Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Turns Out Mo Brooks Was Wearing Body Armor to Trump’s Very Peaceful Jan. 6 Rally

 Then, to prove his point about preparation, he revealed a new detail to me: that because of a tip he’d received about potential violence, he’d been wearing body armor at the very same Ellipse speech in which he encouraged rally attendees to “start taking down names and kicking ass.”

“I was warned on Monday that there might be risks associated with the next few days,” he said. “And as a consequence of those warnings, I did not go to my condo. Instead, I slept on the floor of my office. And when I gave my speech at the Ellipse, I was wearing body armor.

“That’s why I was wearing that nice little windbreaker,” he told me with a grin. “To cover up the body armor.”

Did Trump Say to 'Peacefully and Patriotically' March to the Capitol?

 The official impeachment resolution points to the moments before the joint session of Congress to certify the election results, Trump reiterated "false claims that 'we won this election and we won it in a landslide'" and "willfully made statements that, in context, encourages and foreseeably resulted in lawless action at the Capitol." These statements include: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore."


Trump's team glosses over his Jan. 6 tirade

 Donald Trump’s legal team thoroughly distorted his remarks from the rally that prefaced the storming of the Capitol last month, seizing on the one instance when Trump spoke of peaceful protest in his “fight like hell” tirade of anger and grievance.

Trump attorney Michael van der Veen accused House Democratic impeachment managers of showing selectively edited scenes of the violence and Trump’s words Jan. 6.

Yet he ignored the incendiary substance and tenor of that staging speech as well as the president’s words of affection for the attackers later, while they were still hunting for lawmakers and sacking their offices. He ignored the fact, too, that all of Trump’s provocations that day and for weeks beforehand had the lie of a stolen election at their core.

Beit Shemesh synagogue demolished - with Torah scroll still inside

The haredi community in Beit Shemesh has slammed the city's municipality for demolishing a synagogue while the Torah scroll was still inside it, Kikar Hashabbat reported.

According to the residents, the municipal workers did not even bother to remove the holy books before demolishing the synagogue.

The synagogue, housed in a caravan built four years ago, serves the community of "Hanikhei Hayeshivot" in Ramah C. Early on Tuesday morning, municipal workers arrived at the site and completely demolished it.

‘Breakthrough’ Infections Do Not Mean COVID Vaccines Are Failing

Endless news cycles and viral social media warn of “breakthrough infections” in people already vaccinated for COVID-19. These reports leave the mistaken impression that protections afforded by the vaccines are not working—and they can fuel reticence among the millions of people in the U.S. who have yet to get a shot. But such infections are not only known to occur after COVID vaccination. They frequently happen following inoculation against influenza, measles and many other diseases.

Pro-Israel Democrat Shontel Brown Defeats Progressive Nina Turner in Ohio Democratic Primary

 Voters in Ohio's solidly blue 11th district opted for Brown, a pro-Israel leader in the Ohio party apparatus with strong ties to the Democratic establishment, over Turner, an outspoken progressive who came to national prominence as a Bernie Sanders surrogate. 

Brown thanked her "Jewish brothers and sisters" during her victory remarks, adding how her 2018 trip to Israel gave her insight into the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Nina Turner Learns the Hard Way That Democrats Like Joe Biden

 Turner lost a special primary election for Congress in Cleveland on Tuesday to rival Shontel Brown, a county councilwoman, by a margin of 50-45 percent. The seat was vacated when Marcia Fudge resigned from Congress to become Biden’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. It seemed like a lock for Turner, a former state senator who raised the most money and went on TV the earliest. But then the campaign turned into an intra-Democratic proxy fight between the party’s left wing and “normie Democrats.”

Palestinian-American convicted of deadly West Bank terror attack

 A military court on Tuesday convicted a Palestinian man with US citizenship of murder, for shooting dead a Jewish student in the West Bank.

The court “convicted the terrorist Muntasir Shalabi, based on his confession, of the crime of intentional manslaughter — equivalent to the offense of murder,” the Israel Defense Forces said.

In addition, Shalabi was convicted of “several counts of attempted intentional manslaughter, and possession of a weapon and obstruction of justice,” according to a military statement.

בית שמש: העירייה הרסה בית כנסת עם ספר התורה בפנים

בית הכנסת של קהילת חניכי הישיבות בעיר בית שמש נהרס בשעת בוקר מוקדמת על ידי העירייה, וזאת יותר מארבע שנים להקמת המקום • המתפללים זועמים: ר   התורה היה בפנים

President Biden Calls on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign After Sexual Harassment Report

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo faced mounting pressure Tuesday to resign, including from President Joe Biden and other onetime Democratic allies, after an investigation found he sexually harassed nearly a dozen women and worked to retaliate against one of his accusers.

“I think he should resign,” Biden told reporters Tuesday, echoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York’s U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, all Democrats.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, state attorney general report says

 The New York attorney general's investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo found that Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, Attorney General Letitia James announced Tuesday.

The office found that Cuomo harassed current and former state employees, as well as a number of women outside of state government, James said, as the office released a lengthy report on the investigation.
James said Tuesday that her investigation found that Cuomo engaged in "unwelcome and nonconsensual touching," and made comments of a "suggestive" sexual nature. James said that the conduct created a "hostile work environment for women."
Cuomo's conduct violated multiple federal and state laws, James said.

Capitol riots: Did Trump's words at rally incite violence?

 On 6 January, thousands of Trump supporters gathered at a "Save America" rally organised to challenge the result of last November's presidential election.

They listened as Mr Trump spoke to them on the National Mall, near the White House in Washington DC.

In a 70-minute address, Mr Trump exhorted them to march on Congress where politicians had met to certify Democrat Joe Biden's win. The attack began moments after he took the applause.

Those words have now played a central part in his second impeachment, which lawmakers voted in favour of last month.

So what did he say? Here are five key quotes, followed by some legal analysis from Professor Garrett Epps of the University of Baltimore.

Donald Trump is the accelerant 

 A comprehensive timeline of Trump encouraging hate groups and political violence.

Following 'Post' op-ed, CNN apologizes to Dore Gold for misquote

"On last week's show, I asked King Abdullah about the concept that there would be no stand-alone Palestine state in the future that but instead his nation, Jordan, would become the de-facto Palestine state," said Zakaria "I said the idea had been recently mentioned by long time Israeli diplomat, Dore Gold. I was wrong. Many have talked about that concept, but not ambassador Gold. I apologize for that error."