Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Rabbi Tropper says he is not taking me to court

Just received this email from R Tropper.

"Rabbi Leib Tropper" <>

Rabbi Eidensohn,

There was never a thought to go
To court to file any complaint against you.

Sorry that Mr Abady did not address you as Rabbi.

Leib Tropper

R' Tropper - Smear Campaign (from the archives)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

R' Tropper wrote:
Hi, Dr. Eidensohn in his Book Titled 'Daas Torah' writes in the introduction that he gathered Different opinions Re: various Topics. He continues to write that Rav Eliyashuv , shlita Told him only To quote accepted opinions. He writes that he could not decide which ones are and which ones aren't so he brings all. Well.... in his Chapter on conversion [sic] He brings the opinion of the Abarbanel ....A Giant ....but not an Accepted Halachic opinion, That It is sufficient for a non Jew to Believe in the Thirteen Principals 'Even though he doesn't know anything from the entire Torah. It is sufficient to achieve spiritual Perfection Etc... Therfore when a NON JEW decides to CONVERT and Wants to learn torah to obtain the World to come,It is ONLY neccesary to to teach him these 13 Principals [sic] Etc..'.(See Pg 70 of above book) Maybe those Rabbi's in Florida accept the Ababarnel's Position as an accepted opinion Like Rabbi Eidenson does? Is that possible? I think Dr Eidensohn is a very Accomplished person and I'm sure He can help. I actually enjoy reading his book.
--------------- I responded to R' Tropper's slander with the following:
Unfortunately Rabbi "X" [R' Tropper] severely misunderstands the Abarbanel and the Rambam - whose status as a mainstream authority doesn't need my support. Furthermore I do not have a chapter on conversion in Daas Torah. The chapter which cited the Abarbanel was dealing with Principles of Faith [for a Jew] - below are the three entries included under the subheading of "Converts to Judaism must accept principles". The Rambam asserts in his commentary to Sanhedrin that if one accepts the 13 principles he will have the World to Come. The Abarbanel wrote a defense of the Rambam's 13 principles in a sefer Rosh Amana. The Abarbanel is not saying that one does not have to accept the 613 mitzvos - chas veshalom - as Rabbi "X" asserts. He is saying that since a Jew only needs acceptance of these principles to get Olam HaBah it is important that converts also be taught these principles. Therefore as converts with the acceptance of these principles he will get Olam HaBah - even if he is not a talmid chochom. Similarly a Jew who is ignorant of Torah - but accepts these principles will get Olam HaBah.
============================================================== This is the relevant section copied from page 70 of "Daas Torah" Chapter - Principles of Faith. Converts to Judaism must accept principles Rambam(Hilchos Issurei Bi’ah 14:2): When a person comes to convert to Judaism, he is notified about foundation principles such as the unity of G‑d and the prohibition of idol worship. This is described in detail. He is also notified of some of the minor mitzvos and some of the major mitzvos but without going into detail… Shulchan Aruch(Yoreh Deah 268:2): When a person comes to convert to Judaism, he is asked why he wants to convert. … If after being told the despised status of Jews in the world he still wants to convert, he is immediately accepted. He is then taught the foundation principles of Judaism which is G‑d’s absolute unity and the prohibition of idol worship. This is presented in detail. He is also taught some of the lighter commandments and some of the more severe ones. He is also taught the punishment for transgressing these commandments… Abarbanel (Rosh Amana #6): You will see that the principles and doctrines which are mentioned by the Rambam are not just principles of faith or religion. The Rambam intended that they be the principles of Judaism. Meaning that those who accept and believe in them are considered as part of the Jewish people and consequently will get the World to Come as promised in the Mishna (Sanhedrin 10:1). It is as if he is saying that these principles are the precondition for Jews to obtain the World to Come. In fact the Rambam (Commentary to Sanhedrin 10:1): When a person believes fully and genuinely in all these 13 principles of faith, he is considered part of the Jewish people and it is obligatory to love him, to have mercy on him and to relate to according to all the mitzvos that G‑d has commanded concerning interpersonal relationships of love and brotherhood. In addition, even if he is a sinner because of lust and lack of self‑control—he will be punished according to his sins—nevertheless he still has the World to Come. … ” Thus the Rambam is not saying that lack of belief in any one of these principles undermines the Torah. Rather his focus was on the issue of obtaining the World to Come and who is considered to be a Jew. Thus if a person believes these 13 principles he will be viewed as a Jew and obtain the World to Come. Even though he doesn’t know anything from the entire Torah, it is sufficient to achieve spiritual perfection with the belief in these principles. Therefore, when a non‑Jew decides to convert and wants to learn Torah to obtain the World to Come, it is only necessary to teach him these 13 principles and that is enough to achieve the desired reward. Without them he will not be considered a Jew and will not get the World to Come…

Tropper doesn't know when to give up

Does anyone have sound advice concerning the appropriate response to the following threatening notice which I received today


Mr. Eidensohn,

Your desultory attitude is unacceptable. So let me make it plain.Your postings about Rabbi Tropper are libelous and outrageous. I presume you are familiar with the common law doctrine of universal Internet jurisdiction which permits non-resident plaintiffs to sue non-resident defendants for publishing libelous materials accessible over the Internet. If not, I will gladly supply you withe the case law references.  I am advised you posted these defamatory materials about Rabbi Tropper at the behest of Guma Aguiar. You are familiar with Aguiar's widely published conflicts with Rabbi Tropper.  Unless you immediately take down all your posts about Rabbi Tropper, I will advise him to engage counsel inside and outside Israel to sue you; Be advised that, under the doctrine of comity, Israel will enforce foreign money judgments against you, especially judgments rendered by common law courts in Britain, Australia, Canada, the U.S., etc.  I won't wait until Sunday to give Rabbi Tropper that advice.Accordingly, let me know what you plan to do upon your receipt of this E-mail.

Samuel A. Abady, J.D.
Spokesman for Rabbi Leib Tropper

Tropper scandal Is this what Lakewood is producing?

Dear Rabbi Eidenshon,    [SEE Five Towns Jewish Times comment]

I just heard of your blog recently. I live in Lakewood and have used the Yad moshe many many times I always thought to myself what an amazing person R' Eidenshon must be to put together this monumental work.. Well I must tell you R' Eidenshon never in my life would I have imagined that the auther of the Yad Moshe was the blog owner of a filthy motzi shem rah/ lashon horah blog that is full of bizui talmidei chachamim. many many talmidei Chachamim. I cant tell you how shocked I was. I couldnt stop thinking about it for days. How does such a thing happen?! I have to tell you that my emunas talmidei chachamim fell after learning who you really are.. Im sorry to say you should be ashamed of yourself!

For your info. I recently went into a VERY popular otzar hasforim of a very popular yeshiva here in lakewood ( Im not saying any names). one that is used by many talmidei chachamim 24/7; There are a few Yad moshes on the shelf there. every single Yad moshe in the cover by your name said the following (in hebrew) "Rasha merusha, mevazeh talmidei chachamim v'gedolei hador R"L. Baal blog shel motzi shem rah v'lashon horah vchoo. R"L."

Anyways, heres the latest going around. I think it was written well. You have permission to post it, but please dont post my name. thanks.
open letter to the Editor of Tablet magazine

Dear editor,
I am writing regarding recent articles on Tablet Magazine’s blog written by Allison Hoffman. There are a couple of points I would like to take issue with. I will primarily use the Jan. 19Th 2010, article titled "among friends" as an example to bring out my points.
A.  The author obviously has a very biased opinion in regard to ultra Orthodox Jewry, which is apparent by the way she has been authoring one sided stories regarding various ultra Orthodox Jewish issues which involve allegations. She rarely bothers to either do research or report the other side of the story-namely ultra orthodox Jews. In addition to that, the obvious sarcasm and complete and utter disdain that Hoffman has for ultra Orthodox Jewry undermines her entire credibility. Her articles are full of nuanced jabs at the ultra orthodox community and rabbinate. 
Here's one example in her most recent article. She writes about Rabbi Tropper: "As a newcomer to the fraught business of conversions...." By calling the conversion process a "business" she is obviously trying to portray Rabbis that do conversions as being in it for money. That is offensive and untrue. For some reason I doubt she would make the same sort of remark about international doctors that go to aid Palestinians.  [...]

Hoffman also cites Daniel Eidenshon of daastorah blog (no one is fooled by the name). Eidenshon has had his own private agenda to bring down Tropper from the beginning of EJF. Tropper was Eidensons obsession way before anyone heard of Orand. He didn't like the fact that Tropper was trying to help intermarried couples go through conversions. The Tropper story was a dream come true for Eidenson. In addition Eidenson smears any rabbinic rabbi or leader that disagrees with his view.. Daastorah blog is hardly an example of of what ultra orthodox Jews feel regarding the Tropper story.

Rabbi Elyashav was not there. This has been confirmed by conference participants as well as R’ Elyashav’s family. This can be verified by asking either of the above.

After pointing out the above, is it no wonder that the ultra Orthodox rabbinate doesn't take the accusations seriously? To add to that, the fact that there is is an article on the issue in Tablet, a blog they would consider to be anti Orthodox, full of gossip and lies (for good reason, as shown above) is enough for them to instinctively assume that the allegations are nothing but libel from some self hating Jewish journalist. (There's something special about secular Jews writing against religious Jews. You can actually feel the hate pulsating through the word's). And to add to that, the mere fact that at the forefront of this cry for 'justice'-all of course in their righteous indignation, is unorthodoxjew, Tablet magazine, and Eidenshon,  not only gives Rabbis reason dismiss the accusation, but on the contrary they feel obligated to support the victim of such libel. A woman comes in to a Rabbi complaining that her husband hits her. The Rabbi asks "that's a hefty accusation, are you sure you want to say that?" "Of course I do", the women responds, "I know what abuse is. Ive been married to a dozen men and every one of them beat me. Not only that, so has all my brothers and my father too". "Hmm.." Says the Rabbi, "something sounds fishy here". Hearing that, the woman yells at the Rabbi "all you men are the same, you probably beat your wife too!" Now the Rabbis thinking... poor husband! Tablet Magazine is that women. Something sounds fishy here. Whoops! What did I just say? Now of course I'm also "guilty", no? Whether or not Tropper is guilty, partially guilty, or innocent is not the point of this letter. [It so happens, that it seems coincidentally people like unorthodox Jew, Eidenson and Hoffman tend to be the type to believe that he is 100% guilty, without even any doubt to the tapes authenticity. While the general ultra Orthodox community seems to either be not so sure, or feel that there is obviously much more to the story. Who knows how many people are really on those tapes. Or is it a cut and paste? Is he really talking to Orand? Did Aguiar pay to make the tapes? Why was Aguiar involved? Etc.] The point is, just because you have an opinion on something, and you want to get your message out, that does not justify using tactics such as those pointed out above, which are way beyond the pail. Remember Jason Blair? Hoffman like him seems to feel the ends justify the means. Aside for the fact that Hoffmans articles are not within journalism ethics and are a clear case of journalism bias. By you allowing Hoffmans false and biased articles to be published,  you are in affect declaring war on ultra Orthodox Jewry. Yes, you may take that as a badge of honor, and no, you arent the first (sorry), and I'm sure you wont be the last. But before you start celebrating and patting yourself on the back for being so brave and enlightend by exposing those closeminded ultra Orthodox fakers. Lest you start becoming gitty by the fact that you stuck it to them big time, I can assure you-you hurt no one. The very people that you are trying to hurt will never know that you exist, nor will they feel your jab. Almost no one there will read a word of what you say. Maybe a handful might come across the articles, but that’s about it. They will look at you the same way you look at a gossip mongering tabloid in Uzbekistan. Irrelevant trash.

So go ahead and punch if you like, but please remember... your punching at thin air.

Tropper's continued smear campaign

I recently reported a blatant lie about me that appeared on R' Tropper's Blog here
"According to a trusted source, Rav Sternbuch, shlit”a was asked if he approves of the blog which is critical of EJF. His response was negative."
The original comment was found here. I protested this outright lie here Even Roni - Tropper's defender on this Blog - called up Rav Sternbuch and was told that the statement was not true. The comment has since mysteriously disappeared from Tropper's blog - but there was no acknowledgment that it was a lie or an apology for the slander. Tropper obviously can't claim that no one knew he was referring to me - because everyone knows that I am the only one who has a close association with Rav Sternbuch who opposes EJF and has a blog dealing with EJF. The reason that I am bringing up this issue again is because Tropper and his associates have continued to spread this lie. In fact a well known figure in kiruv recently criticized me for going against Rav Sternbuch's wishes by attacking Tropper. I am well aware that this slander will backfire against Tropper because people will eventually find out that it is not true. However there is an elementary requirement of derech eretz that even if Tropper genuinely thought what he wrote was true - he is required to publicly apologize once he found it was not true. He has not apologized for this or for the absurd claim that I am motivated to criticize him entirely because I am the chief supporter of R' Slifkin.
Berachos (31b): R. Eleazar said: From this we learn that one who is suspected wrongfully must clear himself. Count not thy handmaid for a daughter of Belial; a man who says the Tefillah when drunk is like one who serves idols. It is written here, Count not thy handmaid for a daughter of Belial, and it is written elsewhere, Certain sons of Belial have gone forth from the midst of thee. Just as there the term is used in connection with idolatry, so here. Then Eli answered and said, Go in Peace. R. Eleazar said: From this we learn that one who suspects his neighbour of a fault which he has not committed must beg his pardon; nay more, he must bless him, as it says, And the God of Israel grant thy petition

Eternal Jewish Family - R' Tropper's blog

Below is evidence that R' Tropper's has totally lost contact with reality. He falsely asserts that HaRav Moshe Sternbuch and the Bedatz did not criticize him on halachic grounds. He falsely asserts that their motivation is solely to support R' Nosson Slifkin . This despite the fact that Rav Sternbuch has published his opinion that the views of R' Slikin are heresy - even though he acknowledges that R' Slikin not a heretic. Anybody with even a minimal contact of reality know R' Tropper's statements are not innocent errors but are lies and slander. The attempt to divert attention from R' Tropper's very questionable halachic position by claiming that it is all a conspiracy to defend R' Slifkin - is a sad commentary on the state of this man. Furthermore if he is claiming that I am a secret defender of R' Slifkin and have succeeded in convincing the Bedatz to attack R' Tropper - that is even more bizarre than the first. I am not a supporter of R' Slifkin's views and I have absolutely no control over the views of the Bedatz . I do agree with the Bedatz that R' Tropper's halachic grounds are very questionable. This is RaP's summary of sources from the Bedatz
RaP: Can you point to the alleged "irrationality" you IMAGINE? Is the owner of this blog Rabbi Dr. Eidensohn "irrational", who posted I, II and and many other posts like this and who posts his and others' comments after serious review of each comment and who opposes the EJF effort and Rabbi Tropper's methods? Is Rav Moshe Shternbuch "irrational" for opposing efforts, see "Rav Moshe Sternbuch - Authorized Translation" and "Rav Moshe Sternbuch - Kiruv for non-Jews and "Bedatz Letter regarding EJF signed by Gaavad" like those of Rabbi Tropper and the EJF? Is the entire BADATZ of the powerful Eidah HaChareidis "irrational" (are Horav Meir Brandsorfer, Horav Moshe Sternbuch, Horav Naftoli Frenkal, Horav Avrohom Yitzchok Ulman, Horav Yakov Mendel Yorovitch, Horav Yehoushua Rosenberg ALL "irrational" too for signing it?) see "Bedatz letter regarding conversion" and of taking the extreme measure of openly, see "Bedatz letter regarding conversion" and rebuking and warning dayanim and batei din all over the world who were Recipients of its official warning letters and giving Publicicty to it, authorising its dissemination online through this very blog by Rabbi Dr. Eidensohn. It has been Rabbi Dr. Eidensohn who has asked for written Halachik clarifications from Rabbi Tropper and EJF and none has been forthcoming, so take it up with him if you think he and others being "irrational" for asking for a written reason al pi din and for his efforts EJF tried to smear him, see "EJF smear campaign"
=========================================== Rabbi Tropper's Blog [previous response to a blog criticism] Questions and Answers About Eternal Jewish Family With Rabbi Leib Tropper Question: What is the focus of Eternal Jewish Family’s Work?
Answer: We wish to protect those who want to Have an authentic conversion which will never be questioned, by informing them of the proper Batei Din that Can Facilitate that kind of conversion.
Question: There are some Blogs that have all kinds of claims against Eternal Jewish Family, particularly one blog that is controlled by a Religious man. Have you any response to those claims? Answer:
We do not Look at blogs hence no reason to Respond. There is one Particular Rabbi who we never met but heard that he has a blog that Speaks against EJF. I know of the Rabbi and communicated with him about 2-3 times.
It became apparrent to us that the Rabbi’s attacks had little to do with the laws of Yoreh Deah siman 248-9 which discuss the laws of conversion. It has to do with a group of people that are furious over my voiced opposition to R’ Nosson Slifkin ’s book which was banned by the Gedolei Torah.
This we discovered through many sources despite the camouflage. These people are Devout Followers of Rabbi Slifkin who have made it their campaign to attack those who opposed R’ Nosson Slifkin’s views. There is much more to say about this topic. For now, be sure that the Rabbi’s hatred for Eternal Jewish Family is rooted in the above… NOTHING to do with the Laws of Geirus.
This Rabbi, who authored a book as well, IS and WAS a STRONG supporter of R’ Nosson Slifkin despite the declaration of opposition From Gedolei Yisroel and despite the signed opposition of his own Rav, shlita. Considering all the above it becomes Clear why his manufactured claims are irrelevant. I Travel the world and Gedolei Yisroel all over are supportive of the objectives of EJF. People from all walks of life have sent us letters of encouragement and applauded Mr. Kaplan’s strength in taking on this challenge. Mr. Kaplan is not a Major supporter of Kol Yaakov. His Focus is on Eternal Jewish Family. In contrast to what was reported, Horizons is a kiruv organization only. In Israel, it is known as Ofakym. As far the report that I heard regarding Rabbi Nochum Eisenstein removing himself from Eternal Jewish Family, that is false. He comes to all Eternal Jewish Family rabbinic events and we speak with him numerous times during a week. I am sure that this Rabbi will never stop his attacks on Eternal Jewish Family. He made it his life’s mission.

E. J.F. - "Saving" the Jewish people by proselytizng

Roni said:

I though the Tzadik joined Dt and other critics of RT for his attempt to encourage non jewish wives to convert! and surprisingly Dt does not challenge the Tzadik for his support to convet intermarried couple. But it should not surprise, if opposing views combine to a common enemy to badmouth him from both sides of their mouth.

Roni you are really obnoxious. You like R' Tropper think that my sole concern is to bad mouth R' Tropper - and that it doesn't matter what the excuse. I assume you also share his paranoid delusions that I have tricked the Bedatz into attacking R' Tropper because I am the leading defender [sic] of R' Slifkin. 

You keep repeating over and over again that R' Tropper has come to save us because he proselytizes people and demands that they keep a high standard of observance. That his program will save us because it is different than R' Bomzer etc etc. Both programs stink.You can't seem to accept that there are people who sincerely think R' Tropper's program is sick and counterproductive for the Jewish people. It isn't only me but it is the view of the Bedatz and many rabbonim - who R' Tropper has intimidated - feel this way.

All R' Tropper has to do is produce a letter from Rav Eliashiv that says that he has changed his lifelong position of opposing proselytizing intermarried couples and that he now feels it is in the best interest of the Jewish people to spend millions of dollars to pressure non-Jews to convert - with a high standard of course. Enough of the nonsense that he doesn't have to say anything because since he supports R' Tropper he supports R' Tropper. Just produce a letter. While you are at it please have Rav Reuven Feinstein write the same letter - and claim that his father would agree with it (as R' Tropper has claimed). This despite that his father clearly states in the Igros Moshe that he doesn't approve of such a program.

Please produce letters from gedolim that the Jewish communities' greatest need is to have as many intermarried couples convert and that this will raised the quality of our community.  What good is wining and dining and throwing millions at nonJews and telling them they will be accepted as Jews in order that they promise to keep the mitzvos? By the way - what happened to R' Tropper's claim of univerally accepted conversion which he has stopped promising in his solicitation letters?

There is no disagreement that you can potentially manufacturer halachic Jews with R' Tropper's approach - but why do we need converts who are more concerned with lust and desire of man or woman than love of G-d.

EJF - Rabbi Tropper responds to my criticism

The following is a recent post by R' Tropper on his blog responding to my criticism. It is unfortunately obvious that he doesn't seem to have a high value on truth. He slanders me by quoting an anonymous source that "According to a trusted source, Rav Sternbuch, shlit”a was asked if he approves of the blog which is critical of EJF. His response was negative." That is simply an outright lie. R' Tropper could have simply called up Rav Sternbuch to ascertain that the claim is false. But he obviously was not interested in the truth so he chose rather to slander me and publish a lie. He also further distorts the truth by not mentioning the strong condemnation by the Bedatz and Rav Sternbuch to his activities. It is hard to trust anything that R' Tropper says without written documentation. This is the third time he has tried to slander me. The first being a serious distortion of a statement in my Daas Torah which he claimed meant that I didn't think a ger needed to keep mitzvos but simply had to accept the 13 principles of faith and the second being his insane claim that my motivation to criticize him is the result of my desire to defend the views of R' Slifkin. I am adding a second posting from R' Tropper - he is obviously obsessesed. Gedolim On The EJF (Eternal Jewish Family) Posted by Rabbi Tropper Posted in <EJF Posted on 22-06-2009 Question: Rav Tropper, what is Maran Harav Eliyashuv’s position regarding the EJF? Answer: Rav Tropper Says: Rav Eliyashuv shlit”a gave us a warm bracha which was shown at the most recent Jerusalem conference. Rav Eliyashuv has sent people to discuss issues of geirus (Jewish conversion) with the EJF (not halachic questions). Rav Feinstein, shlit”a just met with Rav Eliyashuv and separately with Rav Leib Tropper and was very happy to hear of EJF’s acheivements. Rav Efrati sent a letter of approval b’shem Maran, shlit”a a number of years ago. According to a trusted source, Rav Sternbuch, shlit”a was asked if he approves of the blog which is critical of EJF. His response was negative. Contrary to a Rav in the midwest, the Talmidim Muvhakim of Rav Moshe ,zt”l say that Rav Moshe, zt”l approved of not rejecting a mixed couple who wishes to convert to Judaism. When they come to ask for a conversion to Judaism, Rav Moshe writes “Mitzva rabba l’hizdakek l’zeh”. Rav Tropper heard this directly from Maran Harav Moshe, zt”l during the early 70’s. Some even believe that Rav Moshe, zt”l said, that it is a mitzva to be Mekarev and be Megayer the non Jewish spouse if they are sincere, in order to save the Jew from an “Issur Chamur” of intermarriage. All the above of course without compromise on Kabbolas Mitzvos. We (EJF) do not do that at all. The Rabbi, who claims to have heard from the Posek Hador, Rav Moshe, zt”l otherwise , was not one of his Talmidim Muvhakim and probably misunderstood Rav Moshe, zt”l. His Son Rav Reuven, shlit”a wrote a Teshuva which was printed, supporting our position. In that Teshuva, he quotes his father, zt”l who supports our position. WE (EJF) DO NOT SEARCH FOR MIXED COUPLES TO CONVERT. Those who say otherwise are MISREPRESENTING OUR POSITION. Helping a mixed couple rectify their problem is NOT considered a Geirus “Leshem Ishus”. Rav Tropper heard this exact position from the Posek hador, Harav Yosef E. Henkin, Zt”l in May of 1972 and subsequently in 1981 from Harav Yaakov Kaminetzky, zt”l. Similar Posts
[2nd posting] How Was the International EJF Conference in Jerusalem? Posted by Posted in EJF Posted on 18-06-2009 Question: Rabbi Tropper, how would you rate the International EJF conference held this week in Jerusalem? Rabbi Tropper: Succesful beyond expectation. All the nonsense on one blog and his ad hominem attacks are meaningless in face of the decorated dais of Gedolei Yisroel.

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Why didn't Moshe want to die?

 Devarim Rabbah (11:10). R. Johanan said: Scripture refers ten times to the death of Moses, as follows: Behold, thy days approach that thou must die  (Deut. XXXI, 14); And die in the mount (ib. XXXII, 50); But I must die (ib. IV, 22); For I know that after my death (ib. XXXI, 29); And how much more after my death (ib. XXXI, 27); Before his death (ib. XXXIII,I);A hundred and twenty years old when he died (ib. XXXIV, 7); So Moses the servant of the Lord died there (ib. 5); Now it came to pass after the death of Moses (Josh. I,1);Moses My servant is dead (ib. 2). This teaches that ten times was it decreed that Moses should not enter Eretz Israel, but the harsh decree was not finally sealed until the High Court1 revealed itself to him and declared: ' It is my decree that you should not pass over,’ [as it is said,] For thou shalt not go over this Jordan  (Deut. III, 27). Moses, however, made light of this, saying: ' Israel have many times committed great sins, and whenever I prayed for them, God immediately answered my prayer, as it is said, Let Me alone, that I may destroy them (ib. IX, 14); yet what is written there? And the Lord repented of the evil (Ex. XXXII, 14); I will smite them with the pestilence, and destroy them  (Num. XIV, 12); What is written there? And the Lord said: I have pardoned, etc. (ib. 20). Seeing then that I have not sinned from my youth, does it not stand to reason that when I pray on my own behalf God should answer my prayer?’ And when God saw that Moses made light of the matter and that he was not engaging in prayer, He seized the opportunity to swear by His great Name that Moses should not enter Eretz Israel, as it is said, Therefore  (laken) ye shall not bring this assembly (ib. XX, 12), and ’laken’ always implies an oath, as it is said, And therefore (laken) I have sworn unto the house of Eli  (I Sam. III, 14). When, however, Moses saw that the decree against him had been sealed, he took a resolve to fast, and drew a small circlel and stood therein, and exclaimed: ' I will not move from here until Thou annullest that decree.’ What else did Moses do then? He donned sackcloth and wrapped himself with sackcloth and rolled himself in the dust and stood in prayer and supplications before God, until the heavens and the order of nature were shaken. Said they: ' Perhaps it is the desire of God to create His world anew.’ Whereupon a heavenly voice was heard proclaiming: ‘It is not yet God's desire to renew His world... but, In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind--ish’ (Job XII,10), and ‘man’ must surely refer to Moses, as it is said, Now the man Moses was very meek, above all men that were upon the face of the earth  (Num. XII, 3). What did God do? At that hour He had it proclaimed in every gate of each of the heavens, and in every Court, that they should not receive Moses’ prayer, nor bring it before Him, because the decree against him had been sealed. Now at that hour God hastily summoned the Angel in charge of Proclamations, Achzeriel by name, and He commanded the ministering angels: ' Descend quickly, bolt all the gates of every heaven, because the voice of the prayer threatens to force its way to heaven.’ And the angels sought to ascend to heaven because of the sound of Moses’ prayer, for his prayer was like a sword which tears and cuts its way through everything, and spares nothing, seeing that his prayer was of the nature of the Ineffable Name which he had learnt from Zagzagel the Master Scribe of the children of heaven. It is to that hour that [the prophet] alludes when he says, And I heard behind me the voice of a great rushing: Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place (Ezek. III, 12); and ‘rushing’ surely means trembling, and ’great’ surely refers to Moses, as it is said, Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people (Ex. XI, 3). What is the meaning of, ’Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place’? When the wheels of the Chariot and the fiery Seraphim saw that God commanded that Moses’ prayer should not be accepted and that He did not respect [Moses’] person, nor grant him more life, nor bring him into Eretz Israel, they exclaimed: ’ Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place,’ for before Him there is no respecting of persons, great or small. And whence do we know that Moses prayed at this juncture five hundred and fifteen times? For it is said, And I besought (wa-ethhanan) the Lord at that time, saying  (Deut. III, 23), the numerical value of ’wa-ethhanan’ is this number. Moses said to God: ' Master of the Universe, the labour and the pains which I have devoted to making Israel believe in Thy name are manifest and known to Thee, to what trouble have I gone with them in connection with the precepts in order to fix for them Torah and precepts. I thought, just as I witnessed the woe, so too will I behold their weal; but now that the weal of Israel has come, Thou sayest to me, " Thou shalt not go over this Jordan" (Deut. XXXI, 2); lo, Thou makest of Thy Torah a fraud. Therein it is written, In the same day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it, for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it; lest he cry against thee unto the Lord, and it be sin in thee (ib. XXIV, I5). Is this the reward for the forty years’ labour that I went through in order that [Israel] should become a holy and faithful people, as it is said, But Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints’  (Hos. XII, 1)?1 Sammael the wicked angel, the chief of all the accusing angels, was awaiting the death of Moses every hour, saying, ‘When will the time or the moment arrive for Moses to die, so that I may descend and take away his soul from him.’ And it is of him that David said, The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him (Ps. XXXVII, 32). There is no one among the accusing angels so wicked as Sammael and there is none so righteous among the prophets as Moses, as it is said, And there hath not arisen a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face  (Deut. XXXIV, 10). He was like a man who has been invited to a wedding feast, and looks forward to it, saying: ‘When will their rejoicing come that I may share therein.’ So, Sammael the wicked was waiting for Moses’ soul saying, ' When will Michael be weeping and I be filling my mouth with laughter? ' Whereupon Michael replied: ' What, you wicked one, I shall cry, and you laugh!’ as it is said, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; though I am fallen, I shall arise; though I sit in darkness, the Lord is a light unto me (Micah VII, 8). ’ Though I am fallen,’ because of the demise of Moses, yet, ’I shall arise,’ on account of the leadership displayed by Joshua when he shall have defeated the thirty one kings. ' Though I sit in darkness,’ because of the destruction of the first and the second Temples, yet, ' The Lord is a light unto me, in the days of Messiah. Meanwhile there remained unto Moses only one hour. Whereupon Moses said to God: ' Master of the Universe, if Thou wilt not bring me into Eretz Israel, leave me in this world so that I may live and not die.’ God thereupon said to Moses: ' If I will not slay you in this world, how can I bring you back to life in the World to Come? And what is more, you make of My Torah a fraud, for in My Torah it is written by your hand, And there is none that can deliver out of My hand '  (Deut. XXXII, 39). Said Moses to God: ' Master of the Universe, if Thou wilt not bring me into Eretz Israel, let me become like the beasts of the field that eat grass and drink water and live and enjoy the world; likewise let my soul be as one of them.’ Whereupon God replied:’ Let it suffice thee ' (ib. III, 26). Moses then prayed: ' Master of the Universe, if not, let me become in this world like the bird that flies about in every direction, and gathers its food daily, and returns to its nest towards evening; let my soul likewise become like one of them.’ Whereupon God answered: ‘Let it suffice thee.’ What is the meaning of ’Let it suffice thee ‘? God said to him: ' You have spoken sufficiently.’ When Moses saw that no creature could save him from the path of death, he thereupon exclaimed, ’ The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice; a God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and righteous is He’ (ib. XXXII, 4). What did Moses do? He took a scroll and wrote down upon it the Ineffable Name, nor had the Book of Song been completely written down when the moment of Moses’ death arrived. At that hour God said to Gabriel: ' Gabriel, go forth and bring Moses’ soul.’ He, however, replied: ' Master of the Universe, how can I witness the death of him who is equal to sixty myriads, and how can I behave harshly to one who possesses such qualities?’ Then [God] said to Michael: ‘Go forth and bring Moses’ soul.’ He, however, replied: ‘Master of the Universe, I was his teacher, and he my pupil, and I cannot therefore witness his death.’ [God] then said to Sammael the wicked: ' Go forth and bring Moses’ soul.’ Immediately he clothed himself with anger and girded on his sword and wrapped himself with ruthlessness and went forth to meet Moses. When Sammael saw Moses sitting and writing down the Ineffable Name, and how the radiance of his appearance was like unto the sun and he was like unto an angel of the Lord of hosts, he became afraid of Moses and declared: ‘Of a surety, angels cannot take away Moses’ soul.’ Now before Sammael showed himself to Moses, Moses knew of his coming, and when Sammael caught sight of Moses trembling, fear took hold of him, as of awoman in travail, and he had not the effrontery to speak to Moses, until Moses said to Sammael,’ There is no peace, saith God, concerning the wicked  (Isa. LVII, 21). What are you doing here? ' He replied: ' I have come to take away your soul.’ Moses asked him: ' Who sent you? ' He replied: ' He who created all the creatures.’ Moses then said to him: ‘You shall not take away my soul.’ Whereupon he replied: ‘The souls of all who come into this world are delivered into my hands.’ Whereupon Moses said: ‘I have greater strength than all who come into this world.’ He then asked: ‘And wherein lies your strength?’ Moses replied: ‘I am the son of Amram, and came out from my mother's womb without prepuce, and had no need to be circumcised; and on the very day on which I was born I found myself able to speak and was able to walk and to converse with my father and mother, and I did not even take suck of [my mother's] milk; and when I was three months old I prophesied and declared that I was destined to receive the law from the midst of flames of fire; and [once] when I was walking in the street I entered the palace of the king and removed the crown from his head; and when I was eighty years old I wrought signs and wonders in Egypt and brought forth sixty myriads before the eyes of all Egypt; and I divided the sea into twelve divisions, and I made the bitter waters sweet; and I ascended heaven and trod out a path there, and engaged in battle with the angels, and received the law of fire, and sojourned under [God's] Throne of fire, and took shelter under the pillar of fire, and spoke with God face to face; and I prevailed over the heavenly Familia,2 and revealed unto the sons of man their secrets,3 and received the Law from the right hand of God, and taught it to Israel; and I made war on Sihon and Og, the two giants of the heathens to whose ankles the waters of the flood did not reach because of their [great] stature; I caused sun and moon to stand still on high, and I smote them with the staff in my hand and killed them ; is there any one amongst mankind who is able to do likewise? Away, wicked one, from here, you must not speak thus, go, flee before me, I will not surrender my soul to you.’ Immediately Sammael went back and reported to God. Whereupon God commanded Sammael, ‘Go, and bring Moses’ soul.’ Straightway he drew his sword from the sheath and placed himself at the side of Moses. Immediately Moses became wroth, and taking hold of the staff on which was engraven the Ineffable Name he fell upon Sammael with all his strength until he fled from before him, and he pursued him with the Ineffable Name and removed the beam of glory [halo] from between his eyes and blinded him. Thus much did Moses achieve. At the end of a moment, a heavenly voice was heard, declaring: ‘The end, the time of your death has come.’ Said Moses to God: ‘Master of the Universe, remember the day when Thou didst reveal Thyself unto me in the bush and didst say to me, Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth My people the children of Israel from Egypt (Ex.III, 10); remember the time when I abode on Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights, I implore Thee, do not hand me over into the hand of the Angel of Death.’ Thereupon a heavenly voice was heard saying to him: ' Fear not, I myself will attend to you and your burial.’ At that hour, Moses arose and sanctified himself like the Seraphim, and God came down from the highest heavens to take away the soul of Moses, and with Him were three ministering angels, Michael, Gabriel, and Zagzagel. Michael laid out his bier, Gabriel spread out a fine linen cloth at his bolster, Zagzagel one at his feet; Michael stood at one side and Gabriel at the other side. God said: ' Moses, fold your eyelids over your eyes,’ and he did so. He then said: ‘Place your hands upon your breast,’ and he did so. He then said: ' Put your feet next to one another,’ and he did so. Forthwith the Holy One, blessed be He, summoned the soul from the midst of the body, saying to her: ‘My daughter, I have fixed the period of thy stay in the body of Moses at a hundred and twenty years; now thy end has come, depart, delay not.’ Whereupon she replied: ‘Master of the Universe, I know that Thou art the God of all spirits and all souls, the souls of the dead and the living are in Thy keeping, and Thou hast created and formed me and placed me within the body of Moses for a hundred and twenty years. And now, is there a body in the world purer than the body of Moses in which there has never been an offensive smell, nor worm nor maggot, nor any kind of vermin; therefore I love him and I do not desire to leave him.’ Whereupon God exclaimed: ‘Soul, go forth, do not delay, and I will raise thee to the highest heavens and will place thee under the Throne of Glory next to the Cherubim, Seraphim, and other troops of angels.’ Thereupon the soul replied: ‘Master of the Universe, two angels, Uzah and Azael, came down from near Thy divine Presence and coveted the daughters of the earth and they corrupted their way upon the earth until Thou didst suspend them between earth and heaven. But the son of Amram from the day Thou didst reveal Thyself unto him at the Bush has had no marital relations with his wife,’ as it is said, And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married; for he had married a Cushite woman  (Num. XII, 1).1 ‘I implore Thee let me remain in the body of Moses.’ Thereupon God kissed Moses and took away his soul with a kiss of the mouth, and God, if one might say so, wept [as it is said], Who will rise up for me against the evil-doers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Ps. XCIV, 16) And the Holy Spirit said, And there hath not arisen a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses  (Deut. XXXIV, 10). The heavens wept and said, The godly man is perished out of the earth  (Micah VII, 2). The earth wept and said, And the upright among men is no more (ib.). And when Joshua was looking for his master and did not find him, he also wept and said, Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth, for the faithful fail from among the children of men  (Ps. XII, 2). And the ministering angels said, He executed the righteousness of the Lord  (Deut. XXXIII, 21). And Israel said, And His ordinances with Israel (ib.). These and those said, He entereth into peace, they rest in their beds, each one that walketh in his uprightness (Isa. LVII, 2); The memory of the righteous shall be for a blessing  (Prov. X, 7), and his soul for the life of the World to Come. Amen. May this be His will. Blessed be the Lord for ever. Amen and amen.

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