Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Good deeds with Bad Motivation

 Netziv (Devarim 32:5): It is known that the destruction of the First Temple was because of idolatry, sexual immorality and murder which angered G‑d. The destruction of the Second Temple was because of sinas chinom. We have explained in Bamidbar (35:34) that they were involved in the study of Torah and serving G‑d nevertheless most of the killing was done for the sake of G‑d. In other words they would label as a Sadducee (heretic) anyone who transgressed any of the commandments. They would then have them punished as a heretic and thus their conduct was very destructive – even though they thought they were motivated by concern for the honor of heaven. … Thus the problem of the Second Temple was that ostensibly good deeds were now mixed with bad motivation. Thus it was hard to separate the good from the bad since the bad was done for the sake of heaven.


  1. What I'm going to say will probably earn me a cherem, but I will say it anyway.
    First, look at the severity of the 2nd churban Vs the 1st. The first was only 70 years.
    Next _ the end of sotah describes how the leadership lost the ability to to run the Temple in any organised way, and shut down by cancelling the practices there.
    The rabbis are fighting the priestly sect, killing off those they disagree with, then left holding a temple they do not understand or know how to carry out its services.
    The gap between the chazal and the Sadducees was artificially expanded to find a pretext to demonise and overthrow the Kohanim. The beit hamikdash is bereft, and Ben Zakkai doesn't intervene to save it. He's happier to have a yeshiva in yavne, since he doesn't believe in practical mitzvot anyway.
    This is essentially what the netziv is hinting at. The severe punishment is substantiating this narrative.
    Why were the 10 martyrs slaughtered if they were tzaddikim? Have we ripped off Christianity to say they died for our sins?

    1. One could say that the Chrisians copies the idea from us since the prophets and Tehillim mention the idea of a tzadik suffering for the sins of the generation. Wouldn't be the only thing they copied except they based their religion on it so it would make sense to think we copied them.
      The reason for the length of the 2nd exile is, because unlike the 1st one, we are still committing the sins that led to it.
      Seriously, imagine tomorrow that a sinkhole opens up on the Temple Mount and swallows all the structures there but the surrounding walls and platform remain miraculously intact. Someone on the Muslim side has the guts to say that this means God wants the Jews to rebuild their Temple.
      Can you imagine the infighting that will follow? The repeated public chilu HaShems and violence as different UO sects insist "No, it's going to be done OUR way or not at all!"? And God knows this so here we sit.

    2. The netziv is for once saying "we are to blame", rather than blaming it on our opponents or the reform, Sadducees, etc.

    3. That's the difference between the theodicy of Chazal and nowadays. Chazal looked at themselves to explain why bad things happened to Am Yisrael. We didn't say proper berachos. We didn't learn properly. We didn't respect one another. We spoke loshon horo. We were arrogant, etc.
      And today? It's because of those secular Jews! All their fault!


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