people who follow the Torah because it is the right thing to do and we appreciate God's Torah values and the Divine intelligence. In the same way, we want our kids not to hit or speak badly to other kids because of what will happen to them, but because they are people who love others and don't hit or hurt the feelings of others.
We pray that not only should the religious courts replace secular courts but more important we should relate to religious courts from a true religious perspective. R' Isaac Sher explains that if we go to a religious court – beit din with intention to defend our rights and property we have transformed a beit din into a secular court. We go to beit din to seek guidance, to know how God wants us to act in this situation and resolve the conflict. The status of religious courts depends on our attitude and appreciation of their religious roles in our lives.
Collaborating and finding mutual satisfying solutions or making compromises with or without the help of the religious courts is fundamental in dealing with disputes and resolving conflict. Again 'mishpat= justice ' is something very much personal and intrinsic to the individual and less dependent on the external legal system.
To sum up: It seems that the Torah wants the locus of control to be intrinsic to people and that we educate people to be their own judges, self – assess and monitor their behavior , have an appreciation of the religious value of the courts of law and be able to settle disputes in a collaborative problem solving way.
When it comes to our children we do the opposite. The locus of control is outside the child. The educational system – both academic and socio-moral is driven by parents and teachers using extrinsic motivators such as grades, moving to the next level, consequences, punishments, rewards and encouragement in the form of positive reinforcement and praise. When it comes to behavior, kids ask what will I get, or what will be done to me if I behave in a certain way and not what type of person do I want to be, is this an expression of my Torah values,reflect on the consequences of my behavior, not for me, but for others in the community, classroom and family? One of the things I look for in 'frum' – religious education and parenting is what happens when kids screw up. Is the talk about compliance and the tools of control that can get compliance or is it helping the child to see the consequences of his actions on others, come up with a better plan that addresses his concerns in an appropriate way and engaging in an autonomous way in the moral act of restitution , reparation and making amends ? In other words - do Teshuvah-repent.
When it comes to learning, the questions kids ask is if this will be on the test, what grade did I get, am I in the top ten in the class, how can I get the best grade with the minimal effort etc, instead of connecting and developing a love for learning, making meaning of what is being learned, seeing the actual value and relevance of the learning and asking questions. John Dewey said education is not a preparation for life, but life itself, or closer to home Torah is our life.
In order to place the locus of control with the child and move away from extrinsic controls and motivators we should take note of the words of the educator Jerome Bruner. Kids should be helped to focus on what they are doing and not on how they are doing. So it is important that kids do not experience success or failure as rewards or punishment but as information. Our feedback is important but it should be neutral and non-evaluative so kids can reflect on what they are doing and internalize the underlying values which will help them become self-determined Torah personalities.
Monday, August 17, 2015
For transgender Jews, ritual bath is fraught with questions about inclusion
Converting to Judaism about a year ago, a transgender man in
Washington asked his rabbi a pointed question about the last step in the
process, which calls for dunking naked in a ritual bath.
Could he locate a transgender man to serve as the required witness for this immersion?[...]
The mikvah — most commonly used by traditional Jewish women
to mark the end of their menstrual periods — is where a transgender
person may first discover how a Jewish community treats its transgender
members. [...]
Each mikvah witness must be a supportive person, said Berman —
someone who “isn’t going to flip out when they see a body that might
look different from what they would have expected.”
Friday, August 14, 2015
Jakarta Court Overturns Sex Convictions Against International School Teachers
Time Two teachers from an exclusive international school in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, walked free after a judge upheld their appeal and quashed sexual-assault convictions Friday, AP
Canadian Neil Bantleman and his Indonesian colleague Ferdinant Tjiong were initially convicted under Indonesia’s child-protection law — which calls for a maximum of 15 years in prison for sexual abuse toward a child. They had been accused of raping three kindergarten-aged boys at the Jakarta Intercultural School, formerly known as the Jakarta International School.
They were set to serve a 10-year prison sentence, of which they’ve already served over a year
The two teachers maintained their innocence throughout the trial. AP says that staff at the school campaigned for their release, arguing that the case was motivated by money after the mother of one of the children sued the school for $125 million in compensation.
A judge threw the mother’s case out of court on Aug. 10, saying that there was not enough medical evidence to prove the boys had been assaulted. [...]
Canadian Neil Bantleman and his Indonesian colleague Ferdinant Tjiong were initially convicted under Indonesia’s child-protection law — which calls for a maximum of 15 years in prison for sexual abuse toward a child. They had been accused of raping three kindergarten-aged boys at the Jakarta Intercultural School, formerly known as the Jakarta International School.
They were set to serve a 10-year prison sentence, of which they’ve already served over a year
The two teachers maintained their innocence throughout the trial. AP says that staff at the school campaigned for their release, arguing that the case was motivated by money after the mother of one of the children sued the school for $125 million in compensation.
A judge threw the mother’s case out of court on Aug. 10, saying that there was not enough medical evidence to prove the boys had been assaulted. [...]
Doctors Fail to Address Patients’ Spiritual Needs
NY Times Religious beliefs also often affect patients’ wishes when it comes to choosing aggressive end-of-life treatment or palliative care.
I was raised Jewish, and had no idea about when to call a priest, or what doing so might imply. I feared that if I raised the issue, she and her mother would feel that I was giving up on her. So for a few weeks, I did nothing. But every time I visited her, I felt bad.
“Do we ever call a priest?” I finally asked my resident one day in the hall, trying to be casual. I felt uncomfortable asking – as if I should somehow know better. I occasionally noticed priests in white collars and rabbis wearing yarmulkes or black hats riding the elevators and walking the halls, but was surprised to find that other doctors and I simply ignored them, never speaking to them. They operated in an entirely different world.
My resident looked at me as if I were nuts. That is simply not something that we did as physicians. Senior physicians and I never mentioned religion and spirituality on rounds with any patients. In the world of scientific medicine, these topics were taboo. Yet it felt odd to do nothing. I sensed her aloneness and terror in that room – even though she was with her mother – but none of us ever tried to address these feelings in any way.
Religion was never discussed in my medical training. In medical school, a priest maintained a small lounge, providing coffee and tea, where students could sometimes drop in to get coffee, but that was wholly optional, and most students never did so.
Yet studies have documented the importance of religion and spirituality to many patients. Seventy percent of dying patientswant their doctor to ask them about their religious beliefs.
Consequently, in 2001, The Joint Commission, which accredits healthcare organizations, decreed that health care providers “receive training on the value of spiritual assessment.” Partly as a result, the number of medical schools with some education on spirituality and health has increased from 13 percent in 1997, to around 90 percent in 2014.
But many medical schools provide only a single lecture on the psychological aspects of end-of-life care, often involving a chaplain who discusses how religion can be important in end-of-life case.[...]
Over the years, however, I have increasingly seen how many patients, especially when confronting the end of life, value their emotional, existential and spiritual feelings over further medical treatment when it begins to seem futile. [...]
I still regret my silence with that patient, but have tried to learn from it. Doctors themselves do not have to be spiritual or religious, but they should recognize that for many patients, these issues are important, especially at life’s end. If doctors don’t want to engage in these conversations, they shouldn’t. Instead, a physician can simply say: “Some patients would like to have a discussion with someone here about spiritual issues; some patients wouldn’t. If you would like to, we can arrange for someone to talk with you.”
Unfortunately, countless patients feel uncomfortable broaching these topics with their doctors. And most physicians still never raise it.
Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away From Bad Diets
Coca-Cola, the world’s largest producer of sugary beverages, is backing a new “science-based” solution to the obesity crisis: To maintain a healthy weight, get more exercise and worry less about cutting calories.
The beverage giant has teamed up with influential scientists who are advancing this message in medical journals, at conferences and through social media. To help the scientists get the word out, Coke has provided financial and logistical support to a new nonprofit organization called the Global Energy Balance Network, which promotes the argument that weight-conscious Americans are overly fixated on how much they eat and drink while not paying enough attention to exercise.
“Most of the focus in the popular media and in the scientific press is, ‘Oh they’re eating too much, eating too much, eating too much’ — blaming fast food, blaming sugary drinks and so on,” the group’s vice president, Steven N. Blair, an exercise scientist, says in a recent video announcing the new organization. “And there’s really virtually no compelling evidence that that, in fact, is the cause.”
Health experts say this message is misleading and part of an effort by Coke to deflect criticism about the role sugary drinks have played in the spread of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. They contend that the company is using the new group to convince the public that physical activity can offset a bad diet despite evidence that exercise has only minimal impact on weight compared with what people consume. [...]
Most public health experts say that energy balance is an important concept, because weight gain for most people is about calories in vs. calories out. But the experts say research makes it clear that one side of the equation has a far greater effect. [...]
Rav Pinchus Rabinowitz issues clarification concerning Get Me'usa resulting from Quebec's laws


הרב פינחס
אליהו רבינוביץ שליט"א Rabbi Pinchus Rabinowitz
ראב"ד Ravad
Tel. (845) 641-4345
Park Ln.
Monsey NY 10952
דברים בדין גט מעושה ע"י חוק גירושין של מדינת קיובעק
תנן בגיטין [פ"ח
ע"ב] גט מעושה בישראל כשר, ובעובדי כוכבים פסול. ופירש הרשב"ם [ב"ב
מ"ח ע"א] גט המעושה, שכופין אותו לבעל להוציא, אם בישראל הוא כשר שכפוהו
ישראל וכגון דאמר רוצה אני: בעכו"ם פסול, ואע"ג דאמר רוצה אני וכו'.
ובסוף המשנה קתני
ובעכו"ם חובטין אותו ואומרין לו עשה מה שישראל אומר לך ופירשב"ם
ובעכו"ם, אם אנו רוצים לכופו על ידי עכו"ם ויהיה הגט כשר מלמדים אנו
לעכו"ם שיאמרו לו עשה מה שישראל אומר לך, דהשתא נמי מצוה לשמוע דברי חכמים
עכ"ל. ועי' בתוס' ב"ב מ"ח ע"א ד"ה גט בסו"ד
וז"ל: והא דאמר בגיטין [דף פ"ח ע"ב] לפניהם ולא לפני עכו"ם
כיון שהעישוי על פי דייני ישראל לאו היינו לפני עכו"ם, דלפני עכו"ם היינו
כשהעישוי נעשה על פי דייני עכו"ם עכ"ל.
ביאור הדברים דאף שהגט
צריך להיכתב ולהינתן מרצון הבעל, ולכן גט מעושה פסול שהבעל לא גירש מרצונו, מכל
מקום באופן שכופין אותו לגרש למדין מהמשנה בערכין [כ"א ע"א] דכופין אותו
עד שיאמר רוצה אני, וכ"ה ברמב"ם פ"ב מהלכות גירושין הלכה כ': מי
שהדין נותן שכופין אותו לגרש את אשתו ולא רצה לגרש, בית דין וכו' וכו', מכין אותו
עד שיאמר רוצה אני, ויכתוב הגט והוא גט כשר.
וכתב עוד
הרמב"ם: ולמה לא בטל גט זה שהרי הוא אנוס בין ביד גויים בין ביד ישראל, שאין
אומרין אנוס אלא למי שנלחץ ונדחק לעשות דבר שאינו מחויב בו מן התורה לעשותו, כגון
מי שהוכה עד שמכר או נתן, אבל מי שתקפו יצרו הרע לבטל מצוה או לעשות עבירה, והוכה
עד שעשה דבר שחייב לעשותו וכו', אין זה אנוס ממנו, אלא הוא אנס עצמו בדעתו הרעה.
לפיכך, זה שאינו רוצה לגרש מאחר שהוא רוצה להיות מישראל, רוצה הוא לעשות כל המצוות
ולהתרחק מן העבירות, ויצרו הוא שתקפו, וכיון שהוכה עד שתשש יצרו ואמר רוצה אני כבר
גירש לרצונו עכ"ל.
ולענין הלכה כתב
בשו"ע אם אנסוהו ישראל שלא כדין פסול, ובבית שמואל כתב לפרש וז"ל: משמע
לכאורה דפסול מדרבנן, וליתא אלא אפילו מדאורייתא פסול כמו שכתבו ברש"י
והר"ן ובטור וכן משמע בסעיף ז', וכן אם אנסוהו עכו"ם כדין הגט בטל וכו'
עכ"ד ר"ל שבסעיף ז' כתב המחבר אנסוהו ישראל לגרש שלא כדין ואמר רוצה
אני, וגם ביטל המודעא או לא מסרה [ר"ל המודעא] פסול, ואעפ"כ פסלה מן
הכהונה עכ"ל המחבר, ומדכתב לרבותא שפסלה מן הכהונה שמע מינה דמן הדין הגט בטל
מדאורייתא, ורק משום ריח הגט [שהוא חומרא בעלמא] פסלה מן הכהונה, וכ"כ להלכה
הט"ז בסק"ט ובערוה"ש סעיף ג'.
ובאנסוהו עכו"ם
כתב בשו"ע סעיף ח: אנסוהו כותים לגרש, אם הוא חייב לגרשה מן הדין פסול,
ואעפ"כ פסלה מהכהונה, ואם לא היה חייב לגרשה מן הדין אפילו ריח גט אין בו ולא
נפסלה מהכהונה, והרמ"א הוסיף על זה וז"ל: ואפילו אם קבל מעות על נתינת
הגט לא אמרינן משום זה נתרצה עכ"ד.
הרי מבואר דפסולו של
גט מעושה ע"י נכרים אף שיש פסק דין שחייב בכפייה לא חלה הדין של כפייה על
העישוי של נכרים, ולכן הגט בטל מן התורה.
ובאותו מקרה אם נעשתה
הכפייה על ידי עובד כוכבים [והבי"ד של ישראל לא ביקשו מהנכרים שיכופו אותו]
הגט פסול אף שבאמת היה הבעל חייב לגרש את אשתו, מכל מקום כיון שלא נעשה על ידי בית
דין של ישראל אין הגט מועיל להתיר את האשה, אפילו אם אמר הבעל רוצה אני כדרך שהוא
עושה ע"י כפיית בית דין.
מהו העישוי שנחשב
לאונס לא רק שחבטוהו והכוהו על כך כדקתני להדיא במשנה אלא גם כשאנסוהו בממון כגון
שגזלו ממנו מעותיו ואינם רוצים להחזיר לו אלא אם כן יגרש את אשתו כ"כ
הרשב"א בתשובותיו ח"ד סי' מ' והובא בב"י סי' קל"ד ומקורו מגמ'
ב"ב מ' ע"ב במעשה דפרדיסא, ובשו"ת ה"ר בצלאל אשכנזי סי'
ט"ז כתב להוכיח כן מכל הראשונים שכתבו במכירה שאונס ממון הוי אונס והוא הדין
בגט ע"ש.
אשר לפ"ז כשהאשה
הולכת לערכאות ותובעת ממון שלא כדין ובגלל זה נותן הבעל גט לאשתו הוי גט מעושה
כדכתב בשו"ת שבט הלוי בחלק ה' סימן ר"י בסוף תשובתו בזה"ל: באופן
שחשש גט מעושה במקומו עומד כיון שהוא כפיית ממון ע"י אחרים, וכבר יצאה הלכה
לכלל ישראל שאונס ממון נקרא ג"כ אונס כמבואר שם באה"ע וחו"מ
ובתשובת מהר"ב אשכנזי סימן ט"ז, ומהרי"ק סימן ס"ג ובמכתב
אליהו סוף פרק י"ט ובשאר הרבה פוסקים, ואין עיצה אלא שימחלו לו הקנס, ושהיא
תכתוב כן לערכאות, וכשהוא חפשי מזה לפעול אצלו על הגט ברצון עכ"ד.
ונראה דבכה"ג
שערכאות מחייבים ממון שלא כדין הגט פסול אפילו במקום שיש פסק דין של כפייה, דמאחר
שתובעים ממון שלא כדין הרי סיבת הדבר שנותן הגט הוא משום שאינו רוצה שיגנבו ממנו
ממון, ומאחר שזה הכפייה הוא שלא כדין דאסור לישראל לגזול ממון ע"י ערכאות
דהוי מסירה וגזילה, ועוד בכה"ג שגם אחרי נתינת הגט מונעים ממנו איזה זכות שלא
כדין הרי באופן זה אין הבעל חייב ליתן גט והכפייה הוא שלא כדת, שהרי הבעל מפסיד
שלא כדין בגלל נתינת הגט, ועוד מאחר שכופין שלא כדין הרי בממילא באופן זה בטלה
הדין של כפייה והוי גט מעושה.
ואף עישוי של ישראל
הוא ע"י שכופין אותו בגופו כלשונו של הרמב"ם הנ"ל "וכיון
שהוכה עד שתשש יצרו ואמר רוצה אני כבר גירש לרצונו" אבל לא כן הוא כשאנסוהו
בממון, שאין אמירת רוצה אני יוצאת מעמקי הלב כיון שלא תשש יצרו, רק אנוס הוא
באמירת רוצה אני כדי שלא יגזלו ממנו, ועוד מאחר שאין זה הדרך לכפייה הרי נעשה
הכפייה באיסור, והוי כמו אנסוהו שלא כדין, ועוד אפילו אם העישוי הוא רק על דברים
המגיעים לה על פי הלכה, אבל מאחר שחוק גירושין הוא שהיא יכולה לתבוע, ולהבעל אין
זכות טענה - לטעון כנגדה בודאי יש בה משום חמס. ובאמת נראה שיש לדון /שבאופן
שיפסיד הבעל יותר בערכאות מכפי דיני תורה הן בענין ממון הן בענין ביקורי ילדים
והוא אינו רוצה ליתן גט עד שיסודר ביניהם מקודם באיזה אופן שיהי', הרי בזה יש לו
זכות לעכב הגט עכ"פ עד שתלך לדין תורה, ואף היה הבעל מאלו שכופין, וכן פסקו
הבית דין מכל מקום למה לא יהיה לו הזכות לעכב הגט עד שגם היא תעשה כדין תורה,
והסברא נותנת שעד שתציית היא לדין תורה הרי הוא פטור מליתן הגט, דמעולם לא נתחייב
בנתינת הגט אם זה גורם לו פסידא שלא כדין, ופשוט.
ומכל שכן בנדון דידן
דמעולם לא תבעה האשה את בעלה לדין תורה - שהרי לא שלחה אליו הזמנה לדין תורה, והיא
שהתחילה בערכאות אחרי שחזרו למצוא רבנים מתירים, ואכן השיגו מבוקשם והתירו לה ג'
רבנים בהחבא בעל פה לילך לערכאות, הרי הכח להתיר איסור ערכאות, וכי מפני שהם שלשה
יש להם הכח לעשות כפי חפצם בתורת בית דין, הרי אין בכחם להפקיר ממונו, ומה שוה
היתר בית דין כשאין ההיתר מבוסס על אדני הלכה, ובפרט אחרי שהיא הלכה לתבוע תביעות
מוגזמות שלא כדין, והיתר ערכאות אין כאן, רק איסור גזילה ומסירה יש כאן, ועל ידי
גלגול נתגלגל עוד איסור חמור התלוי בצוארם, איסור אשת איש, שמחמת תביעתה בערכאות
יהיה הבעל מוכרח ליתן לה גט כשר עפ"י ערכאות, דעפ"י הלכה הרי זה
גט מעושה מאחר שהלכה בערכאות ותבעה בערכאות דברים וממון שאינה מגיעה לה עפ"י
דין תורה.
הנה אחריות של כל בית
דין הוא להעמיד הדת על תילה, ובמקום זה בכח דהתירא שלהם עלה בידם שפתחו לאחרים
הדרך לעשות פירצה בחומת קדושת ישראל, ועוד הוסיפו לעשות חילול השם באופן מבהיל
באופן שתולדותיהן כיוצא בהן, לקחו מצות התורה של גירושין כדי לצחק בהבעל ולגזול
ממונו - שהשתמשו בחוק גירושין לעשות מגמתם והתוצאה היא איסורים חמורים ממה נפשך,
בין אם יתן גט, או לא יתן גט - אם לא יתן הבעל גט תוכל להרויח בערכאות כפי רצונה,
ויש כאן איסור גניבה, ואם כן יתן גט - יהי' גט מעושה, והפירצה שעשו הרבנים
המתירים, אין לשער שעכשיו ילמדו אחרים לעשות כמותם, ופירותיהם ופירי פירותיהם של
מעשיהם רבו מלספור, - נמצא שבגרמת מעשיהם גורמים כל מיני איסורים - איסור אשת איש,
וגזילה, ומסירה, והליכה בערכאות.
אמנם האשה אולי לא עשתה
כל זאת רק בלא יודעים - בעצת אנשים שלא ידעו בטיב הלכה, ועכשיו כשרואים פרי מעשיהם
בגלל שהלכו בדרך עקלקלות, אולי ישובו מדרכם, וטוב להם, וכדברי רבינו יונה בשערי
תשובה בשער הרביעי "וסר עונו ברוב גודל כשרון המעשה שהוא בהיפך מן המעשה אשר
גואל ואשר חטא בו", ולכן עליהם להקשיב לגדולי המורים בתמימות ולא לחפש קולות
שלא עפ"י רוח התורה, ולהפסיק מלשמוע לאנשים המשיאים אותם עצות מתוחכמות שאין
רוח חכמים נוחה הימנו, ותצא מערכאות לגמרי לא למחצה לשליש ולרביע, ואז אחרי שתלך
לדין תורה או יפשרו הצדדים אחרי יציאתם מערכאות, אז אם יתן הבעל גט מרצונו בלא שום
חשש לחץ מערכאות וכדומה, יהיה הגט כשר.
ובאם לא תשמע האשה
לדעת תורה ותמשיך תביעותיה בערכאות ויבוא הבעל ליתן גט, דבר זה יהיה בכייה לדורות
הן לעצמה, הן לאחרים - שממנה ילמדו אחרים ללכת בדרכיה -, וגם אם תעבור היא או אשה
אחרת שתעשה כמעשיה ותנשא לאחר בגט כזה, מלבד איסור אשת איש שעוברת כל ימי חייה, גם
בנים שיולדו להם אינם ראויים לבוא בתוך קהל השם ויתערבו הבנים בתוך עם ישראל, השם
ומעתה צריכים היראים
והחרדים לדבר ה 'לעמוד על המשמר לראות שלא יתערבו נשים האלו שהולכים בערכאות בתוך
קהל ישראל ועל הרבנים מוטלת החובה לבדוק כל אשה גרושה אם נעשה הגט ע"י רב
שאינו יודע בטיב גיטין וקדושין, ובפרט מגיטין שנעשה על פי רבנים כאלו שיהא צריך
בדיקה על כל גט שעשו, לברר אם הגט כשר עפ"י הלכה, שלא יהיה נפרץ חומת קדושת
ישראל וד"ל.
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