Tuesday, January 30, 2024

UNRWA school students in East Jerusalem say 'stabbing Jews brings respect for Palestinians'


In a video from 2022, uncovered amid the current storm over UNRWA due to participation of its employees in the October 7 massacre, watch students at a UN agency's school repeat horrific things they are taught: 'I am ready to carry out a suicide attack'; Education Ministry launches investigation

Here’s Why Donald Trump Doesn’t Have to Register as a Sex Offender


In New York, where the verdict was reached, only those who are incarcerated or on probation or parole may be placed on the sex offender registry. And if you’re hoping that a federal registration requirement kick in, no dice there as well—the offender must have been “convicted” of an offense.

Competition - teachers only use the best teacher!

 Bava Batra (21a) If we have a teacher who gets on with the children and there is another who can get on better, we do not replace the first by the second, for fear that the second when appointed will become indolent. R. Dimi from Nehardea, however, held that he would exert himself still more if appointed: the jealousy of scribes increaseth wisdom.

Shulchan Aruch (YD 245:18) If there is a second teacher who is better than the first We replace the first teacher with the second.

Chazon Ish (Emuna u Vetachon chapter 3) uses this as an example that Halacha tells us what is ethical not whether something appears unethical

This apparently applies only teaching children. Not to community rabbis or roshei yeshiva or any other profession such as doctor or politician

Competion in Business- hassagas Gevul

 Why are there many halachas against economic competition when at the same time we have the widespread belief that is expressed in the gemora that a person only gets what G-d has decreed?

Yoma (38b): By your name you will be called, to your place you will be restored and from what belongs to you will you be given. No man can touch what is prepared for his fellow and One kingdom does not interfere with the other even to the extent of one hair's breadth.

Bava Basra (21b)  If a resident of an alley sets up a handmill and another resident of the alley wants to set up one next to him, the first has the right to stop him, because he can say to him, ‘You are interfering with my livelihood.’ May we say that this view is supported by the following: ‘Fishing nets must be kept away from the hiding-place of a fish which has been spotted by another fisherman the full length of the fish's swim.’ And how much is this? Rabbah son of R. Huna says: A parasang?’ — Fishes are different, because they look about for food.

Chavos Ya'ir (Teshuva 42) King David praises one who does not enter his fellow's trade.(Sanhedrin  81a)  David considers this trait a sign of piety precisely because it is technically permitted (as long as one is a local resident). David commends one who refrains from competing with his friend for going beyond the letter of the law.

Divrei Hayyim (CM 56) The custom of prohibiting the purchase of books from any printer who encroached on the rights of another printer "was based on the words of the geonim who preceded us," and was conditional upon a significant rabbinical figure having agreed to the publication by the first printer. He added that this prohibition had acquired the status of a custom, and was therefore valid even if it was contrary to the laws of the Torah.

Igros Moshe (Choshen Mishpat 1:38) A number of congregants of a particular shul formed a ‘breakaway shul,’ whose popularity soon exceeded that of the original shul. Most of the members of the original shul joined the new shul, denying the Rabbi of the original shul the income he had been making from membership fees. The Rabbi in question had bought the shul property some three years prior, and the breakaway shul had caused him serious financial harm.In spite of the congregants’ claim that the liturgy of the original shul confused them, and that it was hard for them to cope with the Rabbi’s angry outbursts, Rav Moshe rules that the congregants were not allowed to break away from the shul. Citing from the Chasam Sofer and the Aviasaf, he explains that the severity of the prohibition of cutting off somebody’s income cannot be offset by the congregant’s claims. It is important to note that a number of congregants did remain in the original shul, and therefore the income of the Rabbi was not entirely ruined. Nonetheless, Rav Moshe writes that “because the congregation has become so small, so that the income is insufficient for his needs… this is certainly a prohibited case of ruining another’s income.”

Nida (52b) Job blasphemed with the mention of tempest and he was answered with a tempest. He blasphemed with the mention of tempest, saying to Him, Sovereign of the world, perhaps a tempest has passed before Thee, and caused Thee to confuse "Job" with "enemy"? He was answered with a tempest: Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said to him, Most foolish man, I have created many hairs in a man's head and for every hair I have created a separate follicle, so that two should not suck from the same follicle, for if two were to suck from the same follicle they would impair the sight of man.

Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch (Teshuvos Ve-Hanhagos 1:800) It is permitted for somebody to open a rival restaurant next to an already existing restaurant . However, if prices are much lower than those of the rival restaurant, so that the existing restaurant will be unable to compete, it would be forbidden to lower prices, and drive the existing restaurant out of business. The prohibition will not apply when only a number of items are sold at the lower price.

Sanhedrin (81a) What is meant by, neither hath defiled his neighbor's wife, indicating that he did not competitively enter his neighbour's profession;

Shelah (Shavuos 183:2).: "It is a great principle to report sayings in the name of those who said them, and not to steal sayings from those who said them, for such theft is worse than stealing money… How great, in my eyes, is the sin of a person who cites an interpretation that has been published in a book, or which he has heard, and fails to mention the name of the original maker or writer of the interpretation" 

Sifrei (Devarim 188) "You shall not move back (into his own land, thus broadening your own, the boundary marker of your neighbor." Is it not already written "You shall not rob"? What, then, is the intent of the above? We are hereby taught that one who removes his neighbor's boundary marker transgresses two negative commandments. I might think (that the same holds true) also outside of Eretz Yisrael; it is, therefore, written "in your inheritance that you shall inherit in the land." In Eretz Yisrael one transgresses two negative commandments. Outside of it he transgresses only one.

Tosefta (Nidda 2:7) Marrying a pregnant woman or one nursing another person’s child is prohibited because of  hassagat gevul 

Yerushalmi (Sotah 4:3) A man should not marry a woman pregnant by another man or nursing another man’s child, but if he did marry her, the verse says about him: “Do not remove the eternal boundaries and do not enter the orphans’ field.” He who marries a woman pregnant by another man or nursing another man’s child has to divorce her and should never retake her, the words of Rebbi Meĩr, but the Sages say, he may separate from her and take her back later

Monday, January 29, 2024

Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7 Attack


At least 12 employees of the U.N.’s Palestinian refugee agency had connections to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and around 10% of all of its Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, according to intelligence reports reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Six United Nations Relief and Works Agency workers were part of the wave of Palestinian militants who killed 1,200 people in the deadliest assault on Jews since the Holocaust, according to the intelligence dossier. Two helped kidnap Israelis. Two others were tracked to sites where scores of Israeli civilians were shot and killed. Others coordinated logistics for the assault, including procuring weapons.

Of the 12 Unrwa employees with links to the attacks, seven were primary or secondary school teachers, including two math teachers, two Arabic language teachers and one primary school teacher.

Why countries are pulling funding from the U.N. agency for Palestinians


A rapidly growing list of countries suspended funding to the U.N. agency for Palestinians in Gaza, following allegations from Israeli authorities that some employees of the organization were involved in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.

Leaked documents have detailed some of Israel’s accusations against U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East employees, either during the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 or in the days after. One of the dozens of UNWRA workers named was said to be a teacher who housed an Israeli hostage in his house, according to a report in Israeli media.

UN aid agency members supplied Hamas with RPGs, took Israeli woman hostage during Oct. 7 attacks, damning intel finds


The United Nations aid agency staffers accused of taking part in Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel included some who provided rocket-propelled grenades — as well as others who actively killed and kidnapped Israelis, according to a damning dossier of intel given to the US.

At least 10 of the 12 fired last week by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were active members of Hamas, while another was affiliated with the Islamic Jihad, according to the dossier obtained by the New York Times.

Effort is source of Success?

Devarim (8:17) and you say to yourselves, “My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me.” 

Devarim (8:18) Remember that it is your God who gives you the power to get wealth, in fulfillment of the covenant made on oath with your fathers, as is still the case.

Chovas HaLevavos (3:64): One should not think that his livelihood depends on a particular means and that if these means fail, his livelihood will not come from a different means. Rather, trust in the Al-mighty, and know that all means are equal for Him. He can provide using whatever means and at any time and however He so wishes, as written "for with the L-ord there is no limitation to save with many or with few" (Shmuel I 14:6), and "But you must remember the L-ord your G-d, for it is He that gives you strength to make wealth, in order to establish His covenant which He swore to your forefathers, as it is this day." (Devarim 8:18), and "Not by might nor by power, but by My spirit, says the L-ord of Hosts." (Zecharia 4:6). 

Ramchal (Daas Tevunos 36:05)The third belief, is the belief of many people, that think that the matters of this world follow rules of nature that were established by the creator in the lower worlds, and it is their efforts and pressure that helps and their laziness that does harm as in (Deuteronomy 8:17) "My strength and vigor of my hand achieved this success" and they say further, all is dependent on luck, and it is happenstance for everyone equally, and there is nothing other than the natural way, no more, whether for the good or for the bad: 

Ibn Ezra (Devarim 8:17) BUT THOU SHALT REMEMBER. This means if the thought My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth should enter your mind, then remember the One who gives you power.

Or HaChaim (Devarim 8:17) "You shall remember the Lord your G'd, etc." Moses means that we must remember that the source of all the good we will experience is G'd and we must never forget it. If He had not imbued us with strength we could never have achieved what we imagine we have achieved with our own power. Whenever people turn away from religion, if ever so slightly, it is because they forget that their achievements are not truly their own. Such a path leads to a person's eventual destruction. This may be the reason this verse is immediately followed in the next paragraph by the dire warnings about what will happen when Israel "forgets" its G'd deliberately. Once you forget that G'd is the source of all the good you experience, you will eventually forget that you have a very exclusive G'd altogether. Once that happens, you will seek out other deities. Not only will you contemplate idol worship but you will engage in it actively. Not only will this be some kind of loosely defined service, but you will even prostrate yourself in front of such images. Sanhedrin 60 teaches that if one prostrates oneself in front of the idol Markolies one is guilty of idolatry even though this is not an accepted form of worship for that idol. 

Rabbeinu Bachya Devarim (8:17) “and you will say in your heart: “My strength and the power of My hand, etc.” Moses says that possibly your arrogance will become such that you ascribe your affluence to your horoscope. ‘My strength’ would refer to influences from outer space, astrological in nature, the ‘power of My hand י would refer to sub-terrestrial influences, demons resident below earth. 

Hebrew College bars founding dean Rabbi Art Green from campus over accusation of sexual misconduct


The rabbi, who is widely considered a leader in neo-Hasidism or Renewal Judaism, admits to being bisexual and inappropriately kissing a male faculty member several years ago, but denies allegations of a recent similar 'interaction'; 'I consider myself a victim of the extreme ‘Me-tooism’ that has come to plague our society'

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Fox Reacts to Trump Defamation Verdict: ‘Staggering!’


Cavuto later turned to John Yoo, a controversial former Justice Department lawyer during the Bush administration, who questioned Trump’s lawyers’ ability to get him to “stop attacking” private citizens.

“The whole point of this—the enormous damages, unprecedented damages now—is to tell Donald Trump to shut up! If you can think of it this way: every time Donald Trump wants to insult E. Jean Carroll, he’s going to have to write a $40 million check for each sentence. That’s how bad this is,” Yoo said with a laugh.

“I can’t believe his lawyers haven’t succeeded in just telling him, look: campaign for president. Run for president. Make your accusations about a two-tiered justice system, but leave this alone. Stop attacking people who are no longer public citizens. Stop attacking people. You’ve already lost and the court has already said what you’ve done is liable. Because every time he insults her again, he’s going to have to cut a $30 million check.”

Yoo added that Trump should stop disrespecting not only Carroll, but “the justice system.”

Defending Israel or Endangering Jews?


In the shadow of the tension ahead of the announcement of the court in The Hague on South Africa's claim against Israel, the official newspaper of the ultra-Orthodox community, Kehala Kadisha, launched an unprecedented attack today against the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, Dr. Warren Goldstein, who went on a propaganda campaign against the local government "which brings the Yishuv The Jew in South Africa is in danger" according to the newspaper.

The newspaper reporter points out that while 'Zionist circles' in South Africa are copying the fire of hatred and war to the streets of Johannesburg and Cape Town, which puts the entire local Jewish community in danger, much to the alarm, the local chief rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein also joined and went on a propaganda campaign against the local government, while that he drags the entire local community into a terrible danger of life.

The newspaper adds and asserts that already about two months ago the chief rabbi published all over the world his order following the anti-Zionist behavior of the South African government to remove the blessing for the government and its ministers from the prayer for the peace of the country in the synagogues. In an interview with an Israeli newspaper, the chief rabbi Warren Goldstein does not hesitate to declare that "the South African government is The layman is useful in the hands of Iran", Goldstein seems to be quite enjoying the publicity and is interviewed by every possible media outlet in Israel and around the world and attacks the local government at length.

"Even in the ultra-orthodox press," the newspaper's reporters complain, he receives a wide platform for spreading his lost views, but the worst of all is that his actions endanger the local community, and many in the local community sit in grave fear of the future, and according to them, "Rabbi" Goldstein, with his actions, pours fuel on the fire of hatred of the Muslims and their numerous supporters in the country, and instead of acting to calm the spirits in Johannesburg, he is acting forcefully to ignite the arson that will be followed by who will be saved."

Trump May Face Liquidity Issues After E. Jean Carroll Verdict, Lawyers Warn


Glenn Kirschner, a former assistant U.S. attorney and frequent critic of Trump, took to MSNBC host Joy Reid's podcast on Saturday to discuss the damages the former president faces and pointed towards the amount of money and possible use of his properties it would take to get an appeal bond.

"In order to get an appeal bond, he would very likely have to put up most of or all of the $83 million so that there is a pot of money that can be paid to E. Jean Carroll at the end of the appeals process. He'll have to put it up either in cash, and wasn't he just bragging that he has $400 million on hand, I'm betting he doesn't or he'll have to put it up in unencumbered property. I can only wonder how much equity he actually has in some of the properties he owns," Kirschner, who is also a legal analyst for MSNBC, said.

This is not the first time some have pointed towards issues involving how much Trump will need to pay out.

Jury Orders Trump to Pay E. Jean Carroll $83 Million for Defamation


Her lawyers asked for about $12 million to repair her reputation, at least another $12 million for emotional distress, plus unusually high punitive damages intended to stop Trump’s derogatory comments about Carroll, which he has continued to voice on social media and in campaign appearances while the proceedings were ongoing.  

“How much will it take to make him stop?” Robbie Kaplan, a lawyer for Carroll, asked the jury.

Jurors ultimately awarded Carroll a total of $18.3 million in compensatory damages, $11 million of which was for repairing her reputation. The panel awarded her $65 million in punitive damages after finding that Trump acted maliciously.

UK says it has ‘considerable concerns’ about ICJ ruling, rejects genocide accusation


The British government said Saturday it had “considerable concerns” about a ruling by the United Nation’s top court that Israel should do everything it can to prevent any acts of genocide in Gaza.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on Friday handed down its first judgment in a case brought by South Africa that also ordered Israel to allow humanitarian access to the Palestinian territory, but did not call for a ceasefire.

“We respect the role and independence of the ICJ. However… we have considerable concerns about this case, which is not helpful in the goal of achieving a sustainable ceasefire,” a Foreign Office spokesperson said in a statement.