Wednesday, June 29, 2022

US woman married in Iran finally secures Jewish divorce

The husband appeared before the court but continued to refuse to grant the divorce demanding a variety of concessions on R’s part including that she give up the assets she had legally secured in their U.S. civil divorce agreement and pay exorbitant alimony payments retroactively for the past five years. The Rabbinical Court refused all his claims and handed down an official ruling that he issue the get and cease his attempts at extortion. With the man understanding his position and the likelihood that Hajaj would move for economic and other sanctions against him if he didn’t relent, he finally conceded to issue R the get, which was presented to her by a messenger of the court in the U.S.

This teaching is pleasant but this is not pleasant loses the fortune of Torah.

Eruvin (64a)     Rav Naḥman said: This halakha is not excellent, as concerning myself, as long as I have not drunk a quarter-log of wine, my mind is not clear. It is only after drinking wine that I can issue appropriate rulings.

How the Jan. 6 panel’s star witness drew a roadmap for Trump’s culpability

Among her recollections, part of a succession of shocking details from inside the White House:

  • Trump was informed that members of the crowd during the “Stop the Steal” rally by his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, carried weapons. He asked the Secret Service to dismantle metal detectors to let them into the Ellipse so his audience looked larger. Those rallygoers would later march to the Capitol and mount a violent siege aimed at disrupting Congress’ certification of Trump’s loss.
  • Trump lunged at the steering wheel of his presidential vehicle after he was informed that the Secret Service would not permit him to travel to the Capitol following his speech at that Ellipse rally.
  • Trump told aides that he agreed with those who had stormed the Capitol and thought they were right to call for Pence’s hanging.
  • Meadows and Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani sought pardons from the then-president for their actions related to challenging the election.

Trump grabbed limo wheel to drive himself to Capitol on Jan. 6, Mark Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson says

“The president reached up toward the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm and said, ‘Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.’ Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge toward Bobby Engel.”

Trump disputed the accusation, saying in a statement, “Her Fake story that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House Limousine in order to steer it to the Capitol Building is ‘sick’ and fraudulent, very much like the Unselect Committee itself – Wouldn’t even have been possible to do such a ridiculous thing.”

The Secret Service, Ornato and Engel did not immediately respond to The Post’s requests for comment.

Secret Service agents willing to testify that Trump didn't lunge at steering wheel during Capitol riot: source

Following Trump's speech at the Ellipse, he got into the presidential SUV under the impression that he was going to the Capitol, then had a "very strong, very angry response" when the head of his Secret Service detail, Bobby Engel, said that they were going to the White House.

"The president said something to the effect of, 'I'm the f'ing president. Take me up to the Capitol now," Hutchinson testified, relaying what she was told later that day by another White House aide, Tony Ornato.

7 takeaways from Tuesday's shocking January 6 hearing

Hutchinson really moved the ball forward in terms of establishing that Trump was personally aware of the potential for violence, yet forged ahead on January 6 with his attempts to rile up his supporters to interfere with the joint session of Congress to certify President Joe Biden's victory.

She said Trump was told that morning that weapons were being confiscated from some of his supporters who came for his rally. Later, when Trump and his team were at the Ellipse -- the large oval lawn on the south side of the White House -- and before his speech, Trump barked out orders to his staffers to "take the mags away" -- referring to the metal detectors -- because the people in the crowd, "they're not here to hurt me."

Trump also said, "I don't f**king care that they have weapons," according to Hutchinson. This is particularly shocking, because Trump then encouraged the same crowd to march to the Capitol while lawmakers were affirming Biden's win. (Hundreds of Trump's diehard supporters soon stormed the Capitol, many carrying knives, bear spray, metal poles, tasers and a few guns.)

Post analysis of explosive testimony from former aide Cassidy Hutchinson l ABC News

Trump wanted to join Jan. 6 Capitol riot, tried to grab limo steering wheel

Donald Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of his presidential limousine on Jan. 6, 2021, when his security detail declined to take him to the US Capitol where his supporters were rioting, a former aide testified on Tuesday.

The then-president dismissed concerns that some supporters gathered for his fiery speech outside the White House that day carried AR-15-style rifles, instead asking security to stop screening attendees with metal-detecting magnetometers so the crowd would look larger, the aide testified.

"Take the effing mags away; they're not here to hurt me," Cassidy Hutchinson, who was a top aide to Trump's then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, quoted Trump as saying that morning.

Born Christian, French woman becomes one of Israel’s few female Orthodox rabbis

Peretz, a dual French-Swiss national, received her ordination from Daniel Sperber, winner of the prestigious Israel Prize for his achievements in Talmudic study and a revered rabbi who has challenged the Orthodox establishment.

Police arrest suspect in disappearance of Haredi teenager last seen in March

Police said on Tuesday they have arrested a suspect in the case of an ultra-Orthodox teenage boy who has been missing for three months, in a breakthrough for the investigation.

The details from the case are barred from publication and it wasn’t clear what the suspect was accused of.

Yeshiva student Moshe Klinerman, 16, was last seen on March 25 when he left his home in the settlement of Modiin Illit in the West Bank with a few friends for a trip to northern Israel.

Taking Medicine on Shabbat-Part I by Rabbi Chaim Jachter

People commonly ask why this rabbinical prohibition still applies if its reason is no longer relevant. The answer is that rabbinical prohibitions remain even if their reasons no longer apply. The Gemara (Beitzah 5a) articulates the rule that כל דבר שבמנין צריך מנין אחר להתירו, “once the rabbis issue a decree only a rabbinical assemblage of equivalent stature can overturn it.” The Gemara cites a biblical precedent for this rule. Today there is no rabbinical assemblage of equivalent stature to the rabbis of the Gemara. Hence, Chazal’s decrees still apply even if their reasons are no longer relevant.

Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik (Nefesh Harav p.173) specifically invoked this principle when he ruled that even today we are prohibited from taking medicine on Shabbat. Rav Eliezer Waldenberg (Teshuvot Tzitz Eliezer 8:15:15:4) adds that the reason for this decree is still relevant, as even today many people grind medicines when preparing home remedies.

Monday, June 27, 2022


Currently under investigation for over 40 counts of criminal conduct including perverting the course of justice, suppressing evidence and intimidating the children’s guardian whom she ordered to close the case without even meeting the children!

Shockingly, this corrupt and criminal family court judge had her own nasty custody battle and also put her ex-husband through hell by fighting to deny him access to their joint children whom she ensured stayed with her, the mother.

Trump Fumes as Conservative Columnist Says GOP Is Rejecting Him Over Jan. 6

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Thursday, Noonan wrote that the January 6 hearings are "sinking" Trump and not helping President Joe Biden.

"Mr. Trump's national polling numbers continue underwater, but the real test will be to see those numbers after the Jan. 6 hearings are over. I believe we'll see Rep. Liz Cheney's kamikaze mission hit its target, and the SS Trump will list," she wrote.

2 US Orthodox Jewish groups laud striking down of Roe v. Wade, while Orthodox Union wavers

Agudath Israel of America, which represents the American haredi community, also lauded the Dobbs ruling.

“Agudath Israel of America welcomes this historic development. Agudath Israel has long been on record opposing Roe v. Wade’s legalization of abortion on demand. Informed by the teaching of Jewish law that fetal life is entitled to significant protection, with termination of pregnancy authorized only under certain, extraordinary circumstances, we are deeply troubled by the staggering number of pregnancies in the United States that end in abortion.”

The Orthodox Union, however, refused to “either mourn or celebrate” the ruling, criticizing both abortion on demand, and “absolute bans on abortion” – though the Court’s ruling does not itself impose any ban.