Tuesday, October 1, 2024

New sefer Parnossa Bitachon Luck

 I just submitted my latest Sefer to Amazon. It should be available for sale next week

Table of contents to my new Sefer on Parnossa

 AAmulets 17

Beis Din Judges Poskim Rabbinical Authorities 18

Bitachon 21

Acquiring and Strengthening Bitachon 21

Advice from Gedolim? 25

Benefit and Harm are only with G-d’s Permission 26

Choice of Life with Bitachon or Effort 27

Combining Torah and Work 29

Competence – Significant for Success? 31

Definition 32

Different concepts – Ramban vs Chovas HaLevavos 36

Everything that happens is good? 37

Life Insurance 38

Luxuries also 41

Protects from Harm 41

Questioning G-d – Don’t 45

Rely on it 45

Righteous not relying on Bitachon 72

Righteous Suffer even with Bitachon 75

Sinners also helped? 76

Talking 78

Types and Levels of Bitachon 79

Yakov was afraid 84

Yosef was the epitome of Bitachon yet was punished 85

Blessing 87

Berachas Cohanim- Priestly Blessing 88

Consequences - Significance 96

Mitzvah 102

Pleasure 102

Source of Beracha – Good/Evil 105

Torah 105

Tzadik 106

Curses 107

Blasphemy- Cursing G-d 107

Consequences 112

Examples 113

Father or Mother 115

Forgive 115

Harmful 116

Harmless 117

How 117

Jew 119

Oneself 120

Prohibition 120

Punishment 122

Reason 123

Removing 124

Ordinary person curses 124

Talmid Chachom 124

Talmid Chachom or Tzadik curses 124

Why 125

Working 126

Charity 126

Amount to give 126

Benefits - Consequences 130

Mitzva 133

Damages 142

Divination and Darchei Emori – permitted for health 147

False Belief 147

Permitted 147

Prohibition 151

Used For Medicine permitted 154

Economic Competition or Interference - Hasagas Gevul 157

Examples 157

Rabbinic or Torah Law? 164

Teaching Torah 164

Effort – Hishstadlus 164

Amount - Type 164

Bitachon – shows lacking? 169

Bitachon results from Effort 170

Blessing 170

Choice of Life with Bitachon or Effort 171

Curse 172

Definition 173

Dependency 175

Difficult 176

Father obligated to Teach Son 176

Indicates importance 178

Insurance 178

Love Work 179

Male vs Female 179

Man was created to toil 180

Medicine 180

Minimize 181

Minimum or no effort with bitachon 181

Miracles are minimized 190

Motivation 191

Move to Another Place 191

My Strength 192

Prayer 198

Punishment 202

Secular Studies 203

Stops Sin 206

Success always requires? 208

Success and knowledge 221

Success not dependent on amount or type of effort 222

Success Always Attributed to G-d 231

Trade is Important 240

Trade desirability is individual 246

Working vs Fearing Heaven 247

Evil Eye- Good Eye 247

Avoid because of Evil Eye 247

Good Eye 249

Harmful 250

Protect Against 253

Why harmful? 256

Honesty 256

Lending Money 267

Leniency if there is financial loss –chosoron kis or hefsed merubah 270

Permit Torah Prohibition 270

Large loss only 270

Lost objects – returning 271

Mazel luck 272

Accuracy 272

Astrology is prohibited? 273

Astrology connected to Witchcraft 275

Bad Luck 276

Children Livelihood Lifespan 276

Divination 278

Everything guided by mazzal 279

Fortune shines Shaah mesachat 284

Good luck - Mazel Tov 285

Jews influenced by mazel 287

Obligation 293

Outdated and Worthless belief 294

Palm reading 295

Success dependent on mazel 295

Medicine 299

Best Doctors Destined for Gehinom 299

Book of Cures – Why it was concealed 299

Chazal – Disagree 301

Errors 301

G-d cures 301

Good vs Bad Doctor 302

Natural effort – need to go to doctor 302

Need for doctors – Sin causes Illness 310

Medical Views of Chazal differ from Doctors 315

Permission to heal 316

Permitted cures 319

Pikuach Nefesh – Life Threatening 320

Prayer 321

Suffering is desirable 321

Testing 322

Miracles 323

Appreciation 323

Beracha 324

Deserving a Miracle 326

Effort of Man required before Miracle can Happen 327

End of Miracles 328

Everything is miraculous 328

Hidden vs Open 328

Laws of nature 329

Minimize 331

Miracles are built into creation 332

Miracles that happened 342

Mitzvos protect if danger is not common 353

More Common in Previous Generations 354

Natural laws violated 354

Need for Miracles 355

Proof – not to be viewed as Proof 357

Praying for miracle is prohibited 357

Relying on a miracle is prohibited Even for Tzadikim 358

Salvation through Miracles 364

Sign a miracle will happen 365

Sun Standing Still 365

Types 366

What is a miracle 366

Tzadikim can make 369

Oni Mehapech BCharara Interfering with another’s Purchase 370

Definition 370

Parnossa 371

Advice for success 371

Determined on Rosh HaShanna 388

Effort Desirable 390

Everyman’s trade is fine in his eyes 394

G-d Provides all Parnossa 394

How Provided 402

Not Easily Obtained 406

Predestined or Free Will 408

Same as Father’s 411

Spirituality 411

Test 411

Wife : profession compared to loving wife 412

Working vs Fear of Heaven 413

Poverty 413

Always exist 413

Causes 414

Decreed before Birth 418

Definition - Nature 418

G-d Loves the Poor 420

Helping 421

Mocking 425

Poor are considered dead or sick 425

Problems and Benefits 426

Robbing 437

Torah Scholars 438

Tzadik 438

Wheel which impacts everyone 439

Ribis – Usury - Prohibition 440

Secular Studies 467

Segula - Parnassa and Abundance 470

Simonim – signs or omens 480

Permitted 480

Parnossa 489

Prohibited 490

Rosh HaShanna 490

Temimos being Whole Hearted with G-d 492

Bitachon 492

Chanufah is opposite of temimos 492

Definition 493

Mitzva 498

Prohibition 499

Theft 499

Common – most people 499

Consequences 500

Definition - Examples 509

Debts non payment 519

Fraud 519

Mitzva 531

Predestined? 534

Repentance - Restitution 534

Steal from Parents 540

Steal from poor 541

Steal from Rich? 541

Steal from Dead 541

Steal from Non-Jews 541

Steal from Thief 542

Talmid Chochma not a robber 543

Tempting 543

Thief vs Robber 543

Trade 544

Withholding Wages 545

Torah Study and Working 545

Benefits 545

Chazal also worked to earn living 545

R’ Gamliel gave poor students jobs 546

Hillel was a laborer 546

R’ Yehoshua was a charcoal maker 546

Torah study should be combined with working 546

Choose life of bitachon or effort 549

Charity 551

Combining Necessary? 551

Cruel to family as a raven 563

Diaspora only 565

Exclusive Torah Study & Bitachon 566

Financial security required to study 576

Honor Torah 582

If son learns Torah doesn’t have to learn profession 582

Intellect from Torah Study 582

Poor in Torah 582

Poor Scholars 583

Rambam received financial support from brother 583

Rambam would allow if no other way 584

Rich 584

Scholars in early times didn’t have to work 584

Scholars in early times only 587

Segula 588

Taking money for Torah is prohibited? 589

Torah and derech eretz 591

Torah is Primary Work is Secondary 601

Torah Study - without work - is obligatory for the minority 603

Torah Study is Difficult 606

Torah Study is Important 607

Torah Study supported by community 613

Torah Study with charity profanes G d’s name 614

Torah thoughts while working 614

Work interferes with learning 617

Work is a Curse 619

Yisachar Zevulen partnership 620

Tzadikim - Righteous 623

Alive – Truly 623

Angels Greater than 623

Ascetic? 624

Attachment to Tzadikim 624

Atonement Needed? 625

Avraham 625

Baal tshuva is Superior? 626

Become Wicked? 627

Bitachon  only for high level 627

Blessing 628

Bounty Source 629

Called by Name of G-d 630

Cancel Merits of Wicked 633

Cannot become poor - law of nature 633

Chanoch Enosh 634

Chariot of G-d 634

Chasidic rebbe 635


Compared to G-d 638

Confronting Wicked 639

Counterpoint to Wicked 640

Create 640

Curse 640

Death of tzadik brings Atonement 640

Decree Against Houses 641

Death Decreed 642

Death – Minimized Pain 642

Death difficult for World 642

Definition - Nature 642

Described as G-d 655

Dies Another Replaces 656

Die Before Time 657

Disobey G-d 657

Doctors not needed 657

Doesn’t suffer from poverty 658

Don’t lack food even without effort 659

Doubts 659

Faith in Tzadik 659

Faith - Lives By 660

Few in Number 661

Finding What was Lost 661

Flourish 661

Forced to be righteous? 661

Foundation of World 662

G-d is Crown 663

G-d is Sanctified through Them 664

G d nullifies decrees because of Tzadik 664

G-d Sees Actions 666

G-d’s Chariot 667

Give Money 668

Good Natured? 668

Greater after Death 668

Greater person has greater lust for evil 668

Handiwork greater than Creation 669

Heresy 669

Imitating? 670

Ish Elokim – Man of G-d 670

Life is only Good for the Tzadikim 671

Many reasons for the suffering of the righteous 672

Miracles - Nature Change- 673

Miraculous protection is only for compete tzadik 673

Misfortune 675

Money is precious to him 676

No fear of judgment either in this world or the next 677

Noach 677

Opposition 678

Partners With G-d 678

Powers similar to G-d 679

Prayers 680

Predestined 680

Protected from all sin and error? 681

Protected if as spiritual as R’ Pinchas’ donkey 684

Protection from Harm 685

Punished 686

Reason World Exists 687

Rebuke Giving 688

Rely on miracles 688

Revealed before Creation 689

Reward 689

Rich 691

Rosh Hashanah 692

Sarah 692

Say little and Do Much 692

Seeing 692

Serving the Tzadik 693

Son of Tzadik 693

Son will not lack sustenance 694

Suffer 694

Suffer first 695

Suffering of Love 695

Suffering is beneficial 695

Suffer for Sins of Generation 697

Tempting 697

Tests 697

Thirty Six or Thirty 697

Too Righteous 698

Tzadik Decree G-d agrees 698

War conducted in natural way - except for tzadikim 699

Wicked Son Prospers 700

Wicked Interfere 700

Women 700

Work not needed so Much 700

Working vs Fear of Heaven 700

Yakov 701

Yashar vs Tzadik 701

Yosef 702

Wealth- Money 702

Acquiring - causes 702

Amount 713

Avoid being Dependent on Others 715

Consequences 715

Decreed before birth 716

Definition - Nature 717

Desire for Wealth 721

Determined on Rosh HaShanna 723

Honor 724

Israel only 725

Money 725

Other people’s Money 728

Predetermined 728

Preserve 729

Problems and Benefits 730

Prophets 738

Rescue by destroying another’s  property 738

Solomon- Shlomo 738

Spirituality 739

Steal from Rich? 739

Test 739

Tzadik’s money is more precious to him 740

Undesirable 741

Dedication of my sefer on Parnossa and Luck


This volume is dedicated to Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald. He was active in many areas, despite being a successful businessman he devoted his life to the well-being of other Jews. While he ran Camp Sternberg and other business activities, he served as the go to person for anything requiring wise negotiating skills, love of fellow man and patience. He was involved at the highest levels of secular politics as well as with Torah leaders, despite this he was a gentle highly approachable person who was available to all those in need. He was intimately involved in freeing not only Nathan Sharansky from Russia and but others such as Lori Berenson who he visited while she was jailed for life in Peru for alleged terrorist activities. 

He traveled the world to provide people in impossible difficulties with real help. He was often called on to negotiate in difficult divorce cases.  He was a pioneer in dealing with youth who were on the fringes of society. He even founded a school which dealt directly with young ladies with difficult backgrounds. In short he was a true Torah Jew who was a servant of G-d. He remained a humble and pleasant and easily accessible person despite his many accomplishments. 

I met him many times when he came to family simchas in Israel from his home in Monsey. I also corresponded with him by email regarding the issue of divorce.  He told me he had had a discussion with Rav Dovid Cohen about the lack of awareness in the Orthodox community about child abuse as indicated by its absence in the Rabbinic responsa literature. Rav Cohen assured him that there must be significant discussions of this important topic but after much effort was able to find only two from 100 years ago. 

I also mentioned Rav Dessler’s view that there needed to be universal single minded devotion to only Torah study even if it causes harm to the majority, He agreed that  was the dominant view as expressed by the Chazon Ish and Rav Aharon Kotler, but noted this seems to have come about as a reaction to  the devastation to not only the nature of Orthodoxy but also the lack of competent leaders by WWII. He added that now after several generation of Torah only that perhaps the emergency situation no longer existed and it might be possible to return to the norm of Torah Study and working.

His wisdom and devotion is sorely missed