Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Seattle shrinks CHOP area with street barriers

 Dozens of Seattle Department of Transportation workers spent Tuesday morning putting up new barriers in the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), which used to be known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), that will shrink the area’s footprint in an effort to improve local and emergency vehicle access.

The barriers were being installed around the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct, which has been boarded up after being the site of nearly two weeks of often hostile standoffs between police and protesters. Police Chief Carmen Best said Monday the department is looking to city officials to negotiate with CHOP leaders about police returning to the building.

1 comment :

  1. And this is why Western civilization is crumbling:
    " the department is looking to city officials to negotiate with CHOP leaders about police returning to the building."
    Seriously? The cops have to beg to return to their own building?


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