Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mike Pompeo: 'enormous evidence' coronavirus came from Chinese lab

Secretary of state Mike Pompeo claimed on Sunday there is “enormous evidence” the coronavirus outbreak originated in a Chinese laboratory – but did not provide any of the alleged evidence.

But when he was reminded that US intelligence had issued a formal statement noting the opposite – that the scientific consensus was that the virus was not manmade or genetically modified – Pompeo replied: “That’s right. I agree with that.”

Donald Trump made a similar unsupported claim on Thursday, saying he was privy to evidence of the pandemic began in a Chinese lab but was not permitted to share it.


  1. Let's say someone sneezes on me and I catch a cold from them.

    Let's say I sneeze on my friend and he catches the cold from me.

    Did I manufacture the cold by making something relatively innocuous into something contagious? No! I merely passed it on.

    Bats harboring viruses were brought to the Wuhan lab and/or the viruses were taken from the bats and brought to the Wuhan lab.

    Somewhere along the line a virus causing COVID19, infected someone. That's where the circumstantial evidence is pointing.

    I mean, think about it. China occupies a massive slice of Asia. Well over a billion people live there. The city of Wuhan has 11 million or so alone. That's more people than some countries.

    And the other theory is that the virus originated in a Wuhan market a few miles from the lab that collects and studies these viruses?

    Could be that's what happened. But what a coincidence!

  2. "Scientific Consensus"
    A single paper based on hypothetical computer molecular modeling (which is a notoriously unreliable genre in general) and circularly referenced and self-referenced by lots of scientists and media.
    No, Scripps and Zalgen did not establish "Scientific consensus" with their idiotic paper. All they accomplished was to show how bad their prediction system is. They predicted SARS-COV2 as a non-optimal ACE2 binder based on their computer protein interaction modeling software. Yet it is demonstrated to be 10-20-fold BETTER ACE2 binder than SARS-COV1! How stupid can people be to believe their ridiculous claims and unfounded conclusions?
    People latch onto this unfounded claim by Zalgen because it supports what they want reality to be. Same reason why Zalgen and Scripps push this nonsense.

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2020 at 12:23 AM

    there is now plenty of evidence that safety at that lab was a joke, and they were collecting bat droppings in caves, without serious safety gear, then taking it to the lab. Bat ->droppings> Lab-> outbreak

  4. Whether is came from a Chinese lab is irrelevant. Wherever it came from, once it got loose the Chinese government's priorities were (1) shutting in down in China (2) exporting it to the rest of the world and (3) sabotaging the rest of the world's efforts to fight it so as to gain economically from exploiting our misery.

  5. basis of all conspiracy theories - that constitutes evidence?

  6. Dr. Shi herself was initially concerned the outbreak originated from her Wuhan lab.

    Do you mean to tell me she succumbed to a conspiracy theory in which she plays a central role as the culprit whose sloppy controls led to the pandemic?

  7. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2020 at 1:13 PM

    Poor level of biosafety at the lab, and also researchers collecting wild bat faeces (virus samples)

  8. but after investigating the issue she rejected the idea!

  9. And the coup de grâce is that Dr. Fauci, the top government ecpert on viruses advising the President, has been implicated in funding the Wuhan lab investigation of bat coronoviruses despite reservations of leading American researchers.

    But who takes the hit for this byzantine turn of events? The President.



    Because...we wanted Hillary Clinton to win!

  10. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2020 at 3:17 PM

    It's easy to go missing and have all records deleted in China. This happened at one of her colleagues in the same institute.

  11. Garnel IronheartMay 4, 2020 at 3:41 PM

    Do you recall that doctor who, after revealing the virus existed, recanted? Do you really still believe anything that comes out of China?

  12. do you really believe anything that Trump says about china or anything else?

  13. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2020 at 5:02 PM

    The problem is, your dislike for the man has led you to do or say the opposite of everything he says. If he said chazir is treif, you would find a heter to eat chazir.

  14. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 4, 2020 at 5:09 PM

    When Wuhan institute scientists go to a bat cave, that becomes a field lab. If they do not treat it with the same safety levels as you would in a BSL 4 level lab, contamination is quite obvious, and to be expected.

    To give a lurid analogy, if a brothel were opened near borough Park, and there was a sudden spike in cases of gonorrhea, then it is highly likely we have a smoking gun.

  15. Yes. So, like all good scientists, she should welcome an independent group of scientists into her lab, and ask them to replicate her results. The lab may have stored thousands of virus samples. Did she really have a separate record for each one? Inquiring minds are curious to find out.

    At the very least, she should make her methods and data public.


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