Saturday, July 16, 2022

Social Media Posts Misleadingly Edit and Misrepresent Biden Remarks from Teleprompter

President Joe Biden quoted the Supreme Court majority opinion on ending the constitutional right to abortion in remarks he made on July 8. Social media posts falsely claim he mistakenly read teleprompter cues. A White House press secretary told us Biden intentionally said “end of quote” and then said “repeat the line” for emphasis, and the full, live remarks support that explanation.

LITTLE COULD BE MORE DAMAGING - understanding Schesinger twins

Parental alienation refers to the situation wherein one parent deliberately attempts to cause his or her children to become estranged from the other parent. Most often, this occurs during or following a contested, messy divorce. In some cases, it can take place even within intact families. Generally, perpetrators harbor intense hatred for their ex-spouses, which they justify with the irrational belief that any contact with the ex-spouse would be psychologically and emotionally damaging for the children. As a result, the perpetrators will use any and all means to manipulate support for their diabolical and, at times, demonic tactics.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Biden staff removes Israeli flag from presidential vehicle - in Jerusalem

US President Joe Biden's staff on Friday morning removed the Israeli flag from his armored vehicle, before visiting Jerusalem's Arab areas.

Danny Danon, head of World Likud and a former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, slammed, "It starts with a visit of a US President to a Palestinian institution in east Jerusalem. It continues with the inability of [Prime Minister Yair] Lapid to set a red line, to act as a diplomat and prevent this dangerous precedent. And it ends with the removal of the Israeli flag from Biden's entourage - in the capital of the State of Israel."

"Lapid gets a clear and unequivocal 'fail' on this visit, and it's scary to think what future visits here by diplomats will look, in the coming months. We must replace this awful government."

Religious courts committed to reform of get procedures, says leading peer

A leading Jewish peer has suggested that batei din are prepared to reform their procedures for arranging a get.

Lord Jon Mendelsohn is one of the peers who successfully pressed for the official recognition of get refusal as a form of abuse - which was set out in statutory guidance to the Domestic Abuse Act published by the government a few days ago.

Health Ministry says uptick in recurring COVID infections

However, in some cases, the symptoms were lighter the third time round, and although these numbers are relatively low, the ministry expects them to rise.
Health experts estimate that one of the leading reasons for the third infection is the fact that masks were no longer in use by most Israelis who were no longer concerned

Ben Shapiro vs. Rabbi Shmuel Bloom and a Lost Manuscript From Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l

Ben Shapiro asked a pertinent question. Why is he the only one that actively voiced the Torah opinion against abortion? The verse in Genesis tells us, “one who spills blood within man – is culpable..” How can we stand by idly while so many lives are being put to death? Where were all of the other Torah organizations? Why was orthodox Jewry not at the forefront of such a campaign?

Confirmation of Ohio rape victim's abortion story forces retreat from some conservative doubters

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) — prior to the arrest of the man charged in the case — had echoed Yost’s sentiment.

“Another lie. Anyone surprised?” Jordan said in a tweet, which he deleted after the rapist had been arrested and charged. Jordan said in a subsequent tweet that the suspect “should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Out of 1,542 IDF sexual assault complaints, just 31 indictments filed

As the Israeli military continues to grapple with cases of sexual assault, data shown to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee revealed that despite thousands of complaints. only 31 indictments were filed in 2020.

The IDF released figures of sexual assault for 2020 in February of last year. A total of 1,542 complaints were made, including 26 cases of rape, 391 obscene acts, and 92 cases of distributing photos and videos.

In comparison, there were 1,239 complaints filed in 2019, and 514 complaints filed in 2012.

Military Police launch probe after soldier reports rape, then dies by suicide

The Military Police on Tuesday confirmed it had opened an investigation into the suicide of a female soldier a day after a failed attempt to kill herself and several days after she reported being raped, the Haaretz daily reported.

Ten days before the soldier died in April of this year, she told an officer at her base that she was raped at a party during the Purim holiday, and complained about her mental condition, the report said.

Despite the complaint, she was not taken to be examined at a hospital, nor did representatives of the military chief’s gender affairs adviser unit — who were notified of the incident — meet with the soldier, the report said.

Soldier Kills Herself After Reporting She Was Raped. Now Israeli Army Probes Suspicions of Negligence

Despite reporting the rape on the night it happened, the soldier was not taken to get treatment, her complaint was not passed on, and her access to a weapon was not limited

The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty

Former Oath Keeper: ‘We came very, very close to having a civil war kick off on Jan. 6’

Former Oath Keepers spokesperson Jason Van Tatenhove on Wednesday said American came “very, very close” to a civil war when pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to prevent the certification of the 2020 election results.

Van Tatenhove, who testified Tuesday to the House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol, told CNN’s Brianna Keilar that far-right militias like the Oath Keepers and other rioters had a “military mindset” on Jan. 6.

Trump’s Lawyers Think Mark Meadows Is Going Down

Trump’s inner circle increasingly views Meadows as a likely fall guy for the former president’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Members of Trump’s legal team are actively planning certain strategies around Meadows’ downfall — including possible criminal charges. Trump has himself begun the process of distancing himself from some of his onetime senior aide’s alleged actions around Jan. 6.