Thursday, February 18, 2021

Escalating Antireligious Female Draft


Antireligious Israeli Leftists Making Religious Israeli Girls Bait Again: The Escalation of Drafting Religious Girls Into the Israeli Army

6 Adar, 5781  February 18, '21   Parshas Zochor /Terumah

By Binyomin Feinberg

B"H (thank G-d), recently, two Israeli girls being assisted by volunteers with Chomosaich have received notice that they are to receive their religious 
exemptions from military service - Ester A. bas Nilli, a yesomah (orphan), and Talya bas Chana. Ester just received formal notification by letter from the Israeli Army immediately after her draft date, this Monday, Feb.15.

The fact that both girls needed lawyers to solve problems that (even by Army standards) should not have been an issue altogether speaks volumes about Army draft policy, as dictated by the antireligious Army Establishment: it's not that the Army pursues girls who encounter technical problems. It's that girls encounter significant problems because the Army wants to pursue easy targets.

Another girl, Loren bas Miriam, is a  recent Ba'alas Teshuva (someone who rediscovered their religious roots). She embarked on her spiritual commitment subsequent to her commencement of the enlistment process. In the eyes of some, that ostensibly raises suspicion. However, she stands willing to endure military prison to avoid being drafted. That is one powerful argument dispelling naysayers.

Loren has still not received any  religious exemption notice.  The Army set her a draft date for March 18, which happens to be shortly before her wedding, BE"H. 

(Our comment: Apparently, as far as the Army Draft Office is concerned, freedom of religion is a one way street: once secular, always secular - no way out.  Religious freedom isn't free in Israel, at least not if you're a Ba'alas Teshuva not yet ensconced in the correct voting bloc.)

Question: What avenue is there for someone to rediscover their religious Heritage - stolen by the dominant, established secularism of the Israeli WASPs -  if they happen to have started the enlistment process?

Yes, some will argue that the Army must ferret out fakers. Firstly, even according to the religious Zionism to which the government pretends to pay homage, the Israeli government has no right to draft any girl into the military, religious or not. 

Secondly, who is to determine religiosity, the antireligious Army Establishment? Secular and secularist draft officers? 

Thirdly, by what right does the Israeli government have to argue against fakery when the entire female draft is based on one massive fraud after another, including the myth of the need for women, and the true goals of the female draft having more to do with immorality than any national security need?
IDF Draft Office Advances Their Escalation Against Fully Religious Girls

The ongoing IDF macro-escalation of drafting religious girls can be illustrated "in micro" by reviewing  several current cases of refusenik girls - 
who have required legal counsel - currently being helped by  Chomosaich volunteers, for example.

° Anna bas Miriam, a religious Ukrainian girl, apparently lacking anything that would be expected to flag Draft Office interest, has been subjected to Army harassment for many months on end. Evidently, there is no rationale for this, other than the fact than she's an easy target hailing from one of the many immigrant backgrounds favored by IDF human traffickers. Her case seems to be one of a "random error," however, one that's been quite unrandomly allowed to evade "correction" for many months. During this period, apparently underemployed draft officers are very  intentionally trying to harass her with phonecalls. She's B"H not buckling. Given the Draft Office track- record on recent Chomosaich cases, hers seems to be "par for the course:" 

° Ester bas Nilli, a very religious 18-year-old sefardi orphan, until her exemption notification this week, was being harassed over the signature of the Dayan (religious court judge) on her Religiosity certification being below the line. This - despite her being orphaned from her mother, and being desperately needed to assist her Alman father with nine younger unmarried siblings remaining at home.

° Another religious girl, Talya bas Chana, until she was notified of her religious exemption over a week ago, had been literally persecuted by the Draft Office, despite - or perhaps by virtue of - her being from a broken family, in acute financial straights, and homeless.

°  Shuly bas R., 19, has also been cruelly persecuted, facing potential arrest, over her refusal to submit to the draft. The health issues with which she's recently been dealing, render it clear that the Army has no [legitimate, legal] use for her, and is pursuing her for reasons unrelated to national security.

° Now add to these the cases of other religious girls - under the care of other organizations - being persecuted by the IDF - including the two French girls reported on recently, e.g. see The Israeli Army Draft Office is clearly escalating their ongoing antireligious crusade against religious girls. And it's happening in great measure because we don't protest sufficiently. And that's something over which we have immense control. We ought to use the ability to speak out while we have it. G-d willing, in that merit, we won't lose that ability. 

“Nothing is to be more dreaded than the national government meddling with religion.” — John Adams, 1812

° Some of these girls are being or had been blackmailed into submitting to a "Rayon Dat," a Religiosity Interview/ Interrogation. For these girls, that's not only prohibited by Torah Law, and practically hazardous; it's also inherently self-contradictory.  For girls who follow the historically mainstream Rabbinic position that a Rayon Dat is prohibited, the Army forcing them into one (a) constitutes antireligious coercion, and (b) is also legally incoherent - if not downright Orwellian --demanding these girls "demonstrate" their religious values by contravening them.

° The merit of these heroic souls, and those who assist them, is truly incalculable - "Le'fum tza'arah agrah" [Avos]. And for that reason it's all the more incumbent on us to raise awareness - and funds - to stand by those noshim tzidkaniyos, in whose merit so many Jews are very possibly being saved from missos meshunos and untold tzoros.

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law -- the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)
Binyomin Feinberg.


  1. They also cracking down on secular artists models etc losing benefits and exemptions

  2. This author (as well as the person who agrees to continue spreading this screed) are guilty of spreading demonstrably false screed in the name of religion. Shame on them both. My son and three of my (religious) daughters served proudly in the IDF, without any harassment (sexual or otherwise). Have you learned nothing from the Trump era about the dangers of spreading fake news?

  3. "when the entire female draft is based on one massive fraud after
    another, including the myth of the need for women, and the true goals of
    the female draft having more to do with immorality than any national
    security need?"

    Feinberg and his dirty mind at play once again

    Who is feinberg to comment on the Human resources , logistics, or requirments of the military? Is he a mumche on this field? Or just a nobody, (which matches his skills in logic as well)!

  4. The Israeli Army is notorious (and has been for many decades) for using Army girls for immorality.


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