קנאים תקפו את הגאון רבי אברהם דב ליטמנוביץ, מו"צ בבית הדין של 'העדה החרדית' ומחשובי רבני ירושלים, בשל מאבקם נגד מכשיר ה'מקווה ריין'; לפני יומיים שפכו דגים בואשים בפתח ביתו
קנאים תקפו את הגאון רבי אברהם דב ליטמנוביץ, מו"צ בבית הדין של 'העדה החרדית' ומחשובי רבני ירושלים, בשל מאבקם נגד מכשיר ה'מקווה ריין'; לפני יומיים שפכו דגים בואשים בפתח ביתו
° There is a fact sheet from CWA, for background information (although I've not been able to review it myself).
Help Rescue Our Children
Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,
Executive Director / public account / personal account
USA: 845-642-1679 «»
Armed Services Committee: Who voted for Selective Service, from a very well informed source on top of this issue:
Most news reports were not accurate in reporting the House Armed Services Committee vote on the NDAA (HR 4350) for 2022, which took place on September 1.
As shown in this roll-call record (Log 835), the ("draft our daughters") Houlihan amendment to HR 4350 passed 35-24. Five (not four) Republicans unfortunately voted Yes:
1. Jack Bergman, a retired Marine Lt. General from Michigan,
2. Mike Waltz, who has been on the wrong side of the national service issue for some time,
3. Liz Cheney who is out of step on almost everything,
4. Pat Fallon, who has a little AF experience and bills himself as a “conservative Republican,” and
5. Rep. Scott Franklin of Florida. Franklin boasted of his votes on the NDAA, but didn’t mention his vote to “Draft Our Daughters.”
Thankfully, one Democrat voted against the Houlihan amendment: Congressman Andy Kim of New Jersey:
About | Representative Andy Kim (
On the Senate side, Republicans voting to Draft Our Daughters in S. 4049 included:
1. Senators Deb Fischer,
2. (self-described "combat vet") Joni Ernst,
3. Thom Tillis,
4. Dan Sullivan,
5. Kevin Cramer,
6. Rick Scott,
7. Tommy Tuberville, and
8. (surprisingly) Marsha Blackburn.
These Republicans need to feel some heat, especially in their district offices while they are not in session. Information on how to contact each one is here:
Find Your Members in the U.S. Congress | | Library of Congress or here: List of Representatives and Senators -
From: Randy Engel, A U.S. Coalition for Life - National Alert
To: American Pro-Family Advocates
Re: Stop Congress from Requiring Young Women to Register for the Draft
Dear Friends,
The enemies of God, family and country never sleep.
While Americans are preoccupied and distracted by the Covid-19 Plandemic, Congressional bills HR 4350 and S. 4049 (the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), are heading for a full vote in the House and Senate.
Both the House and Senate bills carry a dangerous amendment to the Military Selective Service Act to require young women to register for the Selective Service System (SSS) Draft. Incredibly, this measure has attracted much bipartisan support.
Like the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent, if this measure is allowed to pass, the way is open for drafting women into combat roles.
Proponents of the NDAA/Defense Budget bill argue that the current Selective Service ruling that legally requires only men (males) ages 18 to 25, to registered for the draft is “discriminatory,” and “unconstitutional.” All references to men or males have been stricken in the amended version of the House and Senate bills and replaced with androgenous terms, aka, “persons,” “citizens,” “enlisted members, etc.
Republican Chip Roy of Texas, a member of the House Armed Services Committee who has a little girl, blasted his colleagues after they passed a mandate to require women to register for the draft. “All of D.C. – all of it- can go straight to hell!”
The DOD ordered the Armed Services to lift the ban on women serving in combat roles in January 2013. In December 2015 the DOD announced that the military would be opening all “remaining occupations and positions to women,” with “no exceptions,” effective January 2016. Joe Biden supports the draft mandate for women. If Congress now approves the draft for women, that will be the last nail in the American coffin.
PLEASE Act NOW. Contact your Congressman and Senators at their district/state offices or their Washington. D.C. office to express your opposition to any bill/amendment, including H.R. 4350 and S. 4049, that requires women to register for Selective Service. Be exact – NO DRAFT for WOMEN - INTO ANYTHING {-NSL} - NOT NOW – NOT TOMORROW – NEVER!
Please note that both the U.S. House and Senate are not currently in session. House members will be in session on September 20-24; 27-30. Senate members will be in session September 13-15; 20-24, 27-30.
This means that you can contact your Congressman and Senators at their district or state-wide offices now! Or you can leave a phone message or send an email to them at their Washington D.C. office where their staff will likely pick up the phone or see that your email reaches your Congressman or Senators.
If you don’t know how to contact your Congressman or Senator in D.C. or at his district or home office, go to List of Representatives and Senators - When you fill in the state slot on the left side of the page the list of your state’s Congressmen and Senators will come up alphabetically. Click the name and it will bring you to your representative’s official website and give you all the information you need on his or her home offices, email address, etc.
Whichever method of contact you choose, please act now or as soon as possible as the NDAA will be coming to the House and Senate floor for a vote anytime after the House and Senate members return to Washington.
Please also send this mailing to all your email contacts, especially those who have young daughters. A letter or email from a young girl or young woman to their Congressman and Senators opposing the draft for women will probably be the most effective weapon we have in our profamily and prolife arsenal opposing the registration of women to the military draft.
Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Randy Engel, U.S. Coalition for Life
The text of the House version of the NDAA is available at Text - H.R.4350 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 | | Library of Congress
Please send any feedback you receive from your Congressman and Senators to Randy Engel, the U.S. Coalition for Life at
Authorities in Italy have launched an investigation after a child, the only survivor of a deadly cable car crash in May, was taken to Israel by his grandfather.
The six escaped from Gilboa Prison in the pre-dawn hours of Monday morning, making their way out through their cell’s drainage system and an empty space underneath the prison.
The escape exposed a series of failures at the prison, and Public Security Minister Barlev said on Thursday that he had decided to form a government commission to probe the incident.
Among the apparent lapses were failure to learn lessons from previous escape attempts and several operational blunders, including unmanned watchtowers and sleeping guards.
The trial of Malka Leifer opened in the Melbourne court on Monday morning, with the former principal being accused of 74 counts of child sexual abuse and rape.
Demetra Street alleges that Wylie Funeral Homes committed some nefarious double-dipping, conducting two services for the same deceased person and pocketing money for both. She is suing the business for $8.5 million for breach of contract, negligence, fraud, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Yet as they talk about Jan. 6 — and maintain an armed camp around the Capitol — Dems remain remarkably incurious about what triggered a pandemic that claimed more than 600,000 American lives, prompted lockdowns that tanked the economy and rang up trillions in costs, which the nation will be repaying long into the future.
That Congress seems reluctant to explore the origins of the coronavirus — despite pleas from nonpartisan scientists specifically to examine the role Chinese labs might have played in creating or spreading it — is nothing short of scandalous. Finding out the truth about COVID’s origins could help save lives, yet Dems prefer to focus on Jan. 6.
America needs to get to the bottom of what caused this massive, once-in-a-century public-health catastrophe. If Democrats won’t probe even that, they certainly shouldn’t be wasting time and money on a partisan effort to keep talking about an “insurrection.”
Tractate Sukkah discusses the various observances of the joyous holiday of Sukkot: dwelling in a Sukkah, taking of the Four Kinds, and the festive dancing and praying that characterizes the weeklong celebration.
The tractate concludes with the story of Miriam of the Bilga clan, who had married a Greek and then acted disrespectfully in the Temple, and how the Sages dealt with her clan.
זאת תהיה תורת המצורע ביום טהרתו והובא אל הכהן: יש להעיר בזה לשון תורת מצורע כי היה ראוי לומר משפט המצורע: ולקח למטהר שתי צפרים חיות טהורות ועץ ארז ושני תולעת ואזוב ושחט את הצפור האחת על כלי חרש על מים חיים ואת הצפור החיה ושלח על פני השדה: לפע"ד יש בכאן רמז איך שהתורה הקדושה נותנת עצה להצדיק איך להעלות נשמות של ישראל ולקרבם לה' וע"ד אנכי ארד עמך מצרימה ואנכי אעלך גם עלה כי כשאדם נופל ממדריגתו ויורד ח"ו לבחי' מצרים אז כל הבחי' שלו יורדים עמו הן תורתו וכל המעשים שלו וכן כשיש לו עליה אזי עולין עמו כל המדריגות שלו הן תורתו עם מעשים טובים שלו וכל העולמות שהוא דבוק בהן יש להם ג"כ עליה עמו וזהו זאת תהיה תורת המצורע היינו מי שנפל ח"ו ממדריגתו וגם תורתו היא ג"כ בבחי' מצורע וכן כל הבחינות שלו: ביום טהרתו כשהוא מטהר עצמו אז והובא אל הכהן היינו ממילא והובא תורתו אל הכהן דא קב"ה ויש לה עליה וכן לכל המדריגות שלו ממילא נמשכים עמה ואח"כ מפרש אופן טהרתו שיתדבק אל הצדיק ובמה יטהרנו הצדיק ולק' למטהר שתי צפרים חיות טהורות: כי כן שמעתי מאא"ז זללה"ה כי כל עליות של האד' א"א להיות כ"א ע"י ראשי וצדיקי הדור הן המדות של האדם הן דיבורים שלו הכל הצדיק יכול להעלות ויש שני בחי' בזה יש אנשים שהצדיק מעלה אותן בתורתו ותפלתו ויש אנשים שאינו יכול להעלותן כ"א בשיחה שלו ע"ד ועלהו לא יבול אפילו שיחת חולין שלו יש בו צורך אף שנראה שהם דברים בטלים ובאמת הצדיק מעלה אותו ע"י דיבורים שלו שמדבר עמו וכן שמעתי מאא"ז זללה"ה ולאו כל אדם זוכה לזה כמו שאמר אא"ז זללה"ה על המשנה ראוה מדברת עם אחד ודי בזה: וזה י"ל שמרמז הפסוק ולקח למטהר שתי צפרים לשון פיטפוטי דברים והיינו שתי צפרים פי' ב' מיני דבורים כנ"ל שבהם הוא מטהר לנשמות ישראל כ"א לפי בחינתו: חיות טהורות והיינו רק שיהיו הב' מיני דבורים הנ"ל בחיות ודביקות להשם ב"ה וטהורות מכל הפניות ועץ ארז ושני תולעת ואזוב ע"ד שכתוב אצל דוד המל' ע"ה עדני עצני כשהיה יוצא למלחמה היה מקשה עצמו כעץ וזהו עצני לנקום נקמתו וכשהיה עוסק בתורה היה מעדן עצמו כתולעת כן דרשו חז"ל נמצא היה לו ב' בחינות בחי' גבורה וגדלות ובחי' שפלות וזהו בכל צדיק שני בחינות אלו שנראה לבני העולם שמתנהג בבחי' גבורה וגדלות וזהו עץ ארז ארז הוא מספר יצחק שהוא בחי' גבורה ובאמת הוא אזוב היינו שפל ושני תולעת היינו כבחי' דוד מעדן עצמו כתולעת: ושחט את הצפור האחת היינו בחי' דיבור א' שהוא בתורתו ותפלתו על כלי חרש היינו לשם השכינה שנקרא כלי חרש יעסוק בתורתו ותפלתו על מים חיים היינו התורה שנקראת מים חיים מים נובעי' וע"י התורה מעלה אותם שהם אחוזים בשורשם בתורה ואת הצפור החיה היינו הדבור השני: ושלח על פני השדה היינו לעלות אנשים ריקים הנקראים איש שדה שאינו יכול להעלותם בתורתו כ"א בסיפורי דבריו כנ"ל: וזהו שהתורה הקדושה בנועם אמריה יהיבת עצה לחכימי דרא איך להעלות ולקרב נשמות ישראל להשם יתברך והבן:
I have been recently researching the issue of Avoda Zara. Contrary to popular believe it doesn't just mean avoiding bowing down to idols. It primarily means not ascribing the ability to grant benefit independent of G-d.
One of the themes of the rav's Shabbos Shuva drasha was that tshuva means to return to G-d i.e. that He one alone provides us with what we need.
שׁ֚וּבָה יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֖ד יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ כִּ֥י כָשַׁ֖לְתָּ בַּעֲוֺנֶֽךָ׃ Hoshea 14:2
איכה ה׳:(כא) הֲשִׁיבֵ֨נוּ יְהוָ֤ה ׀ אֵלֶ֙יךָ֙ ונשוב [וְֽנָשׁ֔וּבָה] חַדֵּ֥שׁ יָמֵ֖ינוּ כְּקֶֽדֶם׃
Even though this seems obvious.,however today there is a competing understanding.
Acquiring enough zechusim so that G-d must give us what we want. This means by giving tzadaka to one of several particular causes, receiving a blessing from a pariculat tzadik or gadol or through segulos in particular saying Nismas for 40 day .
This latter approach is basically viewing tshuva as a vending machine, once enough coins are inserted the desired result will happen. There is no concern or involvement of G-d.
The New York Post, a conservative outlet, seized on the moment with a headline reading: “Tree of Life synagogue disputes Biden’s claim he visited after massacre.” It included a statement from the synagogue’s executive director saying Biden did not visit the synagogue.
But Biden did not precisely say he visited the synagogue, because he never finished his sentence. He seemed to start out recalling visiting the synagogue, but mid-sentence changed his recollection to speaking with someone.
CDC shows unvaccinated individuals are 11 times more likely to die of COVID-19 * Vaccines likely to be approved for kids 5-11 before the end of the year