Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump campaign demands a halt to ballot counting in Pennsylvania

 The Trump campaign announced that it was filing a suit to stop ballot counting in Pennsylvania after filing a similar motion in Wisconsin.

"This is the most important election of our lifetime, and President Trump made clear our path forward last night: ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation. Bad things are happening in Pennsylvania. Democrats are scheming to disenfranchise and dilute Republican votes. President Trump and his team are fighting to put a stop to it," Justin Clark, Trump 2020 Deputy Campaign Manager, said in a statement.


  1. It would be simple if they just were honest: Stop counting the votes before Biden pulls ahead!

  2. It would be simple if you don't accept trump's claim that he can only lose if election was rigged

  3. The authors and editors of this artice, along with the owner of this blog, continue to struggle with the idea that a lot of people are disturbed by a party -- the Democrat Party -- that seems, despite protestations to the contrary, to be affiliated if not aligned with those who loot and burn cities.

    I think it can be cogently argued that BLM kept Donald Trump in office if he wins a second term.

    Yet not only did the article skip that thesis, it couldn't -- because of political correctness -- state it even if the authors and editors wanted to.


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