Thursday, September 3, 2020

Nancy Pelosi calls rule-flouting salon visit a 'setup'

"I take responsibility for trusting the word of a neighbourhood salon," the top Democrat told reporters on Wednesday. "It turns out it was a setup."

Mrs Pelosi was pictured in the salon without a mask over her face.

The California lawmaker has often criticised President Donald Trump for refusing to wear a mask.

"I take responsibility for trusting the word of a neighbourhood salon that I've been to over the years many times," Mrs Pelosi said in a testy press conference in San Francisco when asked about the incident.

She said eSalon SF had told her they could accommodate one guest at a time.

"I trusted that - as it turns out it was a setup," Mrs Pelosi said. "So I take responsibility for falling for a setup and that's all I'm going to say on that.

1 comment :

  1. “Nancy Pelosi calls rule-flouting salon visit a setup” See

    “The news that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday visited a San Francisco hair salon, against standing city ordinances, was the latest exhibition of privileged unconcern. The Speaker—a forceful proponent of the lockdown orthodoxy—is seen in a security camera video, robed and hair wet, moving from one room to another in an otherwise closed salon. In San Francisco, salons and barbershops have been closed since March. Beginning Tuesday, they could offer services but only outdoors. The salon’s owner, Erica Kious, rents chairs to independent stylists, one of whom came in to work on the Speaker’s hair. Ms. Kious resented the presumption. “It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know,” she told a Fox News reporter, “that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work.”After she was found out, Mrs. Pelosi told local ABC News Wednesday that “I take responsibility for falling for a set up.” And she’s demanding an apology from the salon owner. Does Mrs. Pelosi mean she was lured to get her hair done against her will?” and see video there.

    Setup = a scheme or trick intended to incriminate or deceive someone. Listen. He didn't die. It was a setup.

    Hmm. Can I say I fell for a setup in Aranoff v Aranoff July 1991? Susan was sweet and lovely until I went on a one way El-Al ticket to Israel July 9, 1991. In Tamar v Aharon and the crazy K-G garbage heter, Tamar is so cruel paying $60,000 to Mendel Epstein to kidnap her husband Aharon who refuses to divorce her. I like Rabbi Spira’s 53 page analysis. The ORA rabbis lie lie lie. I like Meir Kin’s analysis of ORA rabbis. Looks like Aharon fell for setup August 2012.

    (internet 2012):
    “Supporters of Tamar Epstein, whose ex-husband, Aharon Friedman, refuses to give her a religious divorce, have been pressuring Friedman's boss, U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Michigan, to fire Friedman. They have protested in front of Camp's office, signed a petition at, started a website ( and in February, bombarded Camp's official congressional Facebook page. But Susan Aranoff, director of Agunah International, which supports Jewish women seeking divorces, said social media has little effect because many husbands still are resistant after all the bullets have been fired."


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