Monday, June 15, 2020

Drainimg the swamp!? Democrats demand details from banks, Treasury on small business bailout

The request, led by House Majority Whip James Clyburn and six colleagues, came after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the government would not reveal the names of the Paycheck Protection Program’s nearly 4.6 million loan recipients––even though the PPP loan application told borrowers their information would be released.

Clyburn and his colleagues say evidence of a “two-tiered” process, through which banks gave priority to wealthier customers, requires a more transparent understanding of how the government distributed hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. Under the PPP, banks have issued nearly $512 billion in loans.
“We have significant concerns that the two-tiered system that some banks reportedly developed for wealthy clients may have diverted PPP funds intended for vulnerable small business owners in underserved and rural markets,” they wrote in letters to JPMorgan, Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and other large financial institutions.

Covid-19 may trigger the onset of diabetes in previously healthy people

Covid-19 may be triggering the onset of diabetes in previously healthy people, experts warned on Friday.
New-onset diabetes is being observed in patients who have tested positive for the virus, an international group of 17 leading diabetes experts wrote in a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine published on Friday.
It remains unclear exactly how the virus that causes Covid-19, impacts diabetes.

more nonsense from Fox -- Tucker: Healthy societies do not destroy their own history

  this is not History - monuments are not made for traitors  nor are most from Civil war period. how about a statue for Benedict Arnold? or maybe Pharoh or Amalek? anyone for a statue of Titus next to the Kotel? This was never about reconciliation but rather racism. King George maybe  on the mall next to the Vietnam memorial or perhaps a statue of Hirohito at Arlington or Pearl Harbor. Why is there an obligation to destroy ancient residues of Idolatry?

This country is filled with national cemeteries that honor Americans who fought and died in our wars and many of those cemeteries hold Civil War soldiers from both sides and contain monuments to their sacrifice.
Those soldiers blue and gray Confederate and Union are buried alongside one another and they are for a reason. One side in that conflict was right, the union side and the other was wrong, the Confederate side.
But when it was over, they were all Americans again and allowing them to lie in the same cemeteries next to each other allowed this country to heal its deepest fissure.
But healing is the opposite of what Elizabeth Warren wants to do now. She has no time for healing. Warren profits from hatred and division, particularly racial division, no matter how mindless. Exactly how many dead Confederate soldiers own slaves or even supported slavery? Elizabeth Warren doesn't know. She doesn't care to know.

Matt Gaetz says Antifa has 'designated Seattle their capital' of 'new Woketopia'

 more fake news!

House Judiciary Committee member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., told "Hannity" Wednesday that "Antifa has now designated Seattle their capital" after a group of protesters reportedly declared a six-block neighborhood around an apparently abandoned police buiding to be a "Cop Free Zone."
Gaetz went on to say that calls from the left to "defund the police" are part of a dangerous pattern of activity that seeks to undermine civil society.

What’s Going On in CHAZ, the Seattle Autonomous Zone?

CHAZ may be all of these, but it is also the acronym for the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” an area of about six blocks in Seattle ceded to protesters demanding justice for George Floyd after several tense nights of standoffs with police. In the absence of law enforcement, a kind of commune has sprung up — which has now become a nightmare bogeyman for conservatives, including the president. They seem to think CHAZ is the first “territory” “claimed” by antifa radicals (antifa, which is not a formal organization, has not claimed any responsibility for CHAZ), “Mad Max movie mayhem come to life” (it has actually been described as “extremely chill”), and run by a group of “domestic terrorists” whose “warlord” is a SoundCloud rapper (also false).
After protests began in Seattle at the end of May, standoffs between protesters and police became intense almost nightly, so much so that lawyers with the Seattle firm Perkins Coie, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Seattle University School of Law filed a lawsuit against the city on behalf of Black Lives Matter Seattle–King County and others. “On an almost nightly basis, the SPD has indiscriminately used excessive force against protesters, legal observers, journalists, and medical personnel,” the lawsuit says. It alleges that as late as Monday, June 8, police officers deployed tear gas despite a pledged 30-day moratorium.

A day later, on June 9, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best announced a “decreasing footprint” around the East Precinct at 11th Avenue and East Pine Street, which had become a “flash point” of clashes between protesters and police. “Protesters have requested it, they want the streets open for peaceful marches, and we’re going to facilitate that opportunity for them,” Best said. “This is an exercise in trust and deescalation.” Law enforcement boarded up windows in the precinct and were seen removing items from the building. Once they were gone, protesters moved in on Pine and set up camp, reversing barricades in order to create a protected zone of about six blocks.

Racism: Judaism is not racist Rav Yakov Bereisishis 9:25

אמת ליעקב בראשית פרק ט פסוק כה
(כה) ויאמר ארור כנען עבד עבדים יהיה לאחיו51.
הנה ישנן משונאינו מאומות העולם הטוענים שכלל ישראל היא אומה גזענית, שהרי התורה אומרת שכנען ארור והוא יהיה עבד עבדים לאחיו, הרי שהשפילה התורה את גזע כנען למדרגת עבד. אבל האמת ודאי היא לא כן, דהא זה ברור שדעת התורה היא כנגד גזענות, וכבר הוכחתי זה בחידושי לעיל בפרשת בראשית [א' פכ"ב] מלשון המשנה בסנהדרין [דף ל"ז ע"א]: מפני מה נברא האדם יחידי שלא יאמר אדם לחבירו אבא גדול מאביך, הרי שבדוקא שינה הקדוש ברוך הוא במין האדם משאר המינים וברא רק אדם יחידי כדי שלא יבואו בני האדם לידי מדה מגונה זו. אלא שלפ"ז צריכים לבאר את פעולתו של נח במה שהוריד את כנען למדרגת עבד והשפילו משאר מין האדם, והרי זה לכאורה פעולה גזענית טהורה.
אבל באמת אין לזה שום שייכות עם גזענות, דגזענות פירושה שגזע אחד מתנשא מעל גזע אחר בגלל מוצאו ויחוסו וכאילו שהוא נוצר "מחומר" עילאי וטוב יותר וכדומה, אבל כאן הטעם שחילק ביניהם נח היה משום מדותיו המושחתות של חם ובנו כנען, ומדות אלו הנחיל הוא לבניו אחריו וכמו שאמרו חז"ל [פסחים דף קי"ג ע"ב]: חמשה דברים צוה כנען את בניו כו' אהבו את הגזל ואהבו את הזימה ושנאו את אדוניכם ואל תדברו אמת, ומכיון שראה נח מדות כאלו אצל משפחת כנען, מאז קילל אותם שישארו עבדים כל ימי חייהם ולא יבואו בקהל ישראל.
וכמו כן הוא מה שאנו אומרים "אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים", ששונאי ישראל טענו שמזה אנו מראים כאילו אנו חושבים את עצמנו למיוחסים יותר מאומות העולם, ודאי אין זה משום שדת ישראל גזענית היא חס ושלום, אלא שאנו אומרים שמכיון שאנו ירשנו מדות מהוגנות וישרות מאבירי דעה כאלו כמו אברהם יצחק ויעקב, ואנו עמדנו בהר סיני וקבלנו תורת ה' מפי משה רבינו, ממילא אנו בני מעלה יותר משאר העמים, כי הרי אנו שיפרנו את עצמנו במדות טובות ובהתקרבות להשי"ת, אבל הרי כל מי שרוצה יכול להתגייר ולהצטרף אלינו ואז גם הוא יכול לומר על עצמו "אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים", מה שאין זה אמת בשאר האומות הגזעניות שלא מרשים לאחד מן החוץ להצטרף אליהם.
ומוכרח זה ממה שאנו אומרים אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים, וכן אומרים אנו בברכות התורה כל יום אשר בחר בנו ממכל העמים, ואעפ"כ בסדר הסליחות אנו אומרים "אשמנו מכל עם", ולכאורה זה תמוה, איך אנו יכולים לומר שאנו הנבחרים מכל עם ואעפ"כ אשמנו מכל עם. אבל הוא הדבר אשר דברנו, המעלה שלנו היא לא ביחוסנו העצמי ובמוצאינו העילי, אלא בזה שאנו נבחרנו מכל העמים בגלל מעלותינו הנבחרות, א"כ מכיון שחטאנו ולא שמרנו על עצמנו א"כ ממילא אנו אשמנו מכל עם, כי ככל שתגדל מדרגת האדם כן תגדל חטאתו אם יכשל, ודו"ק.

What is antifa and why is Donald Trump targeting it?

Antifa conspiracy theories are common amongst rightwing politicians, media and activists. Bray said: “The right describes antifa as a unitary organization with leaders and even secret funding” though that is simply not true.
An antisemitic conspiracy theory that the billionaire financier George Soros funds antifa also has widespread currency on the right, including among influential Trump-world figures.
Although the president and his allies wish to conflate large protests in every city with radical anti-fascist groups, Bray says they “drastically overstate the numbers and influence” of committed Antifa activists.

Analysis: Fact checking recent statements from Trump on protests, Seattle, health care

TRUMP: “Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle.” — tweet Wednesday.
THE FACTS: No they haven’t.

Right-wing media says Antifa militants have seized part of Seattle. Local authorities say otherwise

 Armed militant activists with the group Antifa have seized a sizable section of Seattle and are plotting to expand their territory — all as the local police surrender to them and evacuate a local precinct.
Or so the story goes if you've relied on right-wing media for your news this week.
"You have now talk about armed volunteers of Antifa to guard their cop-free zone and taken over precincts," Fox News host Sean Hannity told viewers Wednesday night on his television show, the highest-rated program on cable news.
It is true that demonstrators have occupied a small, six-square block section of Seattle and designated it an "autonomous zone." And it is true that, after clashes with police, a precinct was boarded up and evacuated in an attempt to deescalate the situation.
But claims that bands of militant Antifa members are roving the Seattle streets appear to be grossly exaggerated in right-wing media. In fact, according to the Seattle mayor's office, city officials haven't seen any evidence to indicate armed members of Antifa are even on the ground

Lindsey Graham Serves Up 50 Frivolous Subpoenas.

OUCH! New ad Lindsey Graham Luvs Joe Biden - Questions Lindsey's Trump switching

'He's A Psychopath': Trump Insider Says Military Will Haul Trump Out Of The White House | MSNBC

The Lost Cause of the Confederacy: History as Written by the Losers - Bad Ideas with Al and Tony

Understanding the Lost Cause Myth