Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hasidic group in New York urges members to wear masks in public


 The Bobover Hasidic movement in New York City has called on its members to adhere to state social distancing regulations, and to wear masks whenever they are unable to maintain a six-foot distance from others in public.

In a statement released by Congregation Khal Shaarei Zion Bobov, the movement implored its members over the age of 60 or who have serious medical conditions – including heart problems, diabetes, or respiratory problems – to take special precautions to avoid becoming infected with the coronavirus.

In addition, the movement urged all members to adhere to state regulations, including social distancing, or, in situations where that is not possible, to wear masks.

1 comment :

  1. Not accurate translation at all. It says anyone without antibody should follow the law. Anyone old or at risk should follow the law. It clearly does NOT say that everyone else should follow the law. It clearly implies, rather, that anyone else should not wear masks or socially distance.


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