Monday, May 4, 2020

Trump says blame China. His supporters are listening.

President Donald Trump’s decision to focus his coronavirus anger on China, America’s top economic rival, is part of a pivot for Trump’s reelection team as it scrambles to revise a campaign message that had been focused on financial prosperity. Now, with the economy in a coronavirus-induced coma, Trump’s team is working to instead make the 2020 race a referendum on who will be tougher on China — Trump or Joe Biden. In recent days, Trump’s campaign has even dubbed the president’s likely Democrat opponent “Beijing Biden."


  1. Garnel IronheartMay 4, 2020 at 3:39 PM

    But Trump isn't wrong. China is a major threat to the Western democracies. Through the debt that they own, their economic influence and their evil ideology, they are a threat to liberal society.

  2. so why not just boycott Chinese goods?

    to slap them with tariffs and create a trade war is not the solution because the American public ends up paying
    similarly we can end the problem of auto crash deaths - stop driving cars!
    If we stop flying there also will be no plane crashes!
    stop eating will similarly solve the obesity crisis

    are we more interested in getting headings or results?

  3. Garnel IronheartMay 4, 2020 at 6:06 PM

    Chinese goods are too ubiquitous to boycott. The reason China dominates is because it uses slave labour and cheap materials to keep unit costs low. The only way to fight these practices is to make the product not worth the purchase. If a Chinese shirt is currently $29 and a comparable Italian one is $59, then ramping up the price of the Chinese shirt is a better answer than demanding the Italians cut wages and quality. The other possible answer is to switch supply lines to India and other south Asian countries that also use slave labour and cheap materials but at least aren't trying to conquer the world.

  4. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2020 at 6:26 PM

    It's not a bad idea - firms and economies can disengage from China, to force them to make real reforms. A modern cold war exists, and Russia is less of a threat than China. IPhones can be manufactured elsewhere, eg Mexico, phillipines etc.


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