Sunday, October 20, 2024

Israel's Iran Plans Allegedly Leaked

Axios reported on Saturday that two alleged U.S. intelligence documents with details of Israeli preparations to hit back at Iran appeared on a Tehran-affiliated channel on messaging app Telegram. The channel's administrators said in a statement on Sunday that it was not linked to Iran, but run by a "tight-knit team of fully independent journalists."

The documents were marked "top secret," and dated October 15 to 16. The documents purport to show "key munitions preparations and covert UAV [uncrewed aerial vehicle] activity" and were described as being linked to a possible Israeli attack on Iran. At least one document appears to bear markings from the U.S.' National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Religious tolerance

Before Christianity became the state church of the Roman Empire, it encouraged conquered peoples to continue worshipping their own gods. "An important part of Roman propaganda was its invitation to the gods of conquered territories to enjoy the benefits of worship within the imperium."[7] Christians were singled out for persecution because of their own rejection of Roman pantheism and refusal to honor the emperor as a god.[8] There were some other groups that found themselves to be exceptions to Roman tolerance, such as the Druids, the early followers of the cult of Isis, the Bacchanals, the Manichaens and the priests of Cybele, and Temple Judaism was also suppressed.

Trump blames Zelensky for the war in Ukraine. He rarely blames Putin.

On Thursday he turned more than a few heads by effectively blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for Russia’s invasion. Trump said Zelensky “should never have let that war start.”

It was a remarkable statement in and of itself; Zelensky was the one whose country was invaded, but it’s his fault? Was he supposed to just give Russia the territory it wanted and cave to its threats that it would invade?

Harvard donations drop; alums cut ties over anti-Israel protests

Harvard University, the nation’s oldest and richest university, saw donations tumble 15 percent after wealthy alumni expressed anger at the school’s handling of antisemitism on campus.

Donald Trump's Arnold Palmer Comments Baffle Social Media

Former President Donald Trump prompted shock and confusion after opening his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday with a baffling 10-minute ramble about golf legend Arnold Palmer.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Religious Tolerance- Netziv

 העמק דבר בראשית פרק יב פסוק ב (פרשת לך לך)

ואגדלה שמך. אפי' מי שלא יהיה באמונתו לעבוד את ה' המיוחד, לא יהיה כמו שארי אמונות שונות דכל כת מבזה ומכחיש ומקטין אמונה השניה, אבל לא כן תהיה אמונת אברם, דאפי' מי שלא ירצה לעמוד באמונתו, ידע ויבין כי אמונת אברם לאל עליון גדולה, אלא שטעונה פרישות מתאוה וכדומה שלא הכל נתרצו לכך, וא"כ נתגדל בזה שמו של אברם שזכה לאמונה ועבודת אל עליון:

Netziv (Bereishis 12:02) G-d said to Abraham I will make your name Great - Even among those who don't share your faith in serving G-d, This is not like the various other religions  which every one degrades and insults other religions, The religion of Abraham was different in that he did not attack those who did not accept his religious beliefs but even so they were all aware that Avrahan had a superior religion. In this sense his name was made great in that he had a superior religion in serving G-d

Spot cleaning on Chol Hamoed

What kind of cleaning clothing is permitted on chol hamoed?

1) Spot cleaning by hand with soap if there is dirt/grime? Does one have to take care just to wash that exact area and not any other parts of the garment?

2) What about cleaning the whole garment by hand for smell?

3) What is the difference between children and adults?

Economists Say Inflation, Deficits Will Be Higher Under Trump Than Harris

“Both candidates have policies that are inflationary,” said Dan Hamilton, director of the center for economic research and forecasting at California Lutheran University. But in a change from their July forecast, Hamilton and his colleague Matthew Fienup now see a second Trump term producing faster price increases because of the former president’s tariff plans. “Since July, it became apparent to us that Trump is even more anti-free-trade than Harris,” Hamilton said.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Trump suggests Zelenskyy is to blame for the Russia-Ukraine war

Donald Trump blamed Russia’s war on Ukraine on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — an escalation of a pattern of sympathetic rhetoric toward the war’s aggressor, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

‘Hezbollah’s best friend’: WSJ editorial slams UNIFIL for focusing energy on Israel, not terrorism

Noting that UNIFIL “had one job: Keep armed terrorists out of southern Lebanon,” the editorial board attributed the new expansion of the war to UNIFIL’s failure to fulfil its duty. 

Harris Warned Israel Not to Invade City Where It Just Killed Hamas Chief

A White House official told Newsweek that the administration had only opposed a large-scale ground invasion.

"We opposed a large-scale invasion with heavy ground fighting in densely populated areas while there were so many civilians sheltering there given the high potential for civilian casualties," the official said in an email.

"Instead, we advised the Israeli government on a different approach, and it worked."

The Ins and Outs of Sukkah Observance Or Attending the Ailing and the Uncomfortable

According to most poskim, illness does not excuse someone from observing a mitzvah unless it is potentially life-threatening (see Shu’t Rashba #238 and Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 472:10, based on Nedarim 49b). Moderate illness exempts one only from the mitzvah of sukkah, but not other mitzvos.

Sukka Exemption

 It is a clear halacha that a traveler is exempt

But this is not anyone on a Chol HaMoed trip but rather a serious business trip or other important travel

Rav Moshe even includes a tourist who strongly wants to see certain sites OCiv 72.8

A hospital patient or dialysis patient is also exempt from Sukka

שו"ת אגרות משה אבן העזר חלק ד סימן לב

ח. אם מותר לטייל בחג הסוכות ועי"ז יבטל ממצות סוכה. 

והא דמסתפק כתר"ה לענין מה שכתבתי בח"ג דאו"ח סימן צ"ג דלצאת לטיול ולתענוג בעלמא למקום שלא יהיה סוכה שאסור דל"ד זה להולכי דרכים אפילו לדבר הרשות שפטורין דהוא דוקא כשהוא לצורך שהיה יוצא מביתו אבל מה שהיה הולך מביתו לתענוג בעלמא אינו כלום מה שהיה יוצא מביתו בשביל זה, אם יש בזה חלוק בין א"י לחו"ל ולא כתב כתר"ה טעם לספקו דבלא טעם ודאי אין לחלק, אבל אולי כוונתו לאחד מחו"ל שבא על זמן קצר לא"י שכל טירחא הגדולה והוצאה הגדולה היתה בשביל שרוצה לראות כל א"י ואין לו ע"ז רק ימים מועטין שאולי אצלו הוא צורך ממש לא ענין טיול והנאה בעלמא שלא נפטר בשביל הנאתו יותר לישן בבית ובחוץ מבסוכה דראיית המקומות הוא לו צורך גדול, שלכן לזה מסתבר שמותר אם אינו יכול להיות עוד איזה ימים בשביל הטיול, והוא לאו דוקא א"י שיש אולי גם מצוה בזה אלא אף הנוסע למדינה אחרת שאיכא דברים שרוצין האינשי לראות יהיה רשאי אם לא יוכל להיות שם איזה ימים אחר הסוכות לראות זה. אבל לצאת לטיול ולתענוג היציאה לבד אסור כשלא יוכל לאכול ולישן בסוכה. וכן כשיש לו איזה ימים לטייל אחר הסוכות אינו רשאי אף בא"י לילך לראות במקום שלא יהיה סוכה כדכתבתי. 

Sinwar's death is serious blow to Hamas, but not the end of the war

 Bowen: Sinwar death is serious blow to Hamas, but not end of war (

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, praised the soldiers and made clear that however big a victory, it was not the end of the war.

"Today we made clear once again what happens to those who harm us. Today we once again showed the world the victory of good over evil.

"But the war, my dear ones, is not over yet. It is difficult, and it is costing us dearly."

"Great challenges still lie ahead of us. We need endurance, unity, courage, and steadfastness. Together we will fight, and with God's help - together we will win."

Netanyahu and the overwhelming proportion of Israelis who support the war in Gaza needed a victory.