Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Biphasic Sleep - halachic Implications?

 The forgotten medieval habit of 'two sleeps'

Biphasic sleep was not unique to England, either – it was widely practised throughout the preindustrial world. In France, the initial sleep was the "premier somme"; in Italy, it was "primo sonno". In fact, Eckirch found evidence of the habit in locations as distant as Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Australia, South America and the Middle East.
And far from being a peculiarity of the Middle Ages, Ekirch began to suspect that the method had been the dominant way of sleeping for millennia – an ancient default that we inherited from our prehistoric ancestors. The first record Ekirch found was from the 8th Century BC, in the 12,109-line Greek epic The Odyssey, while the last hints of its existence dated to the early 20th Century, before it somehow slipped into oblivion.
The period of wakefulness that followed was known as "the watch" – and it was a surprisingly useful window in which to get things done. "[The records] describe how people did just about anything and everything after they awakened from their first sleep," says Ekirch.

Kashrus issues involving conflict of science and Halacha

מאמר על תולעים חלק ב by yadmoshe on Scribd

Was R Eliyahu's psak against Walder for rape and child abuse or only adultery?


Despite this, we checked, investigated and questioned thoroughly. Witnesses testified that he committed adultery with married women for many years and they were forced to divorce because they were prohibited from their husbands. We saw rulings from other Batei Din (rabbinical courts) about these issues and supported the findings with additional unanimous evidence. In addition, we heard recordings in his own voice that attest to serious immoral acts, and we found him guilty without a doubt.

Guilty of what? 

and then after finding him guilty we 

  1. We called upon Walder to take upon himself a path of teshuva. We sent people to convince him to repent, in order to prevent a huge Chilul Hashem (desecration of God’s Name) when his actions became public. Instead of repenting, he chose to threaten us through his messengers, just as they tried to threaten Rav Yehuda Silman shlit”a who paskened (ruled) that people to remove Walder’s books from their homes. It’s a pity that he doesn’t (didn’t) surrender and follow a path of teshuva (repentance).
Tshuva for what and how?

It seems clear from R Eliyahu's own words that his psak was about adultery  involving consenting women and there was no rape or child abuse. Thus this was not related to the expose in Haaretz - despite all the yelling and wailing, Nothing about rape either - statutory or otherwise nor sodomy

Fox News’ Steve Doocy Tells Unvaccinated Viewers to ‘Get the Shot’ (Video)


Fox News host Steve Doocy urged “Fox & Friends” viewers to get the COVID-19 vaccine on Monday’s morning show.

While discussing the spread of the more transmissible Delta variant, Doocy said, “If you have the chance, get the shot. It will save your life.”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade wasn’t sold: “You make your own decision. It’s available to everyone. We’re not doctors. You can say, ‘We got it,’ but I’m not gonna go there and give you other medical advice.”

"This idea that it's the pandemic of the unvaccinated, it's just a total lie."


Rodgers’ claim misses some key points — the pandemic began among unvaccinated people, before vaccines were available. Furthermore, highly infectious variants such as the delta variant were first detected in unvaccinated populations.

Scientific evidence and studies show that unvaccinated people are more than five times more likely than vaccinated people to catch COVID-19, and over 10 times more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19.

Stop Calling It a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’


Your refusal has cost all of us,” President Joe Biden said to unvaccinated people last week, as he announced a new COVID-vaccine mandate for all workers at private companies with more than 100 employees. The vaccinated, he said, are angry and frustrated with the nearly 80 million people who still haven’t received a vaccine, and their patience “is wearing thin.”

He’s not wrong about that. For people who understand that widespread vaccination is our best strategy for beating the pandemic, the 25 percent of Americans who still haven’t received a single shot are a barrier to freedom. Their exasperation is warranted.

But bullying the unvaccinated into getting their shots isn’t going to work in the long run.

37,887 new COVID cases, breaking record again


Israel set a new record for daily COVID diagnoses Monday, marking seven days in a row of record-breaking new case numbers.

A total of 37,887 new COVID cases were reported across Israel Monday, the Health Ministry said Tuesday morning.

The number of new reported cases is up from 31,208 on Sunday, itself a record-breaking day.

There are now 185,753 active known cases of the virus across Israel. Of those, 163,618 were diagnosed in the past week.

Palestine Deep Dive exemplifies the fantasy world of many on the left


Investigating the online media platform Palestine Deep Dive, of which Labour MP Grahame Morris is a director, I was confronted with a fantasy world. A world where the Jewish state was responsible for another Holocaust, for spreading coronavirus and even for “weaponising time”. A world where accusations of antisemitism could be a "smear campaign", or originate from the Israeli government.

Jen Psaki lays waste to Peter Doocy's bogus vaccination talking points


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday easily shredded Fox News reporter Peter Doocy's criticisms of President Joe Biden for calling the COVID-19 pandemic a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

At the start of his question, Doocy noted that both he and Psaki had come down with cases of COVID-19 even though both of them had received both vaccinations and booster shots against the virus.

"You’re triple-vaxed, still got COVID," said Doocy. "Why is the president still referring to this as a pandemic of the unvaccinated?"

"Well I think, Peter, that there's a significant difference," she said. "I had been triple-vaxxed. I had minor symptoms. There is a huge difference between that and being unvaccinated. You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you're unvaccinated, 20 times more likely to die."

Indiana Republican backtracks after saying teachers should be 'impartial' when teaching about Nazism, fascism


State Sen. Scott Baldwin (R), during a state Senate committee hearing on Wednesday regarding a proposed bill that would prohibit “divisive concepts” in schools, said educators have gone “too far” when taking a position on Marxism, Nazism and fascism, arguing that they “need to be impartial.”
The Anti-Defamation League said “Baldwin’s apology doesn’t change the deep harms of using ‘impartiality’ or ‘neutrality’ as tools to sanitize history,” adding, “There’s nothing neutral about Nazism.”

Trump did not want to tweet 'stay peaceful' during January 6 riot, key former aide says


Aides are being asked about the days leading up to the insurrection at the Capitol, conversations among key officials, and minute-by-minute details about what was happening behind closed doors at the White House, the ex-official added.
The former official, who declined to be named out of fear of retaliation, described January 6 as "one of the darkest days in our nation's history."
Other Trump staffers described the then-President as enjoying the mob violence as he watched live TV coverage of the insurrection at the Capitol. Trump was "loving" it, a separate former senior White House official said.
Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who was working as the chief of staff to the first lady on January 6, 2021, told CNN Thursday that Trump was "gleefully" watching television coverage of the riot.

In a medical first, a man with terminal heart disease gets a transplant of genetically modified pig heart


A 57-year-old Maryland man is doing well three days after receiving a genetically modified pig heart in a first-of-its-kind transplant surgery, University of Maryland Medicine said in a news release Monday.
David Bennett had terminal heart disease, and the pig heart was "the only currently available option," according to the release. Bennett was deemed ineligible for a conventional heart transplant or an artificial heart pump after reviews of his medical records.
"It was either die or do this transplant. I want to live. I know it's a shot in the dark, but it's my last choice," Bennett said before the surgery, according to the release.

KA Time to follow the masses regarding Chaim Walder

 I will try to put this carefully, but rationally-

The position of either the defenders of Walder, or the “I
don’t knows” are becoming less and less
tenable, and for a number of reasons. And objections that you keep bringing are
not convincing anyone but yourself.

That the Sephardi BD is not competent – that is nonsense,
and nobody is buying such a line. Rav Eliyahu is a Talmid Chacham, and he knows halacha very
well. To point where someone who is Brisk and totally rejects Zionism, was praising

Your view of Rav Eliyahu is generous and irrelevant. It is simply bizarre that he should be the go to person for a bnei brak case not involving Sephardim. Bnei Brak would use Rav Silman or Rav Rosenberg. Rav Silman has been specifically involved with abuse cases for many years

That they did not follow correct procedure – the halacha is
out in the open, even Rav Silman writes that with such cases, we no longer
follow strict Torah requirements for witnesses, can rely even on recordings, photographs, intermediaries

If you bothered reading the Shoel imeishiv - procedure is modified to stop abuse not to decide guilt!
Rav Eliyahu was very quick to announce guilt WHERE ARE THE LETTERS FROM Bnei Brak regarding guilt? 

That we don’t know the dikduk of the letter from Rav
Sternbuch – there is already sufficient information in the ether – explicit statements
have been made of a history of bad name of Walder, that he was chashud of not keeping all
issurim in the Torah including the gimmel chamurot.

Rav Sternbuch is not shy about expressing his views but you say rely on the ether.
nope that is not the way serious people act.

That there was a Daas Torah statement from Ponovezh Rosh

Yeshiva - the first statement had more
holes than swiss cheese, and was retracted for a more measured statement. The 2nd and authoritative statement
emphasised more the damage to the nifgaim, and the need to go to

neither statement said he was guilty as charged. Something you view as insignificant

That the suicide was either murder from the loshon hara, or
from extreme stress and hence not culpable.
One Rav said suicide is never
excusable. And you cannot send a message out that suicide is Ok under stress.
Perhaps everything is permissible, perhaps homosexuality, perhaps chillul
shabbes, etc perhaps even annulling gittin.

Wow so you found one rav - so what that is not the accepted view today

That those who speak out and rise up against the Rebbetzin

were chilonim, This is grasping at
straws – there are many alumni of the Seminary where she teaches, who follow her.
Do you think chilonim are interested or even know about her? This is much bigger than you realize – it is
bigger than Watergate. Unitl now there
has not been an uprising against Rabbonim, against rebbetzen. And that is by frum people. Maybe the haskalah,
there were reformists, but this is about frum people, rejecting their leaders en masse. 

Here we go again follow the mob. 
You are again fantasizing about a mass rebellion of the masses against their teachers -a common theme amongst secular observers

The Rabbis are afraid of this – they don’t
realise the depth of the revulsion, or protecting abusers. Parents are sick of
this – they want an end to such whitewashing.
That is why the statements that have come out, have then been retracted
and a more palatable version given.

That Rav Tau and Rav Aviner wanted to bury this – they are
both peripheral figures in RZ world

Nope neither are minor figures and both acknowledged the possibility of guilt

. Rav Tau broke away from Mercaz haRav, I’m

not sure how widely he is accepted – Mercaz HaRav is still mainstream RZ and
has many satellite yeshivas, and hesder yeshivas. Aviner was more prominent 30 years ago, but
again is marginalised. In any case,
there are individuals who are in denial about many things, about covid, vaccines
etc. The majority of the DL and also 99%
of the sephardi world all back Rav

Again follow the mob!

That we can continue as we always have done – this is no
longer an option. Today, information is spread in seconds to everyone’s
computer. Even with restrictions, there
are many frum blogs, and the biggest topic is sexual abuse. What is at risk is a fracture in chareidi
society , where people will just walk out, and no longer accept Daas Torah of
their gedolim. In fact, the process has already started.

I don’t know if this claim has been made on this particular
blog, but the claim has been made by individual commentors as well as Roshei
yeshiva, that the process of dayanim involved is corrupted, and they have
arrived at false conclusions. This was
actually what Walder himself claimed in his suicide note. He invited 2 Dayanim to see him in the great
BD in the sky! This is pure evil – it is
alleging that even the greatest dayanim across the board, and orthodox spectrum
are corrupt, and that the “tikkun” is by way of the bullet. This is
lawlessness, chaos, and madness combined.

It is also sheker of the most fundamental nature. I have never been taken to a BD , although I was
once falsely accused in a business
matter – I was confident that I could present my case if I was invited. If a
man of so many words, so articulate, with great lawyers, and more learning than
the kids and women accusing him, claimed his innocence, could he not prove it
in a BD?

Wow! What a profound fantasy I can imagine being able to fly- so what?

And finally, the scale is simply tipping away from the denialist

Again follow the mob! 
You simply can't believe there are still skeptics - no one is a denier

position. Every day, there is a new Rav, a new Rosh Yeshiva, a new posek coming
out against Walder. They chareidim,
MO, American, Israeli, Brisk,
Lubavitch, RZ etc. The pro-Walder cult
is drying out, they find themselves in
the same position as Walder himself – they have no case, no argument, and they are also following his lead in
committing moral suicide.

Again follow the mob!

Monday, January 10, 2022

The doctor who sees you now may have Covid


Hospitals and long-term care facilities are so short staffed that many are compelling Covid-positive doctors and nurses to return to work, arguing that bringing back asymptomatic or even symptomatic staff is the only way they can keep their doors open amid a spike in hospitalizations.
The practice, allowed by the most recent federal guidance, underscores the dire situation in which many facilities find themselves as more than 120,000 people nationwide are now hospitalized with the virus — almost three times the total from Thanksgiving when Omicron was first detected.